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  • 30 Poverty Destroying Keys

    Poverty is plaguing the lives of many Christians because they are ignorant of how to overcome this enemy of mankind. Poverty has killed many people and has demoted a lot destinies in so many ways. The Author in this book gives the keys to resist this dangerous enemy. Also herein, he gives the conditions for God’s blessing. This book will promote your destiny. Don’t miss it.

    5.000 CFA

    Dominion Prosperity: Unlocking Unique Pathways to Enduring Wealth”

    In the vast landscape of prosperity teachings, “Dominion Prosperity” stands out as an illuminating guide that navigates beyond conventional notions of affluence. This transformative book not only addresses prosperity but delves into a type of wealth that is distinctive in every sense, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the keys to enduring wealth as outlined in biblical principles.

    At the core of “Dominion Prosperity” is an exploration of prosperity that transcends the superficial and materialistic definitions often associated with the term. The author, with keen insight, peels back the layers to reveal the essence of biblical prosperity—a prosperity that goes beyond mere financial abundance to encompass holistic well-being, spiritual fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.

    The uniqueness of this prosperity guide lies in its emphasis on “Dominion Prosperity”—a concept that implies not just passive acquisition but an active exercise of dominion over one’s circumstances. It paints a vivid picture of individuals not merely as recipients of prosperity but as empowered agents, actively engaging in the process of creating enduring wealth in their lives.

    The keys to prosperity, meticulously expounded upon within the pages of this book, extend beyond mere financial strategies. They encompass a comprehensive approach that integrates spiritual principles, financial acumen, and a mindset of abundance. The author guides readers through a journey of self-discovery, unveiling the intrinsic connections between personal development, faith, and the manifestation of enduring prosperity.

    One of the distinctive features of “Dominion Prosperity” is its practicality. Instead of offering generic platitudes, the book provides actionable steps that serve as a roadmap out of poverty and into a life of enduring wealth. These steps are not presented in isolation but as part of a holistic strategy designed to empower readers to take charge of their financial destinies.

    The pathways to enduring wealth, intricately woven into the fabric of the book, offer readers a comprehensive guide for transforming their financial landscapes. From cultivating a mindset of abundance to making wise investment choices, “Dominion Prosperity” provides a multifaceted approach that transcends momentary financial gains, aiming for sustained and enduring prosperity.

    As readers embark on the journey outlined in “Dominion Prosperity,” they are not merely recipients of information but active participants in their own wealth-building narratives. The book serves as a mentor, guiding individuals through the intricate dance of financial stewardship, spiritual alignment, and personal growth.

    In essence, “Dominion Prosperity” is more than a prosperity guide; it is a transformative companion that empowers individuals to unlock unique pathways to enduring wealth. As readers engage with the insights, principles, and practical steps within its pages, may they discover a newfound sense of dominion over their financial destinies, stepping into a realm of prosperity that transcends the ordinary and reflects the abundance intended for those who embrace the principles of “Dominion Prosperity.



    3.600 CFA
  • Financial Deliverance

    Financial Deliverance
    Poverty has been the cause of untold hardship in the lives of many people. This is not supposed to be the case for those who are born-again Christians because the benefit of Christ’s crucifixion is freedom in all ramifications, including financial freedom but alsa many Christians are poor. God does not want the situation to to be so, meaning there is a way out, which is still hidden to many.

    3.000 CFA
  • How to receive the mantle of power

    Whatever event, occasion or situation,there is always one type of attire or the other. However in the spiritual realm, there is an all-time and all-situation attire which is the mantle of power. When you have on the mantle of power you become untouchable and all-time conqueror. The knowledge on how to acquire the mantle of power is given a lucid and graphic details in this book.



    5.000 CFA

    Dans un monde où la prospérité est souvent recherchée à tout prix, il est essentiel de trouver un équilibre entre la réussite matérielle et la pureté spirituelle. Avec “Le Pouvoir de Prospérer”, plongez dans une exploration profonde de la sagesse biblique qui vous guidera vers une prospérité durable et une vie bénie.

