Showing all 13 results

  • 1000 Micro Churches

    The Bible reveals to us a New Testament church that was filled with thousands of souls. When a church has thousands of souls, it is a mega church. If God has put in your heart a vision to build a mega church, this is the book that will help you realise that dream. The author, Dag Heward-Mills, in this amazing book explains why the devil is against the assembly and outlines how the simple steps of planting 1000 small seed-like micro churches can help you build a Mega Church. May your ministry transform through the powerful effects of 1000 micro churches!

    Dag Heward-Mills

    12.000 CFA
  • Bibliothèque Makarios : Pack de 100 livres

    Le Makarios offre une compilation de 100 ouvrages essentiels couvrant une vaste gamme de sujets, allant des fondements de la vie chrétienne à l’art d’être un leader efficace dans l’œuvre divine. Cette collection comprend :

    • Une série complète d’ouvrages dédiés au ministère pastoral,
    • Plusieurs livres explorant l’évangélisation et son importance cruciale,
    • Des publications approfondies sur la loyauté et la déloyauté, particulièrement pertinentes pour les dirigeants ecclésiastiques et les fidèles,
    • Des écrits éclairants sur la vie chrétienne, offrant des conseils pratiques et spirituels,
    • Des guides sur le mariage exemplaire et le service ministériel conjugal,
    • Une série dédiée à l’onction divine et son rôle dans la vie du croyant,
    • Des ouvrages détaillant les stratégies d’implantation et de croissance des églises.

    Dag heward-mills

    140.000 CFA
  • Church Administration

    Practical solutions to the challenges of church administration are clearly outlined in this phenomenal new book by Dag Heward-Mills.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Church Planting

    What is the main task of a pastor? Is it to perform funerals and to officiate weddings? Certainly not! These are certainly duties of a minister but they are not main duties.

    If your ministry has deteriorated to the point where your main functions are to conduct marriages and bury people, then you need to read your Bible again! The main duty of a minister is to fulfil the Great Commission

    Dag heward-mills

    9.000 CFA
  • How You Can Make Full Proof of Your Ministry

    None of us plans to arrive in heaven without having done what God wanted us to do on earth. No, not one! We want to complete the tasks God has assigned us.

    This book is about how to fulfil your ministry. This book is a guide to how we may respond to the divine events in our lives – in order not to be found wanting on that day.

    May you fulfil your ministry and may God say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

    Dag heward-mills

    10.000 CFA
  • Makarios Library 51-100

    Free Delivery

    Makarios Library 51-100 contains:

    1. Spiritual Dangers
    2. Blood Power
    3. How to be born again and avoid hell
    4. Read your Bible, pray everyday if you want to grow
    5. How you can be become a strong Christian
    6. How you can have an effective quiet time with God every day
    7. Backslinding: Develop your staying power
    8. Daughter you can make it
    9. The time & Your ministry
    10. Know your invible enemies
    11. Make yourselves saviours of men
    12. Everyday by prayer, nothing without prayer
    13. The determinants
    14. Attemp great things for God
    15. Can’t you do just a little be more?
    16. Seven great principles (2nd Edition)
    17. Steps to God’s Presence
    18. The double mega missionary church
    19. Labour to be blessed…labour not to be rich
    20. Those who honour you
    21. The anointing and the presence
    22. Faith secrets
    23. Flow in the anointing
    24. Flow prayer book
    25. Judgment and Justice
    26. Fruitfulness
    27. One thousand Micro churches
    28. Why few are chosen
    29. Lord know you need somebody
    30. The privilege
    31. The gift of governments “A Bishop’s coverning handbook”
    32. Wisdom is the principal thing for your ministry
    33. Predestination
    34. Ministerial Barrenness
    35. If you love the Lord
    36. Ready @ 20
    37. Enlargement secret
    38. Am i goog for nothing?
    39. Be thou faithful unto Death
    40. Going deeper and doing more
    41. Tasters and partakers…
    42. Weeping and Gnashing
    43. Not a novice
    44. Stir it up
    45. Seeing and hearing
    46. The church must send or it will end
    47. The word of my patience
    48. Those who are offended
    49. Etc…



