Being generally a matter of men that severely affects families, we must know that the origins of witchcraft are multiple. It can be consciously or unconsciously triggered by the parents, but more often, it is carried out by a person who leads a group and manages all the graces, virtues, health, and events of the family. This group functions like a nighttime government of the family that decides the fate of its members. They can influence your life, your growth from birth to maturity, or even target you when you become of marriageable age (i.e., when you reach the age to marry) by deciding:

  • The job you must do;
  • Whether you will prosper or not;
  • Whether you should marry or not;
  • Whether you should have children or not;
  • When you should die.

This family brotherhood is like your family government, but an occult family government holding nighttime meetings, led by a president, with a prime minister, a minister of defense, security, and agriculture (who oversees the nighttime operations) by their side.

In other words, it is an organization that decides for you, on your behalf, and generally against you when you seem to stand out from the others in the family and begin to emerge. In a large family, witchcraft may be practiced by one of the smaller families that constitute it, i.e., by the father, mother, or child of a single family linked by blood, or by a witchcraft family formed by various members of the larger family.

This occult shadow family is led by the strong man or the strong woman of the family, and generally, these individuals always have the final say during family meetings. It should also be noted that their children are usually exempt from the problems and difficulties that trouble the larger family. For example:

  • They have good studies;
  • They have better jobs;
  • They are married and have children;
  • They have achieved their projects, prospered, and everything is going well for them.

Meanwhile, the other children of the other families within the large family struggle just to complete their education, and one can observe that among the rest of the family:

  • The children have difficulty finishing their studies, and some don’t even attend classes due to sudden intellectual difficulties in learning. Even if they miraculously finish, they will struggle to secure decent work. Even if they find decent work, they may not receive a salary, etc.;
  • They have trouble marrying, and when they do, they cannot have children and may return to their parents after difficult divorces;
  • They have no prosperity, no future, and are always forced to ask other family members for help.

In reality, this family witchcraft is a bargaining witchcraft, where graces, virtues, favors, and all valuable things are sold:

  • One can sell all or part of your body while you sleep;
  • They sell your leg or rent it to someone to make it a horse at night, causing unexplained leg pains;
  • They sell your womb to another woman, using it to prepare spiritually or to have children while giving you a sterile womb;
  • Your head can be a drum to summon their nighttime meetings, causing sudden pains and migraines both at night and during the day;
  • They sell your wealth, which is why money keeps escaping you;
  • They sell your intelligence, eyes, hands, tubes, blood (explaining chronic anemia);
  • Your back is the chair of the strong man or woman of the family (the cause of chronic back pain);
  • You can be sold by family witchcraft for free, and you will find no respite unless you pledge allegiance to the person controlling the family in witchcraft. If you resist, a war of destruction will be imposed on you, resulting in misfortunes of all kinds;
  • You have a recurring health issue whose origin is never found;
  • You have issues with your children/parents (such as endless, unfounded arguments);
  • You suffer misfortunes with no rational explanation, including inexplicable incidents or accidents;
  • There are repeated failures in your projects or in your children’s studies;
  • Your house is a battlefield over trivial matters, with inexplicable consequences (serious injuries, destruction of your few possessions, etc.);
  • You are called arrogant when you refuse the orders of the wicked person and seek to free yourself from their spirit of control.

Know that the person controlling you in secret loves to say: “As long as I am here, as long as I am alive, you will not be able to do this or that, you will never become anything.” In this case, the outcome of your life and even your survival depends on the spiritual war and struggle you wage, which ultimately leads to the disappearance of the strong man or strong woman. Therefore, with anger and determination, you must make the decision to put an end to the family witchcraft that has lasted too long…

This text is an excerpt from the book “FAMILY WITCHCRAFT” written by Rév BLAISE KANGA.

We invite you to read the following article: Pacts, Tricks, and Witchcraft Conflicts.



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