Showing 1–20 of 28 results

  • Audio Book: How to Make Your Faith Work

    This book is an outstanding masterpiece that teaches not just how to aquire faith, but how to put your faith to work so you can live the life of victory, success, joy, health, and prosperity that God has planned for you.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD

    5.000 CFA

    L’ardent désir de Dieu est d’avoir une riche communion vibrante et durable avec ses enfants, mais comment pouvons-nous profiter de cette communion avec toutes ses bénédictions et les avantages, si nous ne savons pas comment prier efficacement? … Avec un rafraîchissant mélange d’exposé scripturaire sain et d’anecdotes concrètes, l’auteur à succès Chris Oyakhilome, Ph.D., dans ce classique plein de perspicacité partage avec vous les principes essentiels de la prière efficace. Ce premier volume établira pour vous une compréhension claire des règles des différentes prières pour différentes situations et comment les appliquer pour votre résultat souhaité. Votre vie de prière sera révolutionnée alors que vous ouvrez votre cœur afin de recevoir et de mettre en pratique les idées divines que ce livre vous dévoilera.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD

    6.000 CFA
  • DIE SEWE GEESTE VAN GOD: The Seven Spirits Of Godrierie: Die

    Wanner u die titel “Die Sewe Geeste van God” vir die eerste maal hoor of lees, is die eerste vraag wat waarskynlik by u sal opkom: Beteken dit dat God sewe Heilige Geeste het? Die Bybel leer dat daar “Sewe Geeste van God” is. Dit is egter tot ons voordeel om te verstaan presies wat dit beteken en hoe dit op ons van toepassing is onder die Nuwe Verbond.

    4.600 CFA

    Nous remercions Dieu pour votre guérison. Nous sommes excités à ce sujet aussi. Nous désirons que vous ne receviez pas seulement la guérison mais que vous la gardiez aussi, vivant toujours dans la santé divine.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD

    5.000 CFA
  • Healing From Heaven

    “Healing From Heaven Vol 3” invites you into a world of miracles, guided by the wisdom of the Holy Bible. Embark on a remarkable journey through the healing ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, PhD. This captivating third volume unveils extraordinary testimonies from ordinary individuals who embraced God’s Word and encountered His supernatural intervention in their lives. Delve deeper into the profound truths of faith and divine healing as Pastor Chris shares his insights, empowering you to fortify your own faith in God. Prepare to be awakened to the boundless possibilities that faith offers and the tangible realities of the Holy Ghost’s power. Allow the life-changing testimonies and profound reflections within this book to ignite your faith and inspire you to take action upon God’s Word, paving the way for your personal miracle.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD

    7.000 CFA
  • Het Beloofde Land

    In Genesis hoofdstuk 12 lezen we vanaf vers 1 dat God Abram (dat was zijn naam voordat deze werd veranderd in Abraham) riep. Hij ontving de roeping in hoofdstuk 11, maar de details worden in hoofdstuk 12 weergegeven.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    5.000 CFA

    Gebed is allereerst onze communicatie met de Heer. Communicatie heeft een doel. Het doel bepaalt de modus en relevante details die nodig zijn om van een effectieve communicatie te kunnen spreken.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.600 CFA
  • Hoe Men Een WONDER Kan Ontvangen èn Vasthouden

    Een wonder is dat bovennatuurlijke ingrijpen van God dat boven alle menselijke redenatie uitgaat. Iedereen heeft op een bepaald moment dat bovennatuurlijke ingrijpen nodig. Als we geconfronteerd worden met een schijnbaar hopeloze situatie; als de omstandigheden in ons leven moeten veranderen; als de medische wetenschap weinig of geen hoop meer geeft en de menselijke redenering geen oplossing biedt – dan is het tijd voor een wonder!

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.800 CFA
  • How To Make Your Faith Work

    That’s the missing ingredient from the message of faith, which is needed now in the body of Christ. This book is an outstanding revelational masterpiece that teaches you not just how to acquire faith, but how to put your faith to work so you can live the life of victory, success, joy, health and prosperity which God has ordained for you. You’ll learn about:
    The faith attitude in prayer,
    The four different levels of the God-kind of faith,
    What to do for your faith to become great,
    The reason and the cure for weak faith,
    How to build prevailing faith,
    Don’t get stuck in the rut! Learn how to make your faith work!

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    9.999 CFA
  • How to Pray Effectively Volume One

    “God’s earnest desire is to have a rich, vibrant, and enduring fellowship with His children; but how can we enjoy such communion with all its blessings and benefits if we don’t know how to pray effectively?
    With a refreshing blend of sound scripture exposition and practical anecdotes, best-selling author Chris Oyakhilome, PhD, in this insightful classic shares with you vital principles of effective prayer. This first volume will establish for you a clear understanding of the rules of different prayers for different situations and how to play them for your desired outcome. Your prayer life will be revolutionized as you open your heart to received and practice the divine insights this book unveils to you.”

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    10.000 CFA
  • How To Receive a Miracle and Retain It

    “Do you need a miracle—that supernatural intervention of God in the natural affairs of men that transcends human reasoning and ability? Learn how to receive one in this captivating book as Pastor Chris shares vital steps you must take to release God’s power on your behalf. Also discover how to ward off the devil’s counter-attack and retain what God has given you!”

