Showing 161–180 of 196 results

  • Robin hood-Ladybird

    Join Robin Hood and his band of outlaws as they outsmart their enemies in Ladybird Readers. Our Level 5 Reader is A2 in the CEFR framework and perfect for young learners of English as a foreign or second language who are preparing for the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) exams.

    With longer and more complex sentences that include up to three clauses, a variety of adverbs and pronouns, and modal verbs, this Reader will challenge and stimulate young minds. And with language activities that provide preparation for YLE Flyers and KET exams, our series is an invaluable resource for parents and teachers looking to help their children or students develop their language skills.

    Beautifully illustrated and carefully written, Ladybird Readers combines the best of Ladybird content with structured language progression, helping young learners to improve their reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills.

    So if you want to inspire a love of reading and help your child or students prepare for exams, choose Ladybird Readers – where learning English is both enjoyable and effective!

    7.850 CFA
  • SAGESSE DU PASSÉ POUR VOTRE MARIAGE Parcourez 20 siècles en 50 méditations

    Le passé renferme des siècles de trésors inestimables, des conseils d’hommes et de femmes d’une grande sagesse, inspirés par la foi chrétienne. Qu’ont déclaré ceux qui nous ont précédé dans la foi, au sujet du mariage ? D’Ignace d’Antioche à J.R.R. Tolkien en passant par Thomas d’Aquin et Elizabeth Elliott, tous ont fait l’expérience du mariage ou enseigné sur le sujet. À travers 50 méditations commentées par les auteurs, découvrez 2 000 ans de conseils remarquablement modernes.

    Robert L. Plummer est auteur et orateur. Il enseigne aussi le grec et le Nouveau Testament. Robert et sa femme, Chandi, ont trois filles.
    Matthew D. Haste enseigne la théologie pratique. Il est marié avec Cheyenne et ils ont trois enfants.

    16.600 CFA
  • Secret des Héros: Une histoire d’amour

    Ce livre est un véritable cadeau d’amour pour tous les chrétiens qui se donneront la peine de le lire. Pour ceux qui sont déterminés à marquer la différence dans notre génération, l’évangéliste Ampère Sidol a donné le secret pour vivre véritablement le ciel bien étant encore sur cette terre. Celui de retourner au Seigneur ce qu’il a perdu dans le jardin d’Eden: L’amour pour Dieu.

    Amoureux du Seigneur, Ampère Sidol a d’abord décrit les indicateurs de notre amour pour Dieu. Ensuite il a montré les avantages que nous avons en aimant véritablement Dieu. Selon lui, la vie chrétienne est une histoire d’amour et non de religion.

    5.000 CFA
  • Seven Deadly Passions

    Here is Seven deadly passions:

    1. Worry
    2. Jealousy
    3. Bitterness
    4. Anger
    5. Grief
    6. Envy
    7. Hatred
    7.075 CFA
  • Single With A Difference

    The single years of a man’s development is designed of God to be a season of laying a solid foundation for a great life of exploits. A foundation that will equip you for a life that makes a notable difference to your world. But in this fast-paced generation that we live in today, everyone seems to be in a hurry to move ahead of events. The same has become true of many singles who oftentimes fail to see and enjoy the tremendous fun and benefits that God has designed for this season of life. This timely book will reveal to you the necessary practical steps to take in order to make the most of this unique phase of your life so as to become a fulfilled single; standing out to make a difference in your generation.


    8.000 CFA

    « Le Fils, expression de Dieu, s’est incarné, il est devenu homme et a vécu parmi nous. Oui, nous avons contemplé sa splendeur glorieuse […]. Tout en lui n’était que grâce et vérité » (Jean 1 : 14, PV).

    Quand Jésus parlait, les gens écoutaient. Quand Jésus voyageait, les gens le suivaient. Quand Jésus est apparu, des cœurs ont été transformés, des vies sauvées à jamais.

    « Le Fils, expression de Dieu, s’est incarné, il est devenu homme et a vécu parmi nous. Oui, nous avons contemplé sa splendeur glorieuse […]. Tout en lui n’était que grâce et vérité. » (Jean 1.14 – Parole vivante) Quand Jésus parlait, les gens écoutaient. Quand Jésus voyageait, les gens le suivaient. Quand Jésus est apparu, des coeurs ont été transformés, des vies sauvées à jamais.

