Showing 21–40 of 42 results

  • Nigerian God’s Generals

    The Bible teaches us to honor and learn from those who have gone before us, especially those who have been used by God to make a significant impact in the world. “Nigerian God’s Generals” is a book that chronicles the lives and ministries of eight powerful ministers in Africa who have shaped the course of Christianity in Nigeria and beyond.

    Written by Linus Edeigba, this book is a compelling collection of life stories that will ignite the fires of revival in your heart. Through the pages of “Nigerian God’s Generals”, you will discover how these men were born, how they lived their lives, and the teachings and spiritual discoveries that made them powerful ministers of the Gospel.

    This book is a powerful resource for anyone who wants to learn from the experiences of those who have gone before them. It reveals how these Nigerian God’s Generals dynamically demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit and how they impacted the lives of countless people through their ministry.

    From Ajayi Crowder to Benson Idahosa and others, this book shares the notable deeds and lessons we can learn from these men of God. “Nigerian God’s Generals” is a must-read for anyone who desires to be inspired, encouraged and empowered in their walk with God. Order your copy today and discover the secrets to a life of impact and purpose.

    Linus Edeigba

    8.490 CFA
  • Others…

    The Bible admonishes us to: “look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others”(Phillippians 2:4). In this timely book, Dag Heward-Mills challenges you to go beyond thinking about yourself and think of others also! Love others also!

    Consider others also! Care about others also! Live for others also! Jesus came to die for us because He thought about “others”. I want to be more like Him. Do you want to be like Jesus?

    8.000 CFA
  • Parallel Bible Large Print KJV

    Discover the true meaning of the Bible with our large-print parallel Bible that instantly compares the King James Version and the Amplified Bible side-by-side. No knowledge of Greek or Hebrew is required – just a desire to learn more about what God says in His Word. The Amplified Translation provides a wealth of amplifications and alternate renderings that help you better understand the nuances and shades of meaning in the original biblical languages. And now, the updated Amplified Translation is even easier to read and study, with more amplification in the Old Testament and refined amplification in the New Testament. The Bible text has been enhanced for smooth reading with or without amplifications, making it perfect for readers of all ages. Discover the beauty and depth of the Bible with our unique Parallel Bible, combining the classic language of the King James Version with the insightful amplifications of the Amplified Bible.



    35.000 CFA
  • Paul : A man of Grace and Grit

    Experience the transformative power of Paul’s story with Great Lives: Paul by Charles Swindoll. This best-selling book explores the remarkable life of the apostle Paul, from his early days as a violent persecutor of Christians to his ultimate conversion and unwavering determination to spread the message of Christ.

    Through Swindoll’s expert storytelling, you will witness Paul’s incredible journey of self-discovery, as he learns to let go of his pride and embrace his divine mission. You will see how God used Paul’s tenacity and passion to turn the world upside down for Christ, and how his legacy continues to inspire and encourage believers today.

    Great Lives: Paul is a powerful reminder that no matter how flawed or broken we may feel, God can use us for his glory. As you delve into this fascinating biography, you will be encouraged to follow Paul’s example of unwavering faith and dedication to Christ, and to trust in God’s plan for your own life.

    Join Charles Swindoll on a journey through time and space, and discover the true greatness of Paul’s life and legacy. With Great Lives: Paul, you will be inspired, challenged, and transformed by the power of God’s grace and the life-changing story of one of history’s most remarkable figures.

    19.900 CFA
  • Plans Purposes and Pursuits

    In the Old Testament, the enemy entered and stole the gold from the temple of the Lord. Then King Rehoboam came and replaced the gold with brass. Christians have done the same today. They substituted the gold of the temple—God’s plans, purposes, and pursuits for His New Testament Church—for the brass of the world. They have brought worldly and carnal demonstrations into the church and substituted them for the real working of the Spirit of God.

    The next great spiritual outpouring that God wants to bring to earth will require man to abandon his own plans, designs and pursuits and pursue the true worship of God. The Body of Christ is in the shallow waters of a new beginning of God’s glory manifested on earth, but this new wave of God’s blessing can only come when the Body of Christ takes the brass out of the temple.
    Chapter headings include: • Plans, goals, pursuits • What is your goal? • A change in the order of worship • Reverence: key to God’s presence and power • Paying the price

    10.850 CFA
  • Prêche toute la Parole 1 et 2: Commentaires et plans de message couvrant toute la Bible

    Découvrez dès maintenant “Prêche toute la Parole 1 et 2”, une œuvre biblique d’études en deux tomes qui sera une source inestimable pour votre vie spirituelle. Fruit de méditations approfondies et de recherches minutieuses dans la Bible, ces livres sont destinés à soutenir le travail des hommes et des femmes appelés à enseigner la Parole de Dieu.

