Showing all 2 results

  • Alabaster Box: Demystifying The Secret To Commanding And Maintaining Divine Heavenly Attenttion

    “Every true worshiper is really a type of the alabaster box, outwardly, we may not look like much, and if you only take a quick look at us, you might well miss the treasure within. We may be sometimes despised and seemingly treated with contempt, but we carry an uncommon and exceptionally precious treasure in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. On the inside of us lies the very essence of the purpose of man; we carry within us that which the heaven is passionately and diligently in search of, our worship.”In ALABASTER BOX – Unlimited Worship, much sought after national and international speaker and highly respected author Dr. Mrs. Becky Enenche demystifies the secret to commanding and maintaining divine heavenly attention. If you sincerely desire to be the central focus of God, then this is for you!

    6.825 CFA
  • Am I Bitter?

    Usually after a quarrel or misunderstanding, apologies are tendered between parties or individuals involved and the issues are settled , or so it seems on the surface but deep inside, the hurt and memory could still be festering and many are unaware that there is any problem. Scenarios in the human race have been characterized by wars and peace talk, yet there is one canker worm that seems to be eating deep into the human race and even into the church without being noticed, a devastator and a swelling pit of Hell called-bitterness. The question is: what is bitterness?, am i bitter? what has bitterness caused me? what do i do ? In this insightful book, Dr, Becky Enenche reveals to you, the destructive and detrimental tendencies of bitterness and how to live above it.

    6.825 CFA