    Aucun autre récit n’entre aussi intimement dans la vie et le ministère de Jésus que l’Évangile selon Jean. Il ne décrit pas seulement les événements, il en dévoile le sens profond. Miracles, paraboles et relations personnelles, tout converge vers Jésus, celui qui accomplit les anciennes promesses de Dieu. Il est la Parole, la Lumière, l’Agneau… le Fils éternel de Dieu.

    « Surtout, gardez à l’esprit que vous n’êtes pas en train d’étudier un livre, mais en train de contempler une personne » (W. Wiersbe).

    Que ce livre vous encourage à reconnaître en Jésus votre Sauveur vivant !

    12.950 CFA
  • Straight Talk with Your Kids About Sex

    “Straight Talk with Your Kids About Sex”: A Must-Read Book for Parents!

    In a world where the cultural landscape is constantly evolving, it’s crucial for parents to have the right tools to navigate conversations about sex with their children. Building on the renowned “Why True Love Waits” campaign and drawing on the latest insights from Josh’s groundbreaking “Bare Facts” resources, the McDowells present an invaluable resource for parents seeking rock-solid advice.

    With “Straight Talk with Your Kids About Sex,” you’ll discover effective strategies to engage in open and honest discussions about this sensitive topic. The McDowells guide you through the process of gauging your child’s emotional and spiritual readiness, ensuring that you provide the information they need at the right time. By staying alert to their questions and seizing teachable moments, you’ll create a safe and supportive environment for them to navigate their understanding of sex and sexuality.

    This book goes beyond mere practical advice—it frames these conversations in a biblical context, anchoring them in timeless principles and values. The McDowells draw on their extensive knowledge of Scripture to help you approach the topic with wisdom and grace, empowering you to instill godly values in your children’s hearts.

    “Straight Talk with Your Kids About Sex” is a comprehensive guide that addresses the tough questions and provides practical solutions. Gain confidence in your ability to guide your children through the complexities of sexuality, relationships, and purity. Equip yourself with up-to-the-minute research and insights that will help you navigate the shifting sands of today’s culture.

    Don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back. Take charge of these important conversations and strengthen your relationship with your children. Order your copy of “Straight Talk with Your Kids About Sex” today and embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to raise a generation grounded in biblical principles and equipped for healthy relationships. Together, let’s shape a brighter future for our children.

    9.999 CFA
  • Sublime

    Plongez dans l’univers mystérieux du pensionnat Saint Osanna, où l’inquiétude règne en maître et où l’atmosphère morbide enveloppe chaque recoin. Colin et Lucy, deux adolescents perdus dans ce sombre décor, se trouvent inexorablement liés par un amour singulier. Dès leur rencontre, ils reconnaissent l’importance capitale qu’ils ont l’un pour l’autre. Pourtant, leur amour n’est pas de ceux que l’on trouve communément. Colin, un séducteur qui a déjà conquis le cœur de nombreuses jeunes filles, comprend rapidement que Lucy est bien différente. Évanescente, fragile, elle se dissipe parfois, invisible aux yeux des autres. Qui est-elle réellement ?

    “Je donnerais n’importe quoi pour ces moments volés ensemble.”

    Colin, seul survivant de sa famille après la tragique disparition de sa sœur et de ses parents, prend des risques insensés, mettant sa propre vie en danger. Comme s’il ne pouvait être physiquement avec Lucy que lorsqu’il se rapproche de la frontière entre la vie et la mort. Sa soif d’adrénaline le conduit à défier les limites de la témérité, faisant douter Lucy de son rôle d’ange gardien qui lui est attribué. Serait-elle, sans le vouloir, la cause de sa propre destruction ?

    “Sublime” est un roman captivant destiné aux jeunes adultes. Plongez dans un monde troublant et onirique, où chaque page dévoile une complexité envoûtante. L’atmosphère singulière du livre rappelle les sensations éprouvées devant des films tels que “Sleepy Hollow” ou “Le Sixième Sens”. Préparez-vous à être transporté dans une histoire qui transcende les limites de la réalité et explore les profondeurs de l’amour et du mystère.

