Showing 41–60 of 66 results

  • Prière pour une percée: Quand Dieu entend et répond toujours

    Découvrez le pouvoir caché de la prière dans ce guide inspiré par la sagesse biblique !

    La prière n’est pas simplement une pratique ou un rituel, c’est un lieu sacré où nous nous connectons avec notre Père céleste. “Prière pour une Percée Divine” est un ouvrage captivant qui vous emmène au cœur de la prière d’intercession. L’auteur, Guillermo Maldonado, partage avec passion des expériences personnelles et des témoignages saisissants, enracinés dans les Écritures, pour vous aider à découvrir ce lieu d’intimité avec Dieu.

    En plongeant dans ce livre, vous apprendrez comment accéder aux dimensions de la gloire et de la puissance divines. Vous serez guidé pour créer un élan puissant dans votre vie de prière, générant une atmosphère spirituelle où Dieu agit avec puissance pour Son peuple. Vous serez émerveillé en accueillant Sa présence, recevant révélations et conseils, et en expérimentant Sa grâce à travers des miracles, des guérisons, des délivrances et le salut.

    “Prière pour une percée: Quand Dieu entend et répond toujours” dévoile les clés essentielles pour obtenir une percée dans vos prières, en accord avec la volonté et la Parole de Dieu. Ce livre est une véritable mine d’or pour ceux qui désirent voir leurs prières exaucées, sans plus vivre dans la frustration.

    Si vous souhaitez communiquer avec le Père céleste d’une manière nouvelle et puissante, si vous aspirez à entendre Sa voix clairement et à agir selon Ses instructions, “Prière pour une percée: Quand Dieu entend et répond toujours” vous guidera pas à pas vers cet objectif.

    Ne manquez pas l’occasion de transformer votre vie de prière et devenir “une maison de prière” en découvrant les secrets de la prière d’intercession. Obtenez votre exemplaire dès maintenant et préparez-vous à vivre une percée spirituelle extraordinaire !

    13.999 CFA
  • Put your Angels to Work

    Angels are sent to serve the saints. Indeed, something is missing mainly until the angelic dimension of our redemption is brought to light. There are areas that a Christian will never be able to penetrate until this dimension is in place and one of the most marked ministries of these end times will be that of the angels. Just as all the other benefits God has for the Church are wrapped up in mysteries, so too is angelic intervention presented as one of the most sophisticated mysteries of life. Until such mysteries are revealed, the Church cannot use or appreciate them. Divine health, for example, has always been available, but everyone naturally walked in sickness and enjoyed it. Prosperity has always been for the Church, but there was no society poorer than the Christians, until the light of God’s Word concerning the redemptive offer of health and wealth reached the Church.


    3.500 CFA
  • Supernatural Power

    How to Let God’s Power Flow Through You!

    Discover the transformative insights of “Supernatural Power ” and unlock the unlimited potential of God’s power within you. Author James McKeever understands that the power of God is not limited to mere moments of crisis—it is a constant, ever-present force available to every believer.

    In this comprehensive and meticulously detailed book, McKeever explores the multifaceted nature of the power of God and how it operates in every facet of the Christian life. Prepare to be enlightened as you delve into the depths of spiritual understanding, gaining a profound awareness of God’s presence and His desire to work in and through you at all times.

    “Supernatural Power ” challenges the notion that the power of God is only relevant during times of difficulty. Instead, it reveals that the power of God is available to you every day, in every circumstance. Embrace the truth that the power of God is not limited by time or situation—it is an eternal force that can revolutionize your life.

    As you journey through the pages of this powerful book, you will gain a fresh perspective on the role of God’s power in your life. You will learn how to tap into His supernatural resources, experience His miraculous intervention, and walk in a deeper level of faith and spiritual authority.

    Front Scripture: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV)

    Back Scripture: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” (Acts 1:8a NKJV)

    Prepare to be empowered as you embrace the truth that the power of God is not reserved for a select few—it is available to every believer. Step into a new dimension of faith and experience the life-changing impact of God’s supernatural power in every area of your life.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the fullness of God’s power within you. Order your copy of “Supernatural Power ” today and embark on a journey of spiritual discovery and empowerment. Let the wisdom and insights within this book ignite your faith and unleash the limitless power of God in your life.


    Dr. James McKeever

    8.999 CFA
  • The Book God’s General: God the lifter of men

    We embark on a deeply personal and profound exploration of the Holy Spirit—a subject close to my heart. Throughout history, select individuals have developed an intimate relationship with this mysterious ancient Spirit, regardless of their societal background. These chosen vessels have experienced remarkable levels of impact, leaving a void when they depart and leading to a decline in understanding the Holy Spirit’s true nature. Yet, time and again, the Spirit identifies new individuals to showcase His identity and demonstrate His boundless capabilities to the world.

    As I delve into teaching about the Holy Spirit, I urge you to approach this topic with sensitivity. Prepare to encounter spiritual realms and dimensions that will astonish you. The Holy Spirit, also known as the Spirit of the Living God, holds infinite revelations waiting to be discovered.