    Dans notre quête de croissance spirituelle, tout ce qui éveille et nourrit notre compréhension des Écritures revêt une valeur immense. Notre amour et notre plaisir pour la Parole seront à la mesure de l’impact qu’elle a dans nos vies et dans celles des autres.

    “Prêche toute la Parole” offre une approche unique pour éveiller et approfondir les désirs de chacun pour Christ et pour les Écritures. Les vérités divines y sont présentées de manière à répondre aux besoins variés de l’âme. Aucun autre livre ne peut rivaliser avec la Bible dans sa mission glorieuse : éclairer nos chemins et guider nos pas.

    L’auteur de cette œuvre a consacré son cœur à toucher l’essence même de la pensée biblique, afin d’offrir une nourriture spirituelle aux ouvriers trop occupés ou épuisés, fortifiant ainsi leurs cœurs fatigués et affamés.

    Les tomes sont dotés d’un index des sujets et d’un index des textes, facilitant ainsi vos recherches et vos études. Bien que principalement destiné aux enseignants, ce livre est accessible à tous ceux qui aspirent à une vision rafraîchie des Écritures. Il propose également une liste d’illustrations et de méditations par thème, rendant cette œuvre riche et profonde.

    Ouvrez-vous à une nouvelle perspective sur la Parole de Dieu grâce à “Prêche toute la Parole 1 et 2”. Plongez-vous dans une lecture édifiante et enrichissante qui renouvellera votre compréhension des Écritures et vous rapprochera davantage de la sagesse divine. C’est un véritable trésor spirituel à ne pas manquer !

    30.100 CFA
  • Pressure Points Twelve Global Issues Shaping the Face of the Church

    Are you facing challenges in your mission to spread the gospel? Do you feel overwhelmed by the pressures of today’s global issues? Divine wisdom has shown us that while we may not have control over these challenges, it is our responsibility to respond with Kingdom stewardship.

    JD Payne’s book, Pressure Points, delves into the twelve most important issues facing the church today. Through his insightful guidance, we can learn how to keep these challenges from derailing our mission and stay true to our biblical foundations. With a renewed focus on the call and mission of the church, we can absorb these pressures and respond in a way that honors God.

    As believers, we must remain steadfast in the face of these challenges. Whether it be reaching unreached groups of people, navigating truth and pluralism, or addressing issues like poverty and urbanization, we can trust that with God’s guidance, we can continue to advance the Kingdom.

    Join us as we look towards the future with hope and excitement. Despite the challenges ahead, some of the greatest days for the advancement of the Kingdom are yet to come. Let JD Payne’s Pressure Points be your guide in navigating the pressures of today’s world and staying true to your mission.

    5.980 CFA
  • Reaching Your World for Christ

    Ignite Your Passion for Evangelism with “Reaching Your World for Christ”: A Transformational Guide for Every Believer!

    In this dynamic world, Christians are called to walk in the same power and authority as the early church. Through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, you have the extraordinary ability to touch countless lives and lead them to Christ. Prepare to embark on an insightful and life-changing journey as you delve into the pages of “Reaching Your World for Christ” by Andrew Murray.

    In this captivating book, Murray unveils profound truths and practical strategies that will equip you to:

    • Obtain answers through the power of intercession
    • Witness God’s supernatural work in your life and ministry
    • Ignite a revival within your church community
    • Develop unwavering faith that moves mountains
    • Rediscover your spiritual zeal and passion
    • Experience the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit
    • Reclaim the joy and fervor of the early church

    God’s heart is filled with love and compassion for every individual. He desires that none should perish but that all should come to salvation. As believers, we are called to actively participate in God’s divine plan to reach the world with the life-giving message of Christ. As you faithfully do your part, God will work mightily through you, accomplishing what seems impossible in the eyes of man.

    Let “Reaching Your World for Christ” be your guide to embracing your role as a messenger of the Gospel. Through the timeless wisdom of Andrew Murray, you will be empowered to walk in the fullness of your calling and become an effective instrument of transformation in the lives of those around you.

    Now is the time to step into the extraordinary and witness the supernatural impact of God’s love and power in your evangelistic endeavors. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to deepen your understanding, expand your reach, and make an eternal difference in the world.