    Découvrez “Sublime” dès maintenant et laissez-vous emporter par ce récit fascinant qui vous hantera bien après avoir tourné la dernière page.

    7.650 CFA
  • Tempéraments dirigés par l’Esprit

    Découvrez le livre révélateur de Tim LaHaye – “Tempéraments dirigés par l’Esprit”

    Plongez dans une quête profonde de vous-même avec “Tempéraments dirigés par l’Esprit”, le livre captivant de Tim LaHaye qui vous révèlera les secrets cachés de votre être intérieur. Dans cet ouvrage inspiré par la sagesse biblique, l’auteur explore avec sagacité le curieux mélange de faiblesses et de points forts qui nous caractérise tous. Chacun de nous est héritier d’un tempérament unique, et il y a une raison divine à cela.

    Avez-vous déjà ressenti le pouvoir du Saint-Esprit opérer en vous ? À partir de votre tempérament naturel, découvrez comment le divin peut manifester des caractéristiques surnaturelles dans votre vie. Que vous soyez à dominance sanguine, colérique, mélancolique ou flegmatique, vous serez fasciné par la manière dont l’Esprit de Dieu peut vous libérer des fardeaux qui vous entravent.

    Imaginez-vous libéré de la colère qui vous empoisonne, de la peur qui vous paralyse, de la dépression qui vous accable, de l’indécision qui vous tourmente, de l’instabilité qui vous perturbe et de l’agitation qui vous épuise. Grâce à ce livre, découvrez comment le Saint-Esprit peut transformer votre existence, vous offrant une nouvelle liberté empreinte de paix, d’utilité, de maîtrise de soi et de dignité.

    Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous élever vers votre plus haut potentiel, guidé par la sagesse biblique et l’Esprit divin. “Tempéraments dirigés par l’Esprit” est bien plus qu’un livre, c’est un voyage intérieur vers une vie épanouie et pleine de sens.

    Rejoignez-nous dans cette quête spirituelle, et découvrez comment votre tempérament peut devenir un allié précieux dans l’accomplissement de votre destinée. Commandez votre exemplaire dès maintenant et commencez à explorer le chemin vers une vie transformée par l’Esprit !

    8.900 CFA
  • The $100 Startup: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More

    Unlock your potential and change your life by changing your job. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau is your ultimate guide to taking control of your career and achieving financial freedom.

    Imagine waking up every day to work on something that you are truly passionate about, while also earning a good living on your own terms. You don’t need to work long hours in a big company just to pay your bills and provide for your family. Instead, you can create your own success story by starting up your own business with just $100 or less.

    The $100 Startup is the perfect manual to help you achieve this dream. In this book, you will discover the secrets of 50 ordinary people who started their own business with very little investment, and turned it into a thriving enterprise.

    By following the insights and strategies in this book, you too can achieve a perfect blend of passion and income, and transform your work into something that you love. You will learn how to spend less time working and more time living your life, while still earning a good income.

    With The $100 Startup, you don’t need an MBA or a huge investment to create your own success story. All you need is the determination and the willingness to take that first step towards a new and fulfilling career. So, what are you waiting for? Change your job, change your life, and create the future you’ve always dreamed of with The $100 Startup.

    16.875 CFA
  • The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers

    The Secret to Loving Teens Effectively

    Socially, mentally, and spiritually, teenagers face a myriad of pressures and stresses every day. Navigating through these challenges can be overwhelming for both teens and parents alike. However, amidst the peer pressures and external influences, it is the parents who possess the greatest potential to shape and guide their teenagers. Are you equipped with the knowledge and understanding to love your teenager effectively? Look no further, as Dr. Gary Chapman presents a special edition of the #1 New York Times bestselling book, “The Five Love Languages.”

    In “The Five Love Languages of Teenagers,” you will embark on a transformative journey to become a better parent and forge stronger connections with your teenage children. This remarkable book delves into the intricacies of the world in which teenagers live, unraveling the mysteries of their developmental changes. Through this enlightening exploration, you will gain invaluable tools to help you identify and appropriately communicate in your teenager’s unique love language.

