Showing 141–160 of 172 results




    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    6.000 CFA
  • Tacking the Battle to the Enemy’s Gate

    Taking the Battle to the Enemy’s gate
    In this book the author draws a clear line of demarcation between offensive and defensive warfare.The difference between the conqueror and the conquered is clearly stipulated. The author maintains that for a very long time, the children of God have not been pro-active. There are challenges in every chapter. You will also discover that victory belongs to those who are on the offensive.The challenge of the hour is that you must take the battle to the gate of the enemy
    The offensive prayer points in this book will bulldoze the gates of darkness.This book will teach you how to stop the enemy before he stops you.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.200 CFA
  • Technical Prayers to Disgrace Local Goliaths

    Goliath represents problems that are larger than life. Goliath is a symbol of threats, intimidation and harassments. The author in five powerful chapters teach the secrets of disgracing goliaths. This book emphasizes the principles of resounding victory over every satanic harassment. It will introduce fire into your bones and make you to stand on the mountain of victory. The prayer points will enable you to bombard the enemy until he surrenders.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.500 CFA

    Battle Against the Wasters
    Anyone who is not working according to God’s timetable for his life will end up a failure. Are you afraid you may never be able to achieve your goal in life the way things are going for you? Are you getting discouraged because your dream is being dashed? Are you confused and do not know where to turn? Are you losing your self-esteem because you are not living up to expectations? Have you developed self-hatred because all your efforts to make it in life have yielded no result? If your answers to these questions are yes, then the wasters are already at work in your life. This book will teach you how to overcome the wasters so that you can rise to the top where God wants you to be.

    Dr Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.500 CFA
  • The Blood on the Door Post

    The Passover was one of the greatest events that took place in the history of Israel. The angel of death passed over the homes of the Israelites and wreaked havoc in the homes of the Egyptians. Israel came under divine covering because of the blood on their doorposts. Today as many as will come under the covering of the Blood of Jesus will escape the onslaught of the angel of death. This book will guide you on the kind of life you should live to remain under the covering of the blood of Jesus.
    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA
    5.000 CFA
  • The Chain Breaker

    The Chain breaker is an uncommon deliverance book, specially packaged to break every chain and set the captives free. It is an easy to use manual focusing on individual needs and addressing every spectrum of human need for total liberty. Each section contains exhaustive analysis of common areas of bondage.

    There are practical symptoms as well as prayer points vomited by the Holy Ghost to break such common chains. It is well researched and offered in digestible manner.

    The Chain breaker is a unique manual that would break the chains of oppression and satanic bondage.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    8.500 CFA
  • The Healing Balm

    “Is there no balm in Gilead?” – Jeremiah 8:22
    The Healing Balm, comes with a gripping insight on Jesus as the Great Physician, coupled with a vivid presentation of the Great Physician’s prescription for all ailments of life.

    Dr. David Oyedepo says: “Many have accepted Jesus as Saviour, but very few have accepted Him as their Healer. He is not only the Saviour of your soul, but also the Saviour of your body.”

    Concerning the Great Physician’s prescription, Dr. Oyedepo tells us:
    “He has made a prescription. Now we have found it! It is the cheapest drug! It goes into the bones and marrows! It is quick! It is powerful!”

    This book will give you something to be eternally grateful to God for something to pass on to your children, and to your children’s children! Divine health will become a family tradition right down the line, fr you and for those coming behind you.


    8.000 CFA
  • The Jehu Prayers

    The devil has used the dragnet of witchcraft to hold on to the world. The revival of satanism on the face of the earth is a sign of desperation. Right now, the children of darkness have opened their doors to train men in wickedness. There is an enemy that hates mankind and his progress with perfect hatred. This enemy is known as witchcraft. To confront this spirit, we must be ruthless towards it. Operation Jehu is caught and destroy, throw and destroy, cage and destroy.

    17.000 CFA
  • The Lord is a Man of War

    The reason, why many people have lived as spineless weaklings, who always run away whenever there is little threat from the camp of the enemy, could be traced to their ignorance of God’s power. Nobody, can truly know God as a man of war and fail to experience victory in life’s battles. Get to see the Lord as a man of war!

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    3.800 CFA
  • The Madness of the Heart

    Keep Thy Heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Prov 4:23)
    There are physical and spiritual sickness that plague men day and night. Many minds are sick. This book is targeted at bringing deliverance to the mind.

    Do you find that your mind is uncontrollably filled and manipulated by lust, anger, rejection, evil fantasies, confusion, torment, oppression, dejection, frustration, pollution, etc. Grab a copy of this book and your life will no longer remain the same.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    8.500 CFA
  • The Mystery of Fasting and Prayer

    The days we live in are evil. Perilous times are here. The habitations of cruelty are devising and unleashing frightful dimensions of wickedness on humanity. The hearts of men are melting in fear. The love of many is waxing cold. But our God has not left us defenseless. He has given us weapons to contain and defeat every foe.This book will open your eyes to the tremendous power and immense benefits of fasting and prayer.You will come to the realization that fasting is one weapon you can use to remain an overcomer in the face of every battle.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    8.500 CFA
  • The Peril of Powerlessness

    Powerlessness in the lives of individual Christians and the Church in this generation is disturbing and disheartening. It is the reason the devil is having a field day, stealing, killing and destroying unabated.
    The hallmark of Christ’s followers should be the possession and demonstration of spiritual power. Christ Himself was power personified. His life and ministry were eloquent testimonies to the surpassing and unsurpassable power of God. Lack of spiritual power in the life of His followers is therefore a paradox.
    This book equips you with all you need to become a carrier and demonstrator of God’s power. It is a potent weapon for you to use in dislodging powerlessness from your life and moving into the realm of power generation and exploits.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    5.000 CFA
  • The Power of Favour

    Experience the power of God’s favor in your life with our uplifting book, filled with divine wisdom and spiritual inspiration. Discover how declaring God’s love will bring blessings of favor and fulfillment, helping you to achieve what you couldn’t on your own. With Joel Osteen’s encouragement, you’ll see how God’s goodness uplifts you every day, providing you with divine empowerment and opening doors of opportunity that you never thought possible.