    Order your copy of “Reaching Your World for Christ” today and be prepared to be transformed as you align your heart with God’s mission of salvation. Together, let us impact the world for Christ and experience the limitless possibilities that are made possible through Him.

    Andrew Murray

    9.999 CFA
  • Revival Fire

    Experience the awe-inspiring revivals of the past and learn valuable insights from one of history’s most influential revivalists, Charles Finney. In his remarkable journey, Finney witnessed incredible success in conducting revivals, leaving a lasting impact that continues to inspire believers worldwide. If you desire to unleash great revivals, it is wise to diligently study Finney’s profound teachings.

    The Christian Preservation Society encapsulates this remarkable work of God in their latest release, “Revival Fire.” This transformative book delves into the spiritual decline seen in modern revivals. It acknowledges that Christians are now less spiritual, their prayers less prevalent, and their connection with the Holy Ghost not as deep and transformative as in previous eras.

    While these observations may not universally apply to all modern revivals, they undoubtedly hold significant relevance. In fact, many ministers today are hesitant to embrace revivals due to the frequent disastrous outcomes they have witnessed. The superficiality plaguing recent revivals has left them longing for the depth and authenticity of revivals experienced ten or twenty years ago.

    “Revival Fire” aims to address this concern, providing a compelling analysis of the causes behind this decline and offering practical solutions to reignite the flames of revival. Authored by renowned spiritual leaders who have diligently observed the evolving landscape of revivals, this book is a beacon of hope for those who yearn for the return of the powerful and transformative revivals witnessed in years past.

    Join the ranks of ministers and private Christians who are eagerly awaiting the days when revivals will once again burn with fervor. Through careful examination and heartfelt prayers, “Revival Fire” sheds light on the factors shaping modern revivals and seeks to reignite the passion and authenticity that characterized revivals of old.

    Don’t let the fear or disappointment of recent revivals discourage you. Dive into “Revival Fire” and discover the path to profound spiritual awakening. Experience the joy of witnessing God’s power in action, as revival fires are rekindled in your life, your community, and beyond.

    Get your copy of “Revival Fire” today and embrace the transformative power of revival. Let the pages of this remarkable book inspire you to rise up, overcome the challenges, and ignite a revival fire that will leave a lasting impact on generations to come.


    Charles Finney

    10.999 CFA
  • Seven Great Principles (2nd Edition)

    A principle is a revelation! A principle is something that allows you to develop!
    A principle is a deep understanding of how something works.

    This book contains a collection of principles, all of which relate to the great salvation that we have experienced in Christ!

    Delve deeper in your understanding of salvation as you uncover these seven great principles. As you do, God will place in your hand keys that will ensure your rising into higher levels in Him.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Soulwinning out where the sinners are

    This book is a complete narrative of how T. L. Osborn’s life since childhood. From the time he received the Lord, to the time he was given the burden to evangelize the nations at the tender age of 15. “From my conversion as a youth, I wanted to be a soul-winner,” states the author T.L. Osborn. “I had a toy printing press so with scraps of paper, I printed out tracts. Little did I dream that in a few years we would be publishing tracts in over 100 languages — at the rate of more than a ton per working day to facilitate personal soulwinning world-wide. He started preaching at 15 was married at 18, was a missionary in India at 21. He lives by the principle that very few sinners will ever go to church so he must go out where the sinners are. World evangelism is his supreme task. Osborn’s crusades in Thailand in 1956 and Uganda in 1957 are said to have laid the foundations for substantial growth in Pentecostalism in those countries.

    7.250 CFA
  • Stand rising up against darkness, temptation and persecution

    Introducing Stand, the powerful new book by Marian Jordan Ellis that reminds us that our darkest moment is not our destiny. In today’s scary and uncertain world, it’s easy to question our faith and God’s promises. But Marian Jordan Ellis explores what it means to stand tall and believe in God, no matter what challenges we face.

    In Stand, Ellis draws on the stories of real people from scripture and today who have chosen to stand firm in their faith and “earn life.” She addresses the tough questions that Christian leaders, parents, and everyday believers face in a world that often wants to silence our voices and shake our convictions. How can we share God’s good news in a culture that doesn’t want to hear it? How can we stay hopeful when our children seem more interested in the world than in Jesus? And how can we combat the voices of shame and insecurity that try to tear us down?