    Discover practical tips and strategies that will revolutionize your approach to loving your teen. Gain profound insights into key issues your teenager faces, such as managing anger and seeking independence. You will learn how to navigate these challenges while maintaining a loving and supportive relationship. Moreover, “The Five Love Languages of Teenagers” equips you with effective methods to establish healthy boundaries, backed by discipline and consequences.

    Even in the face of disappointment or failure, this book will guide you on how to continue loving your teenager unconditionally. Explore the depths of unwavering parental love and discover empowering ways to handle difficult situations with grace and compassion. Together, let us embark on a journey of transformation and establish a bond that will withstand the tests of time.

    “The Five Love Languages of Teenagers” is not just a book; it’s a priceless resource that will help you navigate the complex terrain of parenting during your teenager’s formative years. Equip yourself with the wisdom of Dr. Gary Chapman and unlock the secrets to connecting with your teenager on a deeper level. Prepare to witness remarkable transformations in your relationship and create lasting memories of love, understanding, and support.

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be the parent your teenager needs and deserves. Order your copy of “The Five Love Languages of Teenagers” today and embark on a journey of profound growth and connection. It’s time to embrace the transformative power of love and pave the way for a brighter future for your teenager and your entire family.

    13.999 CFA
  • The Best of The Word for Today

    Discover the power of biblical wisdom anda personal growth with ” The Best of The Word for Today.” This quarterlya devotional has been embraced by countless individuals seeking daily inspiration, guidance, and spiritual enlightenment. With each passing day, over one million readers eagerly delve into its pages, finding solace, clarity, and renewed purpose.

    Immerse yourself in the profound ideas, insightful reflections, and compelling illustrations meticulously crafted within these pages. The wisdom encapsulated in ” The Best of The Word for Today” has the potential to ignite a spark of transformation within you. Don’t just take our word for it; the letters pour in week after week, with 3,000 readers expressing how these words have become the very thing they needed for that day.

    Renowned author Bob once shared, “The only difference between what you are right now and what you’ll be 5 years from now lies in three key elements: the books you read, the relationships you build, and your ability to hear from God for yourself.”

    Imagine the possibilities that lie ahead as you embark on this journey. ” The Best of The Word for Today” acts as a jump-start for those cold, uncertain mornings, infusing your days with inspiration, motivation, and divine revelation. With 365 of our best days encapsulated within these pages, you will find profound ideas waiting to unravel your potential. A single idea, just one, has the power to alter the course of your entire life, and within ” The Best of The Word for Today,” you will discover an entire year’s worth of transformative concepts tailored solely for you.

    Are you ready to unlock the boundless potential within you? Join the community of readers who have experienced the life-altering impact of ” The Best of The Word for Today.” Embrace the wisdom, embrace the journey, and let each day become a stepping stone towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

    Order your copy of ” The Best of The Word for Today” now and embark on a year-long odyssey of personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and lasting change. The transformation you seek is within your grasp, waiting to be discovered within the pages of this extraordinary book.

    9.999 CFA
  • The Book Tree

    A Christian Reference for Children’s Literature .

    Literary enthusiasts know that their passion for reading blossoms into lifelong habits. In a world brimming with distractions, families who cherish the written word make time for it, effortlessly pushing aside the clamor of everyday life. They become a breed apart—an unapologetic and inveterate group of list makers. These families compile lists of must-read books, must-reread treasures, and even books that must be shared with others.

    It is precisely for this extraordinary community that “The Book Tree” has come to life. Authored by a dynamic mother-daughter duo, Elizabeth McCallum and Jane Scott, this book is a delectable treat—a literary guide that will satiate the most avid list makers.

    “The Book Tree” holds great significance as it caters to both seasoned reading families and those embarking on the enchanting journey of imagination for the very first time. With accurate descriptions, thoughtful recommendations, and insightful perspectives, this book offers a treasure trove of invaluable wisdom.

    Whether you seek new adventures to embark upon or cherished classics to revisit, “The Book Tree” invites you to explore its branches and uncover literary gems that will captivate readers of all ages. From whimsical tales that transport you to far-off lands, to heartwarming stories that stir the soul, this book is a gateway to a world where imagination knows no bounds.