    200.000 CFA
  • Ministerial Barrenness

    There is more to ministry than the acquiring of numerous certificates of Bible knowledge. Barrenness is a terrible, depressing and devastating problem that happens both in the natural and in the ministry. Barrenness in ministry is the cause of much of our discouragement, disappointment and disillusionment as pastors. Many pastors fall out of the race through discouragement and disillusionment because they are barren in ministry. Barrenness is the reason for the lack of real fruit in the modern Christian church. There are a lot of activities and a lot of programmes but there is little or no fruit. God wants us to be fruitful. God wants us to expand in ministry. In order to be fruitful you must understand what barrenness really is. Barrenness is a problem that God wants to deal with in your ministry. This timely book, by Dag Heward-Mills will help you to break out of barrenness in your ministry. When the spirit of barrenness is taken away you will break out in fruitfulness. You are coming out of barrenness today!

    Dag heward-mills

    10.000 CFA
  • The Art of Ministry

    To develop an art is to develop an ability or a skill. The Bible states that favor comes to men of skill. The work of ministry demands great ability. This new book “The Art of Ministry” is a much-needed resource for all who desire to do the work of ministry. It clearly presents what is the right and wrong thinking of ministry, what is required of you as a worker in ministry and how to perform the tasks of a minister. This exceptional book by Dag Heward-Mills will challenge you to walk worthy of the call of God and guide you into giving yourself wholly to the work of ministry.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • The Art Of Shepherding

    Si vous êtes un berger du troupeau de Dieu, vous serez grandement aidé par ce travail réfléchi. Ces pages contiennent des instructions détaillées et soigneusement sélectionnées, vitales pour le succès.

    8.000 CFA
  • The Double Mega Missionary Church

    God has a master plan to multiply His people and increase them like a flock. God’s plan is that His people shall not be few and His people shall not be small!

    This is God’s plan for you.Have you wondered if church growth was possible? Have you tried many strategies which have not worked? This is the book you have been waiting for!

    Receive every single word of prophecy written herein and believe that they apply to your life and ministry! Yet another indispensable title for your “Church Growth” collection, this book is will take your ministry to the level of a double, mega missionary church, through tried and tested strategies used by the author himself, with undeniable results!

    8.000 CFA
  • The Gift of Governments: A Bishop’s Governing Handbook

    In 1 Corinthians 12:28, the Bible tells us about a number of gifts that God has made available in the church. These different gifts together, help the church of God to forge ahead with strength. The gift of governments is one of the gifts that God has set in the church. How should the leadership of the church be conducted? What should the leaders of the church do? The Bible clearly states, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” We are to take the gift of governments seriously, and this priceless book by Dag Heward-Mills will help your church leadership, church administration and church government in a practical every-day way!

    Dag heward-mills

    15.000 CFA
  • The Leader’s Manual on Loyalty and Disloyalty

    Free Delivery


    Proven Principles and strategies thoroughly discussed and the underlying logic behind them made transparent
    – A valuable resource for any minister
    – An excellent reference and practical guide – An authoritative handbook to establish churches
    -Invaluable tips for training laity to perform priestly functions
    – Helpful hints on how to prevent church splits

    Dag heward-mills

    45.000 CFA
  • What it Means to Become a Shepherd

    Only one thing occurs to you when you hear the word “Shepherd” – sheep! Sheep are dependent creatures that need shepherds. A shepherd is a caring loving guide to the sheep. In the Bible God refers to us as the sheep of His pasture.
    Jesus also told Peter to feed His sheep, to prove his love for the Savior. Being a shepherd a is a very great job. It is an honor to be called by God o enlist in his workforce and to look after sheep.
    In this book, Dag Heward-Mills invites us, urges us and shows us how we may join this great work of looking after God’s people. Don’t be left out of this beautiful job of how to become a shepherd!

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA