Showing 1–20 of 118 results

  • 214 Facts About Fear & Worry

    “Fear, a malevolent spirit that has shackled countless souls throughout the annals of time, serves as a nefarious tool employed by the devil to imprison and dismantle lives. It is an insidious force that recognizes no boundaries of age, status, or nationality, indiscriminately tormenting its victims and often culminating in untimely deaths. However, in the pages of this transformative book, fear is laid bare, its mystique unraveled, and its malevolence demystified.

    The author embarks on a courageous journey to expose the intricate workings of fear, peeling back the layers that shroud its true nature. Fear is not merely an emotional response; it is a spiritual force that seeks to paralyze and control. By demystifying fear, the book unravels the mechanisms through which it entangles individuals, shedding light on the tactics employed by the adversary to maintain his grip on the hearts and minds of humanity.

    Crucially, this profound exploration does not leave readers defenseless in the face of fear’s onslaught. Instead, it arms them with potent weapons – spiritual and mental tools – to conquer fear and emerge as true champions of faith. The author delves into the arsenal of faith, providing readers with the knowledge and insights needed to dismantle the stronghold fear has erected within their lives.

    Each page unfolds as a strategic battle plan, offering not only a comprehensive understanding of fear but also a step-by-step guide on how to liberate oneself from its clutches. The weapons provided are not mere theoretical concepts but practical, actionable steps that empower individuals to confront and overcome fear head-on.

    Moreover, the book emphasizes that conquering fear is not a passive endeavor but an active engagement with one’s faith. It challenges readers to confront their fears with courage, resilience, and an unwavering belief in a higher power. By fostering a mindset of faith, the author encourages a transformative shift, enabling individuals to navigate life’s challenges with newfound strength and resilience.

    In essence, this book is a beacon of hope and empowerment for those ensnared by the clutches of fear. It serves as a guide to liberation, equipping individuals with the tools needed to break free from the chains that bind them and to step into a future marked by courage, faith, and the triumphant spirit of a true champion.”

    9.000 CFA
  • 30 Things The Anointing Can Do For You

    30 Things Anointing Can Do For You: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Divine Anointing”

    In the realm of spiritual empowerment, “30 Things Anointing Can Do For You” stands as a unique and enlightening exploration of the profound subject of anointing. Anointing, often described as the burden-removing and yoke-breaking power of God, holds the key to supernatural functionality for both men and women. It is the divine catalyst that empowers individuals to operate beyond natural limitations, enabling them to accomplish feats that transcend the ordinary.

    Authored under the influence of this potent anointing, this book is a comprehensive guide that unpacks the manifold ways in which anointing can impact and transform your life. Rather than merely conceptualizing anointing as a theological abstraction, the author, operating under the anointing’s divine influence, presents a tangible and practical framework for understanding its capabilities.

    Anointing, when activated, becomes the driving force that propels individuals to perform supernatural feats. The book intricately details how anointing serves as the conduit through which divine power flows, imparting the ability to achieve extraordinary things beyond human comprehension. It transcends the mundane and ushers believers into a realm of limitless possibilities, fostering an environment where the supernatural becomes a natural occurrence.

    The thirty revelations within this book unveil the myriad dimensions of anointing, showcasing its multifaceted nature. From healing the sick to breaking strongholds, anointing emerges as a dynamic force with the capacity to bring about transformative change in various aspects of life. The author skillfully navigates through each revelation, providing insights that bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application.

    This book is a must-read for those passionate about delving into the depths of the anointing and harnessing the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a resource that not only imparts knowledge but also serves as a guide for individuals seeking to activate and maximize the potential of anointing in their lives. Through the pages of this insightful work, readers are invited to embark on a journey that unveils the untapped reservoirs of anointing, encouraging them to embrace a life marked by divine empowerment, supernatural accomplishments, and an intimate connection with the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into this transformative exploration of the profound impact that anointing can have on your spiritual journey.”