    In the company of “The Book Tree,” you will find inspiration, guidance, and the tools to curate your own literary haven. Let it be a source of joy, discovery, and shared experiences for your entire family. As you turn its pages, you will witness the magic of literature unfold, fostering cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

    Embrace the wisdom of “The Book Tree” and let its roots intertwine with your family’s love for reading. Unearth the joy of storytelling, and embark on a literary journey that will leave an indelible mark on your hearts. Discover the power of words, ignite your imagination, and nurture a lifelong passion for literature.


    Elizabeth McCallum

    14.999 CFA
  • The God Contest Colouring and Activity Book

    Discover the exciting story of The God Contest in this beautifully illustrated 32-page hardback storybook. Kids will be engaged with a variety of art, puzzles, mazes, and activities that show how the God of the Bible has proven himself to be the only true God. With original artwork by Catalina Echeverri, this book is sure to captivate young minds. From coloring pages to word searches, there is something for kids of all ages. Get your copy today and support your child’s faith journey with this meaningful and fun-filled learning experience!


    ECHEVERRI Catalina

    3.000 CFA
  • The One O’Clock Miracle Colouring & Activity Book.

    The One O’Clock Miracle Original Activity Book.
    Not yet available in French but already exists in book: Miracle at one o’clock in the afternoon.

    32 coloring pages, puzzles, mazes and activities for children.

    Use with The One O’Clock Miracle to discover a true story about trusting in Jesus.

    An awesome gift for parents, godchildren, and anyone who can hold a pencil, crayon, or paintbrush!

    3.325 CFA
  • The Open Heavens 2024: A Daily Guide to Intimate Communion with God 2024

    It is God’s desire for all His children to grow spiritually (Ephesians 4:15). This is why you need to spend quality time with Him every day praying and studying His word, using this devotional guide as your guide.
    You must also remember that your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, is coming soon. This means you must be totally committed to winning souls and expanding His kingdom on earth throughout this year and beyond. You must make sure you live for Him daily and shine His light wherever you go. The Bible says that soul winners are wise (Proverbs 11:30), and our Lord will reward such people at His second coming (Revelation 22:12).
    However, if you have not yet given your life to Jesus Christ, now is the time to do so. The world is growing dark and the devil is walking around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). Only the Lord Jesus Christ can save you and redeem your soul from destruction (Acts 4:12). Do not delay your decision to give your life to Him; Now is the time to act ! If you have already been born again, please stand firm in the Lord and let nothing distract you from the glorious future that awaits you in Him (Colossians 1:27).
    I pray that as you walk closely with God throughout this year, the windows of heaven will continually be opened to you, and that He will bless you and your family with His blessings every day, in Jesus’ Name.

    Enoch A. ADEBOYE

    11.000 CFA
  • The Pilgrism Progress in Modern English

    Experience the timeless masterpiece like never before with this captivating new edition. “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” hailed as “the greatest allegory ever written,” now comes alive in modern English, enhanced with a host of valuable features that will deepen your appreciation for this classic of classics.

    Whether you are a child seeking an adventurous tale, a devoted believer yearning for spiritual growth, or a diligent student of the Bible exploring profound doctrine, this edition has something to offer everyone. Its universal appeal transcends age, intellect, and education, making it a must-read for individuals from all walks of life.

    The relevance of “The Pilgrim’s Progress” remains as potent today as it was when John Bunyan penned it from the confines of his prison cell. It vividly portrays the journey of every Christian, from the initial call of the Holy Spirit to follow Christ, to the ultimate destination of reaching the Celestial City of God.

    In this complete edition, carefully translated into plain, modern English, you will find an invaluable addition to your personal library. Immerse yourself in the enriched narrative, as you traverse the challenges and triumphs of the protagonist’s faith journey. The eloquence of the updated language brings Bunyan’s powerful storytelling to life, ensuring that “The Pilgrim’s Progress in Modern English” will be cherished and enjoyed by individuals of all ages for generations to come.

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of literary brilliance. Rediscover the depths of faith, the struggles of the human condition, and the triumphs of the spirit within the pages of “The Pilgrim’s Progress in Modern English.” Order your copy today and embark on a profound adventure that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

    14.999 CFA
  • The Power of Tongues

    Unlock the supernatural power within you with “The Power of Tongues” by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. In this transformative book, Pastor Chris delves into the depths of biblical wisdom to teach you the profound significance of speaking in other tongues as a New Testament believer in Jesus Christ.