    Ce livre va au-delà des simples enseignements sur la richesse et les bénédictions financières. Il souligne l’importance de la sainteté et de la moralité dans notre quête de la prospérité. Vous découvrirez comment vous pouvez réussir dans tous les aspects de votre vie tout en restant enraciné dans les principes divins.

    L’auteur, un érudit biblique renommé, vous révélera les clés pour atteindre une prospérité qui transcende les biens matériels. En explorant des passages bibliques pertinents, vous apprendrez à cultiver une mentalité de prospérité basée sur des valeurs morales solides. Vous comprendrez que le véritable succès ne se mesure pas seulement par notre richesse, mais par notre relation avec Dieu et notre impact positif sur les autres.

    “C’est une bonne chose de parler de la prospérité et de prêcher à ce sujet. Mais le sujet de la prospérité doit être équilibré avec le sujet de la sainteté de sorte qu’après que nous aillons prospéré, nous n’irons pas en enfer.” Cette citation souligne l’essence même de ce livre : trouver un équilibre entre la prospérité et la sainteté afin de vivre une vie pleine de succès ici-bas et dans l’éternité.

    Ne manquez pas cette occasion unique de découvrir les secrets de la prospérité biblique. “Le Pouvoir de Prospérer” vous donnera les outils nécessaires pour prospérer dans tous les domaines de votre vie, tout en maintenant votre relation avec Dieu intacte. Soyez prêt à vous épanouir financièrement, émotionnellement et spirituellement.

    Renseignez-vous dès maintenant sur “Le Pouvoir de Prospérer” et préparez-vous à transformer votre vie !

    4.000 CFA
  • Le Programme de Transfert de Richesses

    Le programme de transfert de richesses est bien plus qu’un simple livre. C’est une source de sagesse divine, une œuvre écrite avec une perspicacité singulière et une attention pratique portée sur les moindres détails. Son exposition biblique puissante et prophétique rare en fait un livre classique dans tous les sens du mot.

    Ce livre, en parfaite conformité avec le programme divin centré sur l’acquisition des richesses, révèle les mystères cachés qui entourent la prospérité. Il pénètre profondément dans les directives prophétiques, dévoilant des principes puissants qui, une fois appliqués, transformeront un pauvre en prince et ceux qui vivent dans la pénurie en spécimen de l’abondance et de la prospérité divine.

    Imaginez tenir ce livre entre vos mains, l’outil ultime pour vivre une vie de prospérité sans précédent. Grâce à ses enseignements, vous serez guidé pas à pas vers la transformation de votre situation financière. Les mystères autrefois cachés vous seront révélés, vous permettant d’acquérir une compréhension profonde de la manière dont la richesse peut être transférée des mains de l’impie aux mains du juste.

    En vous plongeant dans les pages de ce livre, vous expérimenterez une véritable réécriture de votre histoire. La prospérité sans précédent deviendra votre réalité quotidienne. Les principes bibliques et les conseils pratiques contenus dans ce chef-d’œuvre littéraire vous aideront à naviguer avec succès dans les eaux tumultueuses de la finance, en vous guidant vers une abondance et une prospérité divines.

    Ne manquez pas cette opportunité unique de changer votre destin financier. Obtenez dès maintenant “Le Programme de Transfert de Richesses” et préparez-vous à vivre une vie remplie de bénédictions matérielles et spirituelles. Votre avenir financier est entre vos mains, laissez ce livre vous guider vers une prospérité sans limites.

    4.500 CFA
  • Power To Magnetise Money

    Money flows to some Christians and flows away from others. One first lesson you must learn is that money flows. It can flow away from a person. It can be magnetised or repelled. A lot of people like money, but it flows away.
    Beloved the truth of the matter is that there are angels of prosperity. There are also angels of poverty. They can work for or against a person. Which one is working for you?

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.500 CFA
  • Power to prosper

    It is a good thing to talk about prosperity and to preach about it. But the subject of prosperity must be balanced with the subject of holiness so that after we have prospered, we would not go to hell fire. There is however indeed the power to prosper! Find out!

