Showing all 16 results

  • Anointing For Exploits

    Many have limited the mission of the anointing only to spiritual and physical manifestations. However, the anoiting holds the answer to all questions of life. Sadly, many have also assumed thad the anointing is only for preacher, pastors, evangelist, etc. This is far from the thruth, the anointing is relevant to the day-to-day triumph of every child of God. In addition, it is the divine platform that empowers bilievers for exploits.

    Dr David Oyedepo unveils the personality of the Holy Spirit. We need this understanding because the Holy Spirit at work in a man is what produces extraordinary results. Thus, it is impossible to understand what the anointing is without first knowing who the Holy Spirit is. When we understand his personality, it becomes easy to know how he empowers people to accomplish supernatural feats.


    8.000 CFA
  • Audio Book: The Twelve Pillars- Prayer


    Prayer is a spiritual channel for connesting with helps from above. To be prayerless is to be helpless, because God is committed to sending you help from above, when you call upon him.

    Dr. David Oyedepo, in this series on Prayer unveils how to boost and sustain our faith through prayer, which in turn helps us to actualise our destinies.

    5.000 CFA
  • Born to Win

    In our world, many aspire, but very negligible few attain. Christianity dose not promise a war free ride ttrough the race of life bilievers; rather, it establishes the fact that life is warfare, not funfair.  The challenges you contend every day either make or break you; you either overcome or you are overcome.

    Through problems come unendingly, they are not to edge you out of the race, they are your aides de camp to your victorious ending. Your weapon lies in embracing this truth that: you are born to win! Shake the dust off your once booming dreams and brace up for the fight anew. You are created for the top; therefore, take your place!


    8.500 CFA
  • Breaking The Curses Of Life

    Every man’s recovery is traceable to his discovery. The most strategic discovery in any warfare is to uncover the identity of the opponent and ascertain the limit of his weaponry. Fighting the shadows will only frustrate man’s efforts and hand cheap victory to the oppenent.

    Dr David Oyedepo exposes another hidden angle to the challenges confronted by humans. Curses make life a choking experience, imprison destinies and barricade advancement. But there is no curses, no matter how gruesome, that cannot be broken. Every curse has a cause; and the first step to freedom from every kind of curse is making the right diagnosis, and the taking decisive steps to securing one’s liberty.

    Breaking the curses of life is an animated effort initiated to unmask the enn=emy’ vulnerability in this battle and to outfit its victims with kingdom ammunition for non-negociable triumph. Stop crouching througgh life feeling hopeless and helpless. Take spiritual responsibilities and procure your liberty from the stranglehold of curses. This is your hour of liberation.

    Curses are real! Many are under the torments of curses without knowing. Breaking The Curses of Life brings to many who have been snared in holes and hid in prison houses, a way of escape into absolute and glorious liberty. In this book, Dr. David Oyedepo brings to the body of Christ, a powerful presentation of seven basic types of curses. Not only that, you will also get to know how to break these curses off your life, business, family, etc.


    5.000 CFA
  • In Pursuit of Vision

    The Pursuit of Vision is all about the discovery of purpose and the pursuit of that purpose through divine guidance. God has a purpose for every redeemed child of His. There is a divine assignment entrusted to you to carry out here on earth.

    A discovery of that purpose or assignment is the first step towards the pursuit of vision. This book teaches how you can arrive at your high place in life through following God’s leading. Author, Dr. David O. Oyedepo, stresses the need for divine guidance in the fulfillment of destiny. According to him, “The quality of every man’s destiny is a function of the quality of the divine guidance he receives…His leading defines the limits of our destiny.”

    Dr. Oyedepo also discusses the virtues of “Divine Corrections”, which he describes as actually seventy-five percent of what God does as He leads us.


    8.500 CFA
  • Maximise Destiny

    Predestination is an act of God but the actualization of it is the responsibility of man. God paid a great price to make something uniquely outstanding out of your life.

    As the salt of the earth, you are by destiny designed to give taste to the earth and preserve the world system from decadence.

    In this masterpiece, you will discover that:
    – The prophetic agenda for the end time guarantees that you make a mark in your field of endeavour.
    – We live in a dreamer’s world and only those with dreams will ever make a mark.
    – It is your covenant birthright to leave footprints in the sands of time.
    This book unfolds the vital keys that will help you maximize your glorious destiny in life.


    8.500 CFA
  • Not By Power Nor By Might

    Every redeemed child of God has golden destiny in Christ Jesus, but without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, it cannot be realised. We understand from the Scriptures that the Holy Spirit is a multi-dimensional Spirit, who manifests in diverse operations to empower the saints for dominion and exploits on earth. That means without be limited and our golden destinies would remain daydreams. That is what makes this book a must read for you.

    In this book, Dr. David Oyedepo identifies and explores the diverse operations of the Holy Spirit, and reveals how to patner with him for the delivery of your golden destiny in Christ. This is your breakthrough package; take delivery of it!


    7.500 CFA

    Free delivery

    This book is a compilation of all Dr David Oyedepo’s books on PRAYER, PRAISE & HEALING in one volume. The purpose is to preserve his works for future referencing and make them spiritual treasure to the body of Christ, both in the now and to the generations yet unborn.

    These library volumes are classified under the 12 Pillars of the commission and are spread across her 3-core mandate.