    My personal journey with God began without seeking fame, power, or a ministry. It was a sincere pursuit, even though blind at first. I sensed that there was more to God, and perhaps my life could be a revelation to my generation. As I attended church, I witnessed powerful sermons addressing the love and healing power of God. Yet, amidst the eloquence, I observed sick, confused, and oppressed individuals in need. This led me to hear the voice of the Lord, declaring, ‘I am drawing you closer, beckoning you to deeper levels of intimacy with Me.’

    Join me on this transformative journey as we uncover the depths of the Holy Spirit’s presence and experience His divine influence like never before.

    7.789 CFA
  • The Force of Hope

    It does not take a century to effect a change; it only takes unparalleled and unshakeable commitment to the truth. The truth is: Hope is a vital force of the Spirit that is required to provoke divine intervention in your life. Recognise that to be hopeless is to be helpless and when you are helpless, divine manifestations elude you. The awareness of this inhibiting factor to the fulfilment of your destiny, made by Pst (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo, a renowned authour, is to enable you to know the place of hope in the actualisation of your destiny.This book is a must-read!


    8.000 CFA
  • The Force of Joy

    Many lives are characterized by failure, stagnation, depression and frustration.
    The harder they struggle to make a living, the worse their predicaments become. ‘What could be responsible for this?’, You may ask.

    According to Pst (Mrs.) Faith Abiola Oyedepo, ‘This book is written to empower you for a life of ceaseless triumphs, by being joyful.. According to her, joy catalyses divine presence, joy strengthens, joy guarantees supernatural harvest; and opens up revelation. She also writes that joy is medicine that empowers our intellect for excellence.

    In essence, to live a life of ceaseless triumphs, you need to engage the vital force of joy. Go for this book today!


    8.500 CFA
  • The Fourth Dimension vol 2: More secrets for a successful faith life

    We live in a three–dimensional world, but in God’s kingdom there is a fourth dimension. It is entered only by faith. Once entered, there is found vast and sweeping provisions and spiritual equipment for God’s work and personal development and growth. The fourth dimension is a new world of answered prayer that is discovered by only those hungry to experience the power and might of God in their lives and ministries. This best–selling book reveals the underlying principles for answered prayer, church renewal, and personal growth. These principles were developed and proven time and again by the pastor of the world’s largest church in Seoul, Korea.

    5.800 CFA
  • The happy interccessor

    Experience a Holy Spirit journey into the very heart of the Father with “The Happy Intercessor” by Beni Johnson, as Kris Vallotton, cofounder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, aptly puts it. This book takes you on an exciting adventure to capture the heartbeat of Heaven, and learn the secrets of becoming a happy intercessor.

    Beni Johnson’s personal journey from a violent shaking experience to the ‘thin place’ between Heaven and earth will leave you amazed and empowered with the joy she shares. The book is filled with modern-day experiences and relevant ancient truths, and will teach you why mystics and mystical experiences are important today, how praying in tongues can lead to powerful intercession, and how intercession is the fruit of being with Him.

    You will be inspired by the depth of love and knowledge shared in “The Happy Intercessor.” The book teaches you that even today’s children can prophecy with purity, and that leading an offensive lifestyle is key to making a difference in your family, workplace, community, nation, and world.

    As you read “The Happy Intercessor,” you will discover how being addicted to God’s presence brings comfort and peace to all believers, and how becoming a happy intercessor is within your reach. Even the weariest warrior will jump for joy as a cool, cleansing balm washes over your body, soul, and spirit.

    If you want to experience the power of intercession with joy and learn how to make a difference in the world, then “The Happy Intercessor” is the book for you. Get your copy today and start your Holy Spirit journey into the very heart of the Father.


    Beni Johnson

    14.500 CFA
  • The Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ

    Jesus, the Great Physician, is not just a specialist; He is a generalist. He is still in the active service of healing all manner of diseases and sicknesses. He never refers any case to someone else. No case is too difficult for Him to handle, including yours! Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo, in this new book reveals to you the inexhaustible characteristics, potentials and invincibility that make Jesus Christ unique! A glimpse into this fresh, exciting and didactic book: Reveals the effects of Jesus’ healing ministry on individuals Brings to focus the raising of the dead, which is Jesus’ stock-in-trade! There is no closed case with God!


    4.500 CFA
  • The Lifestyle of Faith

    Faith is primarily a lifestyle. It is not just a weapon to engage when a fight ensues neither is it a tool you pick up when you have an issue to fix.

    A soldier is basically enlisted for a life of selfless service. He is first trained and then equipped with weapons which he uses only as and when need arises. No matter how well a soldier uses his weapon, he stands the risk of losing is enlistment if he does not live well to please his Commander.

    If you do not live well, you cannot fight well. In the School of Faith, it is the “walking” that lends strength and efficacy to the “workings” of faith.

    This book is an insightful herald on the lifestyle of faith. It analyses the concept of faith and gives you a handle on its dynamic operations. Topics such as characteristics of faith, the product of faith, the womb of faith, the fountain of faith, the eye of faith, the arrows of faith, the motive of faith and lots more are clearly analyzed in this volume.

    The lifestyle of faith is your passport into the glory and virtue of your calling in Christ.