    Our journal is the perfect companion to this book, with selected quotes and inspiration from The Power of Favor, and premium, thick, no-bleed paper that will last for years to come. Whether you use it to record your prayers for God’s favor or document how His favor works in your life, this journal will become a cherished keepsake that you will look back on time and time again.

    God has called you out, set you apart, and chosen you to live a distinctively favored life. With our book and journal, you can experience the force of His favor and overcome any challenges that you face. So, don’t wait any longer. Order your copy today and start living a life filled with God’s blessings of favor and fulfillment.

    15.600 CFA
  • The Problems of Incomplete Deliverance

    One generation which stands in need of deliverance, more than any other generation, is our present generation. Deliverance is, therefore, in high public demand. There is the burgeoning of positive interest in deliverance from all kinds of demonic bondage.

    What is, however, not yet properly addressed is the problem of incomplete deliverance. This book addresses the characteristics of incomplete deliverance and presents the panacea for total deliverance. Being a product of years of research carried out by a frontline deliverance minister, prophet and teacher, it is an invaluable manual which will go a long way in solving knotty problems encountered on the deliverance field. This book will answer all the questions that are being asked by deliverance candidates and ministers alike.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.000 CFA
  • Tied Down in the Spirit

    This is deliverance book with a difference. It is a product of research carried out by a frontline deliverance minister and a spiritual warfare expert. It mirrors the true situation of multitudes who are grappling with failure, non-achievement and tragedy. It is a brilliant expose of one of the most wicked strategies of the devil.
    This book will provide total help from those who are tied down in the spirit. The prayer points as well as the illumination provided in ths book will liberate you from the shackles of stubborn enemies and oppressors.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

    4.000 CFA
  • Une décennie pour vaincre la maladie chronique

    Par son témoignage, l’auteur ne vise pas à nous apitoyer sur les douleurs horribles – engendrées par des rhumatismes chroniques aigus – qu’il a endurées pendant toute son adolescence, mais à nous partager comment il a traversé ce calvaire en gardant l’espoir d’être un jour guéri.

    Lui et ses parents avaient mis leur confiance dans la médecine conventionnelle, et aussi dans ceux qui, en Afrique, s’autoproclament guérisseurs, mais vous découvrirez comment et par qui sa maladie chronique a finalement été vaincue. Aujourd’hui il veut partager son expérience pour réconforter ceux qui souffrent, et les soutenir afin qu’ils gardent la foi et l’espérance.

    3.975 CFA
  • Une Décennie Pour Vaincre La Maladie…

    Par son témoignage, l’auteur ne vise pas à nous apitoyer sur les douleurs horribles – engendrées par des rhumatismes chroniques aigus – qu’il a endurées pendant toute son adolescence, mais à nous partager comment il a traversé ce calvaire en gardant l’espoir d’être un jour guéri. Lui et ses parents avaient mis leur confiance dans la médecine conventionnelle, et aussi dans ceux qui, en Afrique, s’autoproclament guérisseurs, mais vous découvrirez comment et par qui sa maladie chronique a finalement été vaincue. Aujourd’hui il veut partager son expérience pour réconforter ceux qui souffrent, et les soutenir afin qu’ils gardent la foi et l’espérance.

    3.599 CFA
  • Une Maladie Incurable: Ce n’est pas la fin du monde

    Ce livre s’adresse à ceux qui ont perdu espoir, car gagnés par une maladie ou une épreuve. C’est l’histoire d’un garçon d’une vingtaine d’années qui se nomme Sisto et qui menait une vie active sans histoires. Salarié d’une entreprise pétrolière à Pointe-Noire au Congo-Brazzaville, il découvre un jour, lors d’une consultation médicale, qu’il est atteint d’un cancer du sang. Les pronostics sur une éventuelle guérison sont très faibles. Cette nouvelle l’affecte très profondément. C’est alors qu’il rentre dans une période de recherche vers Dieu qui se traduira par la guérison miraculeuse de son cancer.

    7.200 CFA
  • Victoire sur les échecs

    Avez-vous dèjà manqué la cible? Êtes-vous tombé? Ne vous découragez pas! Relevez-vous! Les chrétiens aujourd’hui entrent dans une nouvelle dimension de sainteté comme jamais auparavant. Dieu a des projets puissants, “des signes et des prodiges” en réserve pour les personnes qui sont prêtes à être ses vases. Vous découvrirez que Samson était un tel vase. Dieu avait des plans puissants pour lui, mais Samson a négligé son appel et cela a détruit sa vie!

    Samson n’est pas resté abattu. Quelque chose de merveilleux s’est produit, un joyau inestimable; il a réalisé que Dieu voulait manifester sa nature à travers lui. Samson a découvert que Dieu pouvait ranimer en lui la flamme de la sainteté! Laissez Dieu vous révèler sa nature, afin que vous aussi vous soyez un vase rempli de sa puissance!

    1.600 CFA
  • Victoire sur les malédictions : L’idolâtrie et ses conséquences

    Les lecteurs seront surpris dès les premières pages d’apprendre la gravité des malédictions ancestrales africaines sévissant sur des familles entières de nos jours encore. Leurs descendants souffrent encore de la misère, de maladies graves, de mortalité des conjoints, etc. Les causes sont la sorcellerie et l’idolâtrie, des croyances grotesques et morbides dont le diable se sert pour ruiner des peuples entiers.

    5.050 CFA