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  • Pastoral Protocol

    Delve into the depths of pastoral and affiliated ministry with “The Pastoral Protocol,” which reveals the essential foundations governing ministry within the Church. As each profession and vocation is guided by specific rules, pastoral ministry is no exception.

    In this work, Dr. AGYINASARE explores with captivating clarity the ethical principles that distinguish pastoral ministry from any other profession. The intimate relationship between the pastor and his church, the community, the opposite sex and colleagues is carefully revealed, providing an essential guide to leading conduct marked by respect and compassion.

    From financial management to the balance between family and ecclesiastical responsibilities, including the delicate question of confessions. Every aspect of the pastor’s life is addressed with unparalleled spiritual depth. The teachings in “The Pastoral Protocol” are rooted in biblical tradition, providing a solid basis for living and acting in accordance with sacred values.

    The influence of a well-lived ministry goes far beyond the walls of the Church. The ethical standards you uphold as a pastor help shape people’s perceptions of God, Christianity, and even your own congregation. Dive into this inspiring book to discover how to establish a strong ethical foundation that elevates not only your ministry, but also the faith and vision of those you guide.

    “The Pastoral Protocol” is much more than a simple guide; it is an invitation to discover the ethical and spiritual values that have the power to transform lives and guide souls towards a deeper understanding of faith and grace. Don’t miss this opportunity to strengthen your ministry by grounding yourself in the wisdom of Pastoral Protocol.


    Dr Charles AGYINASARE

    10.000 CFA
  • THE LAW OF IMPACT: The Work and Reward of the Pastor

    Did you know that even Jesus, with His limitless anointing, couldn’t perform miracles in His hometown due to a lack of honor? Today, the same principle applies: God’s power is hindered when there is no honor for His prophets and servants.

    In “The Law of Impact: The Work and Reward of the Pastor,” you’ll uncover profound biblical truths that will transform your understanding of pastors and Christian ministers. Learn to honor true men of God and break free from common misconceptions about their work. Prepare yourself to experience the prophet’s reward like never before. Dive into this transformative journey and witness the impact of honor!

    Bishop Charles Agyinasare


    10.000 CFA