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  • Experiencing God in Prayer

    In the market place, wise workers ascribe higher value and premium to experience they gain at work than the pay they earn. Whereas, the unwise negotiate for jobs that pay highest and perhaps with utmost ease, the wise will opt for exposure that leads to experience. Why? Because what one earns will soon be used up and shortly afterwards, would be compelled to crave for more. On the other hand, what the beneficiary gains by experience stays with him for life.

    Similarly, while in prayer, there are material things we do seek from God which of course, abound with Him, and He is ever willing to give freely to His children (Romans 8:32), but far beyond the material things we receive from Him are the experiences He wants His children to encounter in His presence.

    This new book by Bishop David Abioye will let you know that God’s number one purpose for creating man is intimate fellowship.

    David Olatunji Abioye – SHILOH

    8.500 CFA
  • The Lifestyle of Faith

    Faith is primarily a lifestyle. It is not just a weapon to engage when a fight ensues neither is it a tool you pick up when you have an issue to fix.

    A soldier is basically enlisted for a life of selfless service. He is first trained and then equipped with weapons which he uses only as and when need arises. No matter how well a soldier uses his weapon, he stands the risk of losing is enlistment if he does not live well to please his Commander.

    If you do not live well, you cannot fight well. In the School of Faith, it is the “walking” that lends strength and efficacy to the “workings” of faith.

    This book is an insightful herald on the lifestyle of faith. It analyses the concept of faith and gives you a handle on its dynamic operations. Topics such as characteristics of faith, the product of faith, the womb of faith, the fountain of faith, the eye of faith, the arrows of faith, the motive of faith and lots more are clearly analyzed in this volume.

    The lifestyle of faith is your passport into the glory and virtue of your calling in Christ.

    David Olatunji Abioye – SHILOH

    8.500 CFA