Showing 1521–1531 of 1531 results

  • Who are You?

    John 1:19-23: “This is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, ‘Who are you? He said, and did not deny it; he said that he was not the
    Christ. And they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah? And he said, I am not. Are you the prophet? And he answered, No. Then they said to him: Who are you? That we may give an answer to those who have sent us. What do you say about yourself? He said, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as Isaiah the prophet said. ”

    The difference between the rich and the poor, is in the information. One has information that makes life go forward and the other not. Sometimes the difference between the great and the small is knowledge. There is a saying that says: “the mountain of a man is his ignorance”. Men have made many remarkable discoveries; the man who invented the telephone was laughed at because it looked like a toy, but today, it’s the same thing.
    but today it has become an indispensable tool in everyday life. When the young men who invented the airplane started out in their backyard, people laughed at them and despised what they were doing. When the man who invented the motor car tried it, people told him to put it aside and buy a horse, like any other person; he persisted and succeeded, Christopher Columbus discovered America; Mungo Park discovered the Niger River and their names are written in gold today, in history. There are great discoveries, but the greatest discovery that anyone can ever make is …

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.500 CFA
  • Why Believe in Jesus?: A Life Worth Investigating

    Jesus Christ is the most famous person who ever lived. Most people know His name, but they don’t really know who He was or what was He like. If He truly was a Savior, as some say, in what way does that reality affect us today? And why should we believe in Him?

    As Jesus lived and ministered on earth, He taught on topics such as:

    • What is truth?
    • What is the meaning of life?
    • What is love?
    • What is my purpose?
    • What is my future?

    In this book, as you explore the unique life and teachings of Jesus Christ, you will also be introduced to contemporary people from various backgrounds who tell how and why they came to believe in Jesus—and the difference He is making in their lives today.

    12.325 CFA
  • Widsom for healthy living

    Total health is an essential requirement for a triumphant Christian life. God’s word is a light to those who will find it.  Understanding is the password you need to enjoy your inheritance in Christ which.

    Through this power packed book, David Ibiyeomie, ushers the reader into the incredible life of total health. God redeemed us to flourish in health. God redeemed us to flourish in health and not to diminish in health. Health is a covenant benefit of walking with God. Read this book and enjoy total health forever.

    6.100 CFA
  • Wonders of his grace

    Since we are in the age of grace he has sovereignly granted us many privileges that even the angels, the cherubim do not have access to. So he called us his children and de facto made us in his image and likeness. We have authority over all his creation, the angels, the cherubim, the sea, the wind… we are redeemed at a great price.

    6.100 CFA
  • Wonders Of his word

    The word works incredible wonders. Hear the word, believe the word, act on the word and speak the word.

    The word of God sets the stage for the wonders of God: signs and wonders, healing, health, restoration, revival, turnaround, progress, promotion, prosperity and success.

    David Ibiyeomie said, “When i encountered light in the word, sickness became a thing of the past. With insight from God’s word, i buried poverty for life…”

    8.700 CFA
  • Your Foundation and your Destiny

    Your destiny is the purpose of God for your life and the reason why you were created. However, like Jabez many have been born on the platform of evil foundations. The problem of evil background and ancestral stronghold has not been adequately presented to the modern man. The conclusion is that many would not fulfil their destinies until they clear away the evil foundation prepared for them by the enemy. The enemy is any power, spirit or force that does not want the will of God to be fulfilled in your life. This book will teach you how to deal with evil foundations and move your life forward to the glory of God.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    8.000 CFA
  • Your Ministry and Your Ancestry


    The battles of life are common to all and sundry, therefore the fact that you are a minister does not erase your ancestral roots. To this end, many pastors, ministers and church leaders are ignorant of the impact ancestral factors have on the lives of men and women of Cod. A lot of ministers who have failed in the ministry could not really understand the reason(s) behind their failures. Some are even blinded to the fact that they have battles to fight. These battles are deeply entrenched in the foundations of many ministers of the gospel and if something is not done urgently, many more will die miserably without fulfillingtheir destinies. While the battles and challenges faced by those who are not ministers are ordinary, the battles faced by ministers are complicated and advanced in nature. This book exposes you to those battles, how to tackle them and it explains what you need to do to deal with them and be permanently free from them. Be blessed on this journey of discovery and recovery.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    12.000 CFA
  • Your Mouth and Your Deliverance

    Words have creative power
    Words have tearing down power
    Words have undying power
    Words have healing power
    Words can work wonders
    Words can work blunders
    This is a book of powerful confessions to bring unchangeable victory and breakthroughs.