    But Ellis doesn’t just offer inspiration and encouragement – she also provides practical tools to help us stay in our faith, our convictions, and our trust in a God who never fails. With her powerful insights and wisdom, Stand is the perfect book for anyone who wants to stay strong and faithful in a world that sometimes feels overwhelming.

    So if you’re ready to stand tall and believe in God’s promises, even in the darkest of moments, then order your copy of Stand today. Let Marian Jordan Ellis be your guide as you navigate the challenges of today’s world and discover the true power of faith and resilience.

    13.200 CFA
  • Tell Them: 120 Reasons Why You Should Be a Soul Winner

    The fields are white and the harvest of souls is ripe, but where are the preachers? Dag Heward-Mills’ inspiring new book is an urgent call to Christians to become soul winners.

    8.000 CFA
  • The Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party

    What will heaven be like? Answering this question for children can be a challenge, especially since it’s hard to get past the myths.

    This beautifully illustrated, biblically accurate storybook by Joni Eareckson Tada enthuses children with this truth: when Jesus returns to this world, he will bring heaven with him! There will be a new creation where we will have a new heart and a new body, and where we will live in a new city. And most importantly, we will be with Jesus, forever! It will be better than anything we can imagine.

    Children are encouraged to respond personally to Jesus’ invitation by repenting and believing. They will also be inspired to invite others and ask Jesus to come soon.


    8.000 CFA
  • The Big Why?

    Understanding Adversity and Transforming Your Troubles Into Triumphs.

    Sometimes, the course of life takes unexpected turns, and even the most virtuous individuals find themselves facing adversity. In these moments, believers often grapple with profound questions, questioning both God and His intentions. “Why did he die?”, “How could God let that happen?”, and “Is God trying to test me?” These inquiries, even among the most steadfast followers of God’s Word, are not uncommon.

    In “The Big Why?”, author Walter Hallam opens the gates to divine revelation by sharing the profound answers that God bestowed upon him through his own family’s heart-wrenching tragedy. Prepare to be uplifted and inspired as you delve into the depths of God’s true nature and discover the steps to avoid future misfortune.

    Pastor Hallam, a seasoned shepherd of souls, will guide you through the journey from grief to glory. Through the pages of this transformative book, you will witness the majestic transformation that awaits those who embrace the unwavering faith in God’s plan. Moreover, you will witness how God has the power to turn the ashes of despair into the beauty of hope and restoration.

    If you’ve ever found yourself questioning the reasons behind the occurrence of unfortunate events in the lives of the virtuous, “The Big Why?” holds the key to unlock the answers you seek. Discover the profound wisdom that lies within the pages of this extraordinary book, and let the teachings of Pastor Hallam illuminate your path, ultimately leading you to a life filled with purpose, faith, and triumph.

    Unveil the secrets of divine providence, and embark on a journey of enlightenment today. “The Big Why?” will provide you with the answers you have longed for, ensuring that even in the face of adversity, you can find solace, understanding, and ultimately, the triumph that awaits those who trust in God’s unwavering love and wisdom.

    19.999 CFA
  • The miracle of the scarlet thread

    Experience the transformative power of the Miracle of the Scarlet Thread, an illuminating guide to understanding God’s divine order and the rich tapestry of the Old Testament. This book is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Bible and the story of salvation.

    The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread unlocks the mysteries of the Bible, revealing how every story is about Jesus. As you journey through the pages of this book, you will discover the prophetic origins of the New Testament and how they are interwoven throughout the Old Testament. You will gain a deeper appreciation for the covenants, Passover, and the Tabernacle, all of which point to the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus.

    This expanded edition includes three new chapters that dive even deeper into the significance of the scarlet thread, providing a fresh and exciting perspective on God’s plan for salvation. You will be inspired and empowered to step into the story of redemption, not merely as a reader, but as an active participant.

    Experience the transformative power of the Miracle of the Scarlet Thread and discover the supernatural power of the blood of Jesus. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and understand the divine order of God’s plan for humanity. Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity to enter into the manifest presence of God and encounter His transformative power.


    Richard Booker

    6.300 CFA
  • The New strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible

    Strong’s puts generations of research at your fingertips! There are entries for every Hebrew and Greek Bible word, all reformatted for better accuracy. Based on the KJV.

