Showing all 4 results

  • Criminals in the House of God

    Criminals in the House of God. Criminals are commonly found in police cells, in the prisons, in courts, in the streets or generally in dark and unholy places. But you may be surprised to know that there are actually criminals in the house of God. The state of the church these days is very lamentable. God is going to clean His house and any unprofitable tree shall be uprooted. A certain pastor had his congregation weighed on the scale by an angel of God. Out of 2,900 people in the church only 80 were ready for heaven. It will be very sad if the trumpet sounds!


    10.000 CFA

    When about a hundred candidates go for an interview for employment in which only five are to be absorbed, any one among these five must have been captured in the radar of divine favor and mercy. Do you desire to swim in God’s favor and mercy, then read this book!

    4.000 CFA
  • Faire Exploser Le Couvent De Sorcellerie

    Les pouvoirs de la sorcellerie sont constamment à l’œuvre dans nos familles, sociétés, été. dans notre génération. Leurs opérations affectent nos affaires, finances, notre économie, nos enfants et tous les domaines de la vie.

    C’est un classique écrit par une autorité concernant de ce terme, le DR OLUKOYA. Ce livre traite intensivement la sorcellerie, ses signes, symptômes, manifestations et enseigne au croyant comment exercer leur autorité sur les pouvoirs de la sorcellerie.




    10.000 CFA
  • Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Gospel Hymn Book

    Unveiling the Spiritual Harmony: “Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Gospel Hymn” Book

    Introduction: A Melodic Journey into Spiritual Reverie

    In the vast landscape of religious literature, the “Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Gospel Hymn” book stands as a testament to the power of harmonious worship. This collection of hymns is more than a mere compendium of verses; it is a melodic journey inviting believers into a realm of spiritual reverence and divine connection.

    1. A Symphony of Faithful Expression

    Within the pages of this hymn book, a symphony of faithful expressions unfolds. Each hymn becomes a lyrical vessel, carrying the sentiments and aspirations of worshippers. The melodies, crafted with precision, serve as a bridge between the earthly and the divine.

    2. Harmonizing Worship Across Boundaries

    One remarkable feature of the “Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Gospel Hymn” book is its ability to harmonize worship across diverse boundaries. Whether within the walls of a church or resonating through personal devotions, these hymns create an atmosphere where believers from various walks of life find common spiritual ground.

    3. Inclusive and Uplifting: A Divine Choir

    This collection is not merely a compilation but a divine choir, echoing the praises and supplications of a multitude. It is inclusive, embracing the rich diversity of worship styles while uplifting the spirits of those who seek solace and inspiration through song.

    4. A Tapestry of Spiritual Narratives

    Embedded within the hymns are narratives that weave a tapestry of spiritual stories. Each hymn tells a tale of faith, resilience, and divine intervention. These narratives serve as sources of inspiration, guiding believers through life’s challenges with a soundtrack of unwavering faith.

    5. Beyond Words: The Power of Musical Invocation

    The “Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Gospel Hymn” book transcends mere words. It is a vehicle of musical invocation, where the harmonious interplay of lyrics and melodies becomes a conduit for spiritual encounters. The songs become prayers, declarations, and moments of divine communion.

    Conclusion: Echoes of Grace in Every Note

    In conclusion, this hymn book is not just a compilation of songs; it is a manifestation of grace in every note. Whether sung in congregational unison or whispered in solitary contemplation, these hymns carry the potential to usher believers into a profound encounter with the divine. The “Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Gospel Hymn” book is a timeless companion on the spiritual journey, echoing the harmonies of faith and grace

    12.650 CFA