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  • Ethics 101: What Every Leader Need To Know

    Introducing ETHICS 101 by John C Maxwell, the ultimate guide to living a life of integrity and ethical behavior! Have you ever found yourself struggling to determine what is right and wrong in a particular situation? Look no further than Maxwell’s insight on how to live a life of honesty and morality.

    In this groundbreaking book, Maxwell reveals that there’s no such thing as “business ethics” or “personal ethics” – only ethics! He shows that there is a universal ethical standard that can be applied to all situations, regardless of your background, culture, or religion. And what is that standard? It’s the Golden Rule, a principle that has been passed down in every major religion throughout history.

    ETHICS 101 will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, as you learn about the desires of the human heart and what motivates us to act in certain ways. You’ll also discover the five most common causes that get people off track ethically and learn how to develop the Midas touch when it comes to integrity.

    Whether you’re a business leader, a student, or just someone looking to live a more ethical life, ETHICS 101 is the perfect guide for you. With practical insights and inspiring examples, Maxwell will show you how to live with integrity and use the Golden Rule as your standard in all situations.

    Don’t miss out on this life-changing book – get your copy of ETHICS 101 today and start living a life of honesty and morality!