    Books in this volume

    • Winning prayer
    • Born to win
    • Keys to answered prayers
    • Understanding the power of praise
    • Wonders of praise
    • Keys to divine health
    • The healing balm
    • The miracle meal
    • You shall not be barren
    • Fulfilling your days


    45.000 CFA
  • Put your Angels to Work

    Angels are sent to serve the saints. Indeed, something is missing mainly until the angelic dimension of our redemption is brought to light. There are areas that a Christian will never be able to penetrate until this dimension is in place and one of the most marked ministries of these end times will be that of the angels. Just as all the other benefits God has for the Church are wrapped up in mysteries, so too is angelic intervention presented as one of the most sophisticated mysteries of life. Until such mysteries are revealed, the Church cannot use or appreciate them. Divine health, for example, has always been available, but everyone naturally walked in sickness and enjoyed it. Prosperity has always been for the Church, but there was no society poorer than the Christians, until the light of God’s Word concerning the redemptive offer of health and wealth reached the Church.


    3.500 CFA
  • The Release of Power

    The essence of Christianity is the demonstration of power. The believer stand to be molested in the battles of life without power. Power is the force that places the devil where he belongs-under your feet.

    The enemy is having a field day because the saints are failing to take their position. The end-time saints are designed to glide over all satanic onslaughtsb effortlessly, wrecking havoc in the kingdom of darkness. This book is a wakeup call to the church to take the reins of power and rule in the midst of the enemy. The time has come for the saints of God to become absolutely intoxicated with the only absolute power there is- the power of God. Dr David Oyedepo unveils some quickening truths that will set your heart throbbing for a release of power into your life.

    Get set for encounters with power that will reawaken you to take charge!


    8.000 CFA
  • The Unlimited Power of Faith

    Faith is one of the greatest mysteries of life; because as far as destiny is concerned, it is to everyone according to his faith.

    This is why every great story in the Kingdom is by grace through faith.
    Scripturally, faith is fake if it is void of proofs and according to Dr. Daid Oyedepo; ‘faith sees the invisible, dares the impossible and delivers the incredible.’
    Therefore, faith is the master key to a world of unlimited possibilities.

    This is the essence of this book.


    7.500 CFA
  • Understanding the Power of Faith

    Life is not playground but a battlefield. Our battles in life are essentially spiritual, but faith is the victory that makes us overcomers. Whether you are a biliever or not, the hurdles of life are real. Howerner, the testimony for the biliever is that these hurdles are surmountable and faith is the potent weapon that guarantees that victory.

    Faith is a kingdom mystery that confers mastery on believers. It is the live wire of Christianity and as such, Christianity is worthless without it. An understanding of this mystery is the greaest discovery in our adventure as believers.

    The secrets of Faith unveiled in this book will enable you to see obstacles and challenges as opportunities, thereby making you triumph over them into your next levels. Get set for an encounter with the spirit of faith that will continually guarantee you “sweatless” triumphs.


    7.000 CFA
  • Understanding the Power of Praise

    Anything the Good News dictates is foolishness to those who are lost, but to believers, the doing of it releases the power of God. Praise is the cheapest access to the Most High God.
    It is appreciating the acts of God in your life.

    The greatest obstacle facing you in life will never require more than praise to become a miracle.

    In this book, Dr. David Oyedepo unveils the power of praise which has been ignored in the body of Christ. It provides a deeper understanding that:
    – You can praise your way out of penury into plenty, out of sickness into health, and out of smallness into greatness.
    –  Although prayer has its place, it cannot compete with praise in potency.
    –  Praise is much more effectual than the longest fast any man can engage in.
    –  You can pray amiss, but you cannot praise amiss.
    –  When you praise God, the greatness of His power shatters the plan of the enemies.

    This book will introduce you to a new way of living a lifestyle of praise.


    7.500 CFA
  • Walking in Wisdom

    Why accept breakdown in life when you can live in perpetual victory? God is building up an army of triumphant saints for the end-time, men who will lay hold on the ways of God and produce desired results.

    An unbeatable company of men who will bring solutions to matters too difficult for the human mind! And you can be part of that great team!

    In this book, Bishop Oyedepo says:
    “I will be showing you the techniques of this wisdom. You will understand its inner workings and how results can be cheaply obtained… You will stop running helter-skelter, because you will know the strategy for winning in life: by operating God’s kind of wisdom.”

    This book will set you walking on the wisdom path and winning in life!


    8.500 CFA
  • Winning Invisible Battles

    There is a noticeable upurge in evil acts the  world over, foretold in the Bible, which tells us that as the end draw neaver, the wicked will do more wickedly. The world today is one huge horror-chamber and an extended theatre of spiritual wickeness. News of destiny minipulation, ritual murder, kidnapping, witchcraft etc are common place. Because the devil knowns that he has a short time to live, he has unleashed a reign of unrestrained savagery upon humanity. Unfortunately, many christians are enmeshed in this satanic cauldron.

    In his usual insightful exposition, Dr. David Oyedepo reveals the secrets of living an overcomers life in the midst of a languishing world. This book also reveals how you can win invisible battles through the blood of Jesus; how to put your angels to work and how things and situations, which otherwise woulid pose a problem will become cheaply accomplished by the mystery of the anointing oil.

    It is worthwhile to discover timeless truths that will keep the devil permanently under you feet. You are in for an unforgettable encounter!


    8.000 CFA
  • Winning Prayer

    So much has been written and said on the subject of prayer, yet very few people have been delivered from the trial and error approach to the practice of it.

    Dr. David Oyedepo in this book has outlined the principles for effectual prayer. He has laid out the covenant technicalities that make the principles efficacious.

    Now, you can say ‘Goodbye’ to religious long-drawn mumblings, and ‘Welcome’ to target and heaven-touching communications, that will stablish you in an endless winning life.


    7.000 CFA