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.950 CFA
  • Join this chariot

    Embark on a transformative journey of soul-winning with the timeless wisdom found in “Join This Chariot.” This classic book, rooted in biblical teachings, is a beacon of inspiration for believers seeking to engage in effective evangelism. Through its pages, Pastor Chris guides you with practical steps to reach your world with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

    Unveiling profound insights, Pastor Chris explores the concept of ‘chariots’ as divine tools for soul-winning. Drawing from the divine call of Phillip to “join this chariot” (Acts 8:29), he reveals that this invitation is extended to every believer in every generation. Prepare to be challenged to answer this call and discover how to maximize your chariot for world evangelization.

    “Join This Chariot” has already impacted the lives of thousands, inspiring them to actively participate in global evangelization. Countless individuals have been touched by the awe-inspiring power of God through the principles shared in this unambiguous treatise.

    Within the pages of this revised edition, Pastor Chris delves deeper into the reasons why God trusts you with the gospel. Furthermore, you will gain a profound understanding of the role of a watchman and embrace the Believer’s Statements of Commitment. But that’s not all; “Join This Chariot” has so much more in store for you.

    To enhance your learning experience, each chapter concludes with an activity sheet designed to help you grasp the timeless truths presented in this book. These practical exercises will empower you to apply these insights to your personal life, enabling you to become a more effective soul-winner.

    Are you ready to make an impact? Join the ranks of believers who have discovered the power of their chariots for world evangelization. Get your copy of “Join This Chariot” today and embark on a journey that will change lives, starting with your own.

    Note: This text is based on the provided paragraph and focuses on marketing the book “Join This Chariot” with the theme of soul-winning.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.800 CFA
  • La Puissance de Votre Intelligence

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    9.999 CFA
  • Maintenant Que Vous Êtes Né De Nouveau

    Je vous félicite pour le don gratuit du Salut éternel que vous avez reçu en acceptant Jésus-Christ comme votre seigneur et sauveur. J’aimerais partager avec vous des vérités qui sont fondamentales pour la vie du chrétien; des vérités qui constitueront des fondements sur lequel vous pouvez bâtir une vie enracinée et harmonieuse. Etudiez attentivement ce livre et il produira pour vous une moisson éternelle.

    Ma prière est que Dieu vous donne l’esprit de Sagesse et de révélation dans sa connaissance, qu’il illumine les yeux de votre intelligence afin que vous puissiez réaliser combien grande est l’espérance à laquelle il vous a appelée, et connaître tout ce qui vous est gratuitement donnée en Christ. Amen!

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    1.500 CFA
  • My Little Book of Confessions: I Can Do All Things

    “My Little Book of Confessions” contains Bible-based confessions which have been beautifully arranged to help young kids develop their confidence in God’s Word. They will be refreshed and renewed as they declare these faith-filled words everyday.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.500 CFA
  • Now That You Are Born Again

    ““Now that you’re born again, WHAT NEXT?” That’s the big question, and this book gives clear and simple answers. In it, best-selling author and teacher, Chris Oyakhilome, reveals vital truths fundamental to the Christian faith, truths upon which you can build a strong and vibrant life in Christ. “Now That You Are Born Again” unveils insightful revelations that will point the new Christian in the right direction and nurture him in his new life in Christ.”

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    1.500 CFA
  • Praying the right way

    Experience the power of effective prayer with “Praying the Right Way” by Chris Oyakhilome. In this enlightening book, you will uncover the secrets and principles that will revolutionize your prayer life. God desires to answer ALL your prayers, and this book will guide you in aligning your prayers with His perfect will.

    Don’t miss out on the incredible blessings that await you when you pray in the right way. Discover how to rid yourself of wrong mindsets, doctrines, perceptions, practices, and prayers that may have hindered your communication with God. With concise yet comprehensive teachings, Chris Oyakhilome will equip you with the tools you need to unlock the full potential of your prayers.

    Take control of your prayer life today and experience the joy of witnessing God’s answers to your heartfelt supplications. “Praying the Right Way” is your key to a deeper, more impactful connection with the Creator. Embrace the divine principles outlined in this book and witness the transformational power of effective prayer in your life.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    3.500 CFA
  • Prier dans la bonne voie

    “Dieu veut vous donner plus que vous ne voulez recevoir…”  “Vous ne dite pas des prières, vous priez du fond de votre cœur à Dieu…”, “Vous priez au nom de Jésus à Dieu le Père et non à travers Jésus…” Dans ce ouvrage, certes livre compréhensible sur la prière, Pasteur Chris a mis fin au mauvaises pensée, doctrines et pratiques qui mettent des bâtons dans les roues de votre vie de prière et vous ouvre les portes d’une vie de prière effective dans le nouveau testament.

    Prier dans la bonne voie ne vous enseigne pas seulement les principes dynamique de la prière effective mais enflamme aussi une passion pour la prière au fond de vous. Le principe est simple, le résultat garantie une vie de joie et de paix quand vous recevez des réponses à vos prières…tout le temps.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.500 CFA
  • Prophecy : Understanding the power that controls your future

    God’s people are a people of prophecy. God called us out by prophecy, build us up by Prophecy, sends us out by Prophecy, and blesses us so much through prophecy. This is why prophecy is such an important subject in the kingdom of God and in this book I will be teaching you how prophecy affect your life- indeed how it has affected your life up to this point and is already shaping your future.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    9.500 CFA