    4.500 CFA
  • Be Prepared

    Be Prepared. It is not difficult to know that only very few people think. While thinking may look quite natural, it is a very hard work and sometimes a very dangerous assignment. Only very few people do serious thinking, and even fewer people engage in serious meditation. Most people have not bothered to ask themselves where they came from. Have you ever thought of that? Where is your origin? These and other similar questions with their answers as given by the word of God is the subject matter of this book. Please read on and be blessed as you witness a transforming change from within.

    5.000 CFA
  • Bewitchment must die

    Bewitchment must die Are you operating under powers beyond your control? Do you make unexplainable mistakes? Do you fail even when all that should make you succeed is in place? Are you disoriented, confused and clumsy? Then you are bewitched and need to be delivered fast. But how? Read this book carefully and pray the prayer points aggressively to defeat bewitchment.

    3.500 CFA

    God makes the impossible possible and gives grace to accomplish the incredible. He makes people hit spiritual jackpot. We must wage war against the powers that oppose the perfect will of God for us and violently contend for our breakthrough. This book gives us the keys to spectacular breakthroughs.

    7.000 CFA
  • Breakthrough Prayer For Business Professionals

    God makes the impossible possible and gives grace to accomplish the incredible. He makes people hit spiritual jackpot. We must wage war against the powers that oppose the perfect will of God for us and violently contend for our breakthrough. This book gives us the keys to spectacular breakthroughs.


    9.800 CFA
  • Can God Trust You?

    Can God Trust You ? This book contains the secrets of enjoying and receiving divine favor. The author candid approach is revealing and the style edifying. Can “God Trust You ” is a book for all believers. It is thoroughly biblical, down to earth and practical. This book will lead you nto the center of God’s will. It will challenge you to move to the level where mountaintop experiences will be your lot. Here is a rich encounter with a God who answers by fire.


    3.530 CFA
  • Candidates of Bewitchment

    Bewitchment has assumed an epidemic proportion now. Unfortunately a lot of people are ignorant of their true state. They believe that they know what they are doing whereas they have completely lost control of their lives. These individuals hobnob with their own very enemies and praise those destroying them. If you are still living below the standard of God for your life, or you are struggling against a force you can neither understand nor master, know that there is bewitchment in place. This book shows you the way of escape.



    3.700 CFA

    In order to make champions, you have to equip them from a young age with the winning mentality. The mentality that they have something special. This is how you equip the armed ones. But you, the children of God, are the heirs of a glory and an authority never experienced on earth. You are special, unique beings in whom God himself dwells through the general of the earth who is the Holy Spirit.



    4.250 CFA

    Champions of God, witness the divine manifestation in our lives through the selfless sacrifice of His only Son, the Precious Jesus. The miraculous transformation unfolds as we, each one of us, become adopted sons, infused with the Holy Spirit. In this sacred union, we are elevated to an extraordinary existence, mirroring the likeness of Jesus Christ Himself. Such is the remarkable work of the Lord in shaping our lives into a reflection of His boundless love and grace.

    4.250 CFA
  • Connecting to the God of Breakthroughs

    Connecting to the God of Breakthroughs offers us uncommon revelations concerning what it takes to obtain breakthroughs from the throne of grace. This book will connect you to your needed breakthroughs. The author celebrates the God of breakthroughs by portraying His attributes, acknowleding His supremacy, exalting His magnanimity and highlighting the power of His might. This book will boost your faith and energize you spiritually. It will surely flag off a season of turn-around breakthroughs.