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.000 CFA
  • Prayers to Move from Minimum to Maximum

    Prayers to Move from Minimum to Maximum offers practical help to those who have an eye on moving from minimum to maximum. It doubles both as a teaching manual and a prayer manual. The thrust of this book is that the lowest can become the highest, the poorest can become the richest, while those who are grappling with failure can become achievers.
    This book will teach your fingers to war and your hands to fight. Now is the time to pray your way from minimum to maximum.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    3.800 CFA
  • Prières De Percée Pour Les Hommes D’affaires


    Etes-vous un croyant? Est-ce qu’il y a des affaires vous ne devez pas y investir bien qu’elles soient lucratives? Est- que une société ou une machine peut être maudite? Quelles raisons peut-on attribuer à la chute d’un commerce promettant et bon, malgré ses bonnes potentialités?

    Les prières de succès pour les professionnels d’affaires vous procuré, les suivants:

    • Dix qualités d’un bon homme d’affaires chrétien
    • Le rôle que jouent les dons spirituels dans la gestion des affaires
    • Huit choses qui occasionnent la liquidation des affaires ou en d’autres termes les tueurs des affaires
    • La délivrance des objets inanimés
    • Les prières qui ont pour viser le succès des affaires

    Quand toutes scientifiques échouent, les procédures inspirées par le Saint Esprit pour le succès des affaires énumérées dans ce livre fera la différences.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA


    4.500 CFA
  • The Mystery of First Fruit Offering

    The mystery of first fruit offering unveils the secrets of uncommon prosperity. This book contains a revelation which will move you from the valley of poverty to the mountain top of prosperity. The thrust of this book is this: There is something unique and explosive about first fruit offering, practical obedience in this direction will open the door of breakthroughs wide and God will bombard you with the type of wealth which will make you to live in abundance for the rest of your life.
    This book will challenge you to join the company of people who are connected to the source of unlimited wealth through uncommon obedience.

    First fruit offering is your key to dominion prosperity. It will make you discover what it takes to experience the baptism of wealth. Powerfully presented, illustrated in a compelling manner and offered in a digestible form, the mystery of first fruit offering is your guide to prosperity.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.000 CFA
  • The secret of progress and enlargement

    There are entities known as capacity blockers who cage and derail the people destinies. In this good we are brought face to face with the God of Rehoboth, who is the God of new things, the God of enlargement. As we get to know this God and say the suggested prayers, we will receive the necessary back-up for progress and enlargement.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.000 CFA
  • The Wealth Transfer Agenda

    The Wealth Transfer Agenda is written with uncommon insight, practical attention to details, powerful scriptural exposition and rare prophetic perception. These have made the book a classic in every sense of the word.
    In keeping with the divine programme which centres on making wealth to change hands from the camp of the ungodly to the camp of the righteous. The Wealth Transfer Agenda unveils deep mysteries on wealth. It details prophetic guidelines which if acted upon will turn a pauper to a prince and those living in penury to specimens of divine abundance and prosperity.

    With this book in your hands you are going to experience unprecedented prosperity which will re-write your entire history.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    Read free extracts from the book “The Wealth Transfer Agenda”.

    4.000 CFA
  • Wealth must change hands

    Wealth must change hands. Is your wealth in the wrong hands? Has your wealth been hijacked? Has your wealth suffered a satanic burial? Has your wealth fizzled out? Were you once rich and now poor? This is what you need to know to take back what the enemy has stolen from you.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    6.000 CFA
  • Your Destiny and Your Prosperity

    Destiny has been described as what God has in mind before creating man; man’s purpose here on earth. The desire of God for everyone is to prosper in ail ramifications. However, there are many satanic forces assigned not to make that happen.

    The devil has devised so many ways by which to make man fall short of God’s original plan and purpose for him (Laziness, ignorance, financial dullness, profit less hard work etc.)

    It is, therefore, the duty of every man to discover what he needs to do to secure his destiny and prosper with in life.

    In this new book, find out all it takes to make your destiny prosperous according to God’s original design for your life.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    6.000 CFA