    Discover the “what,” “how,” and “why” of tongues as you embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment. Gain insights into tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy, understanding their role in your spiritual walk. Learn the distinction between praying in your understanding and praying in tongues, and uncover the secrets to building up your faith through the power of spoken tongues. Furthermore, delve into the profound realm of intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit, allowing you to experience a level of connection and communion like never before.

    Immerse yourself in the glory of God as you unlock the supernatural potential of tongues. Witness the transformative impact on your life as you tap into this incredible gift. With “The Power of Tongues,” embrace a new dimension of faith, a deeper understanding of spiritual communication, and a heightened connection with the divine. Let your tongue become an instrument of divine manifestation, and see the abundant blessings and miracles unfold in your life.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    2.000 CFA
  • The principles and benefits of change

    “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28).
    6.7 billion of us human beings share this in common: we all have to face change. Our lives are in a constant state of transition. Life is always moving forward; nothing ever remains the same. To a greater or lesser degree, we are continually being transported–whether suddenly or gradually–into the new, the different, the unexpected, or the untried.
    Yet most people don’t manage change effectively and positively. The Principles and Benefits of Change is a manual for times of change. It reveals how to prepare for any kind of change and use it for your benefit, enabling you to accomplish your God-given purpose in life.
    Thriving in a Changing World Change comes to all of us–whether we prepare for it or not. How we deal with those inevitable changes–no matter what the source–determines whether they will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reveals how to experience security, confidence, and freedom in the uncertainty of our changing world. Through this book, you can discover how to:
    – Become an active part of change-not its victim.
    – Be free of fear during unsettling times.
    – Fulfill your God-given purpose.
    – Maximize the benefits of change.
    – Tap into the positive power of change.
    – Be pro-active in pursuing your God-given purpose.
    You can be ready for the changing seasons that lie ahead.
    – Publisher

    Change happens to us. It’s measured in gains or losses: you find a spouse or lose a loved one; you receive a promotion or lose a job.
    Change happens around us. It’s marked by natural and social factors: a good harvest, a natural disaster; an economic boom, a stock market plunge.
    Change is initiated by us. It’s weighed by its outcome: you make a decision that improves your life; you make a choice that shatters your dreams.
    Transitional tides? whether personal or cultural? can bring on stress, confusion, and even panic. Only a small percentage of people respond to change in truly effective ways. Yet how we deal with change determines whether it will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives. Best?selling author Dr. Myles Munroe explains how we can tap into the positive power of change?no matter what the source of that change?enabling us to thrive while fulfilling our God? given purposes in life.
    Through this book, you can discover how to…
    ” Be an active part of change rather than its victim.
    ” Be free of fear during unsettling times.
    ” Find direction and purpose in periods of transition.
    ” Maximize the benefits of change, whether personal or societal.
    ” Be proactive in pursuing your purpose, against all odds.
    ” Let God?ordained change be initiated through you to the world.
    ” Live in confidence and peace, despite outward circumstances.
    ” Prepare effectively for all types of change.
    ” Embrace seasons of change in your personal life.
    ” View times of transition from God’s perspective.
    ” Find tremendous opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment.
    Change comes to all of us? whether we prepare for it or not. Don’t let it derail you, but discover the principles that enable you to put the positive power of change into service in your life.


    10.700 CFA
  • The Winning Woman

    This book “The Winning Woman,” was written to instill positive values for winning in women that will make them win all the time. The winning woman is the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:10-13. Men and women were created in the image of God and made to manifest the glory and power of God on the earth. Be that as it may, God also purposed that every specie of His image should carry out their divinely appointed functions in ways that are unique to their nature. This explains why a woman responds differently to a situation from a man. In the marriage institution, sometimes problems arise in the home simply because the man does not understand the temperament of the woman or the woman does not realize that her husband is configured differently from her. These differences lead to unavoidable conflicts which if either party understands the temperament of the other, may just help them to solve their problems internally without involving a third party. In this book, we will examine the nature, temperament and character of the winning woman. As a woman, God expects you to be a glorious winning woman, running your home in the fear of the Lord and to the glory of God.

    10.525 CFA