    Guaranteed. This book must change your life.

    Address all negative situations working against you and command them to bow.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    7.000 CFA
  • Your Past Your Present & Your Future

    God has a purpose for bring us into this world and He expects us to accomplish that purpose. However, some are so embedded in past failures that they are unable to make progress. The future can be mortgaged when the present has been jeopardized as a result of liabilities from the past. This book teaches how to deal with the past and navigate through the present into a glorious ‘ futute.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    9.000 CFA
  • Zacharie, Le prophète de l’espérance

    Plongez dans les profondeurs enchanteresses du livre captivant, “Zacharie, Le prophète de l’espérance”. Dans un monde frénétique en quête de sens et de lumière, ce trésor biblique vous offre un voyage exaltant vers l’essence même de l’espérance.

    Zacharie, le “prophète de l’espérance”, transcende les époques pour illuminer nos vies de sa vision éclairée. Au cœur de cet ouvrage, chaque mot est une pierre précieuse, minutieusement taillée pour guider l’étudiant sérieux de la Bible vers une compréhension profonde et éclairante. Laissez-vous envoûter par les révélations divinement inspirées qui ont souvent été négligées, et découvrez la puissance d’un message intemporel qui résonne avec une force nouvelle.

    L’auteur, avec une expertise inégalée, se concentre exclusivement sur le thème central de l’espérance qui coule tel un fleuve imperturbable à travers chaque verset prophétique. Dans cette quête, nous sommes guidés au-delà des subtilités académiques, au-delà des nuances de style, vers une compréhension plus profonde et pratique de l’essence même de l’espérance. Les métaphores anciennes prennent vie, éclairant notre propre voyage de foi dans un monde en perpétuelle transformation.

    Ce livre est bien plus qu’une simple étude biblique ; il est une source de réconfort et de courage pour ceux qui se trouvent aux prises avec l’incertitude et les défis de la vie moderne. “Zacharie, Le prophète de l’espérance” vous invite à traverser les siècles pour saisir l’héritage spirituel du prophète, un héritage qui continue d’insuffler de l’espoir dans les cœurs assoiffés de vérité et de direction.

    Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure captivante, alors que nous explorons les pages de ce livre exceptionnel, pour découvrir que l’espérance transcende le temps et l’espace, et résonne puissamment dans nos vies aujourd’hui. Plongez dans l’essence même de l’espérance avec “Zacharie, Le prophète de l’espérance”. Votre avenir spirituel ne sera plus jamais le même.


    Frederick Brotherton Meyer

    2.500 CFA
  • ZÉLÉS POUR DIEU Un appel à être des sacrifices vivants

    L’idée de sacrifice n’est pas forcément très plaisante à première vue. Si nous sommes souvent prompts à suivre Jésus, son appel à « prendre notre croix » a plutôt tendance à nous faire marquer un temps d’arrêt. Que signifie alors cette exhortation intemporelle de l’apôtre Paul à être un sacrifice vivant, et comment la vivre ?
    En prenant exemple sur son parcours et sur celui de nombreux chrétiens qui l’ont précédé, Simon Guillebaud répond à cette question au travers d’un court ouvrage, accessible et percutant. Il nous invite à ne pas chercher le confort d’une vie sans épreuve mais à nous placer à l’écoute de Dieu et à faire sa volonté, quoiqu’il nous en coûte. Un appel à être zélé pour Dieu !

    7.200 CFA