    Only one concordance includes the best of Vine’s Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words: The New Strong’s Extended Comprehensive Bible Concordance. The Hebrew and Greek dictionaries now contain three times more word study information than any other edition. Plus, additional cross-references from major dictionaries make it the ultimate reference tool for pastors, teachers, and all Bible students. Features include: The only Strong’s that includes Vine’s comprehensive dictionary of Old and New Testament words. Words of Christ in red. Complete subject index of the Bible. The Hebrew and Greek dictionaries now contain three times more word study information than any other edition. Additional cross-references and word study help from major dictionaries.

    James Strong

    18.000 CFA
  • The School of Obedience

    Are you searching for a life of purpose, fulfillment, and divine connection? Look no further than “The School of Obedience,” a groundbreaking book that delves deep into the timeless wisdom of the Bible. In this captivating journey, you will embark on a transformative exploration of whole-hearted and unwavering obedience to the Father in heaven.

    The Father, in His infinite love and wisdom, desires His children to embrace a life of obedience. He not only asks for it but also expects it from each one of His beloved sons and daughters. “The School of Obedience” unveils the remarkable truth that, through the promise of the New Covenant and the gift of His Son and Spirit, the Father has provided an abundant and entirely sufficient means for us to fulfill His divine expectations.

    In this thought-provoking book, you will discover the key to unlocking this provision—a life of abiding communion with the Three-One God. Through the sacred union with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, your soul will experience a profound transformation. Every moment of every day, you will witness His presence and power at work within you, enabling you to offer your whole-hearted and entire obedience.

    “The School of Obedience” is not just a book; it’s a guide that will lead you to a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment. As you delve into its pages, you will encounter timeless biblical wisdom, practical insights, and inspiring stories that will illuminate your path towards obedient living. You will gain invaluable knowledge on how to navigate the challenges and obstacles that often hinder our obedience, empowering you to overcome and grow in your spiritual journey.

    If you desire to experience the profound blessings that come from aligning your life with the will of the Father, “The School of Obedience” is a must-read. Embrace the invitation to this transformative journey, and witness the beauty and power that flow from surrendering to the Father’s divine plan.

    Unlock the path to true fulfillment and embrace a life of unwavering obedience. Order your copy of “The School of Obedience” today and embark on a life-changing adventure of divine communion and purpose. Your soul will thank you, and your spirit will soar as you step into the abundant provision awaiting you in the Father’s embrace.


    Andrew Murray

    8.999 CFA
  • The Torch of the Testimony

    Discover a captivating journey through the annals of time with “The Torch of the Testimony.” Delve into the rich tapestry of the Christian faith, spanning over 2,000 years, as we shed light on the remarkable history of those courageous Christians and churches who bravely stood outside the confines of the Protestant-Catholic tradition.

    Originally published in India in 1964, this extraordinary book has remained a hidden gem, known to only a select few in the Western world. Now, we invite you to unlock its profound insights and embark on a transformative exploration of Christian groups who, through the centuries, chose to remain untethered from formalized religion.

    Renowned author John Kennedy takes you on an enthralling voyage, beginning in the first century, where the untold stories of these devoted believers unfold. Prepare to be moved by the stirring accounts, as you bear witness to their unwavering commitment to the centrality of Christ within the Body of Christ.

    “The Torch of the Testimony” is more than just a book; it is a testament to the enduring spirit of faith, resilience, and unwavering devotion to the core principles of Christianity. It will touch your heart, inspire your soul, and challenge your perceptions of what it truly means to live out one’s faith.

    Join us as we illuminate the shadows of history and bring to light the remarkable sacrifices, triumphs, and challenges faced by these faithful Christians. Their stories will leave an indelible mark on your own spiritual journey, igniting a renewed passion and deepening your understanding of the boundless power of faith.

    Don’t miss this rare opportunity to uncover the hidden chapters of Christian history. Order your copy of “The Torch of the Testimony” today and let its radiant light guide you to a deeper appreciation of the timeless message of Christ.



    23.999 CFA
  • The Way of Life

    Discover the Way of Life with our first book in the series, “The Way of Life.” With a focus on finding the Lord Jesus, this book is designed to guide you into a living relationship with Him. By giving yourself to Jesus, you will begin to truly live.

    As you delve into the pages, we encourage you to answer the questions at the end of each chapter to fully engage with the content. Our prayer is that you will be blessed richly by God and that this book will be a catalyst for a deeper connection with Jesus.

    Find your Way into the Christian Life, the Way into Jesus Christ, and the Way into God with “The Way of Life.” Don’t hesitate to embark on this journey and experience the fullness of life with Jesus as your Savior.


    Zacharis Tanne Fomum

    3.375 CFA