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  • Chosing to Learn from Life

    In our journey through life, we are constantly presented with choices. We can either passively overlook the meaningful opportunities that come our way, or we can actively embrace them as catalysts for personal growth. These moments, known as kairos, hold immense power to shape our lives and were designed by a divine hand.

    At the heart of this transformative process lies The LifeShapes™ Circle: Choosing to Learn from Life. This groundbreaking book serves as your guide to recognizing and responding to these pivotal “learning moments” in a holistic and enriching manner. No longer shall we simply let life unfold; it’s time to seize the reins and harness its full potential.

    Drawing wisdom from the depths of biblical teachings, this masterpiece unlocks the principles that pave the path to unimaginable spiritual growth. Through its pages, you will be equipped with the tools needed to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and grace. It empowers you to see beyond the surface and discover the profound lessons embedded within every experience.

    “Choosing to Learn from Life” serves as a compass, illuminating your journey towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. Each chapter invites you to explore new perspectives and dive into the hidden treasures that lie within the seemingly ordinary. You will uncover the transformative power of embracing life’s twists and turns, allowing them to mold you into the best version of yourself.

    Prepare to embark on a profound adventure of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment. This book will challenge you to transcend your comfort zone and embrace the divine opportunities that await you. By consciously choosing to learn from life, you can unlock a reservoir of untapped potential within yourself and experience true growth.

    Don’t let life happen to you take charge of your destiny. Order your copy of “Choosing to Learn from Life: Embracing Transformational Moments” today and embark on a transformative journey towards a life of purpose and spiritual abundance. It’s time to embrace the divine invitation and unlock your true potential.


    Mike Breen

    9.999 CFA