    4.250 CFA
  • Contending for the kingdom

    Contending For The Kingdom unfolds the secrets of victory, which have become elusive in the modern day. This book is for champions. It is educative, practical and edifying. It highlights the principles of victorious living and shows the reader how to move from the valley to mountaintop. Students in the school of prayer and spiritual warfare will benefit immensely from the author’s unique approach. It is a must read for those who are bent on climbing the ladder of victory.
    4.000 CFA
  • Criminals in the House of God

    Criminals in the House of God. Criminals are commonly found in police cells, in the prisons, in courts, in the streets or generally in dark and unholy places. But you may be surprised to know that there are actually criminals in the house of God. The state of the church these days is very lamentable. God is going to clean His house and any unprofitable tree shall be uprooted. A certain pastor had his congregation weighed on the scale by an angel of God. Out of 2,900 people in the church only 80 were ready for heaven. It will be very sad if the trumpet sounds!


    10.000 CFA
  • Cut it down

    Trees are planted to produce fruits and when they are not productive, we are not happy. God has planted us to bear spiritual fruits, which invariably results in sweet physical fruits. He is the heavenly Gardener. That is why it is very important that you know your purpose on earth. The book in your hand is a useful tool on how your life can bear fruit, since that is God’s expectation. It also helps you to know the kind of fruit you should bear. When you bear the right kind of fruit, you will prosper both spiritually and physically.


    4.250 CFA
  • Cut It Down !

    Trees are planted to produce fruits and when they are not productive, we are not happy. God has planted us to bear spiritual fruits, which invariably results in sweet physical fruits. He is the heavenly Gardener. That is why it is very important that you know your purpose on earth. The book in your hand is a useful tool on how your life can bear fruit, since that is God’s expectation. It also helps you to know the kind of fruit you should bear. When you bear the right kind of fruit, you will prosper both spiritually and physically.

    4.000 CFA
  • Dealing with the Evil Powers of your Father’s House

    The Power of the father’s house of Gideon caged his destiny. The power of the father’s house of David landed him in adultery and murder. Unless a man cuts off the evil flow from the power of his father’s house, he will not fulfil his destiny. This book teaches how you can cut off the evil flow in your family line. This book will set the captives free.


    8.500 CFA
  • Dealing with the Powers of the Night

    Dealing with the powers of the night July 2012 Many plots of the night by the enemy have put many people into confusion. Many destinies are upside down as a result of terrible blows recieved during night attacks. This is so because the mystery and principles of the night are yet to be understood by many. A lot of problems, which many people are grappling with were perpetuated during the night hours. Unfortunately, many have gone to early graves and many destinies are being sunk everyday by these powers. The author of this book starts by telling us the origin of the night. He goes further to reveal the powers of the night, their activities and weapons of operation. Also, he gives a detailed survival strategy on how to be delivered from these powers and ways of staying immune to their attacks. This book will help you to live a trouble-free life anywhere you find yourself.


    4.000 CFA
  • Dealing with the rage of power blockers

    Powerlessness is the bane of the modem day Church as well as believers. Without the power of God, doing exploits will be difficult, resisting the devil will be hard and reigning in life as well as manifesting the glory of God will be a mirage.This highly anointed book shows you how you can move from powerlessness to the realm of power explosion. It is loaded with winning principles that will terminate the activities of power blockers in your life and turn you to an unstoppable power generator.It is the book your destiny has been waiting for!
    7.600 CFA
  • Dealing With The Satanic Exchange

    God has designed sophisticated weapons of spiritual warfare to enable the believer experience victory in the battles of life. Dealing with the Satanic Exchange offers total deliverance from all forms of bondage and oppression. The approach is thorough, the style is simple and the presentation is digestible. This book is divinely arranged as a means of cancelling every programme of exchange orchestrated by demonic forces. The prayer points will prove a formidable weapon as far as the recovery of stolen virtues are concerned.


    4.000 CFA

    Afflictions and sufferings abound today as a result of secret poison in many lives. Some people are conscious of these secret destroyers in their lives while others are not. Inability to discover and to deal with these secrets poisons have led many to an early grave while many are going down everyday physically and spiritually due to the presence of these things. Any life that harbors these pollutants can never fulfill his or her destiny. The author in this book identifies these poisons, their sources and how to get rid of them so that you can be what God wants you to be.
    3.600 CFA