    David Olatunji Abioye – SHILOH

    8.500 CFA
  • The Power Of A Praying Wife.

    Are you struggling to find fulfillment in your marriage? Do you feel like the challenges of life have made your dreams of a happy and strong relationship with your husband seem impossible? Well, it’s time to turn to divine wisdom and discover the power of prayer.

    In her book, “The Power of a Praying Wife,” Stormie Omartian shares how God can strengthen your marriage through prayer. By focusing on key areas in your husband’s life such as his spiritual walk, emotions, role as a leader, security in work, physical protection, faith, and future, you can invite God’s grace and guidance into your relationship.

    Through her own experiences and the inclusion of Bible verses and sample prayers, Stormie shows how a wife’s prayers can make a significant impact on her husband’s life and ultimately transform her marriage. Join the millions of women who have been blessed by this life-changing look at the power of prayer and discover how to make your marriage thrive.

    Don’t give up on your dreams of a fulfilling and happy marriage. Instead, turn to God and let Him do the impossible in your relationship. Get your copy of “The Power of a Praying Wife” today and start seeing the transformational power of prayer in your marriage.

    Read the free extract of the “The Power Of A Praying Wife”.

    12.800 CFA
  • The power of simple prayer

    Are you ready to experience the transformative power of prayer in your life? The Bible teaches us that prayer is not just a mere ritual, but a powerful tool that can help us overcome life’s challenges and achieve success. In her inspiring book, Joyce Meyer shares her wisdom on prayer, providing practical insights on how to make prayer work for you.

    Through her straightforward and profound style, Joyce Meyer shows how prayer can unlock the doors to a better life. She explains the keys to getting your prayers answered, and also highlights the obstacles that can hinder the effectiveness of your prayers. With the Bible as her guide, Joyce Meyer reveals how to tap into the power of prayer and connect with God on a deeper level.

    Prayer is not just a one-way communication with God; it is a two-way conversation. Through prayer, we can develop a stronger relationship with God, which can help us to be successful in every aspect of our lives. We can find strength in our hearts, sincerity in our relationships, and clarity in our decision-making.

    Join the millions of people worldwide who have been transformed by the power of prayer. Get Joyce Meyer’s book today and learn how to unleash the power of prayer in your life. Simple prayer, powerful results.

    6.980 CFA
  • The Prayer God Loves to Answers

    Unlock the power of God’s blessings with The Prayer God Loves to Answer. This inspiring book by author and pastor Don Nori Sr. shares how you can receive answers to your prayers without begging or negotiating with God. Through powerful personal stories and biblical encouragement, you will learn how to align yourself with God’s plan and purpose for your life.

    This book is not just about prayer, it’s about saying “yes” to God no matter what. You will discover how a successful Christian publishing business started with a vision from God on the side of a busy highway. Learn how saying “yes” to God can lead to extraordinary opportunities in the spiritual and physical worlds.

    The prayer God loves to answer unlocks the power and passion of God in your life. It can lead to successful careers, happy marriages, and the fulfillment of your dreams and desires. By agreeing with God’s purposes and dreams for you, you can unlock the Kingdom of God.

    Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I have toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” With The Prayer God Loves to Answer, you can receive a resounding positive answer from God and unlock a bright future.

    Say “yes” to the Lord and discover the joy of aligning yourself with His plan and purpose for your life. Order The Prayer God Loves to Answer today and experience the power of God’s blessings in your life.

    3.375 CFA
  • The prayer Life

    Are you feeling like something is missing from your spiritual walk? Have you struggled with the problem of prayerlessness? You are not alone. This issue knows no generational boundaries.

    In “The Prayer Life,” Christian author Andrew Murray tackles this problem head-on and gets to the heart of the matter. He explains that prayer is not simply a task to be checked off a list, but rather an outgrowth of abiding in Christ. When we neglect prayer, we are not just failing to pray; we are failing to respect the very source of our life.

    If you’re ready to deepen your Christian experience, “The Prayer Life” is a stimulating call to action. Murray’s suggestions, if followed, will have a serious impact on your life. More than just a book on how to pray, “The Prayer Life” offers insight into how to have a deeper spiritual walk.

    By following Murray’s advice, you can cultivate a natural and meaningful prayer life. You can connect more deeply with God and experience the fullness of what it means to be a Christian. Don’t let prayerlessness hold you back any longer. Embrace the teachings of “The Prayer Life” and step into a richer, more fulfilling spiritual journey today.


    Andrew Murray

    11.700 CFA
  • The Release of Power

    The essence of Christianity is the demonstration of power. The believer stand to be molested in the battles of life without power. Power is the force that places the devil where he belongs-under your feet.

    The enemy is having a field day because the saints are failing to take their position. The end-time saints are designed to glide over all satanic onslaughtsb effortlessly, wrecking havoc in the kingdom of darkness. This book is a wakeup call to the church to take the reins of power and rule in the midst of the enemy. The time has come for the saints of God to become absolutely intoxicated with the only absolute power there is- the power of God. Dr David Oyedepo unveils some quickening truths that will set your heart throbbing for a release of power into your life.

    Get set for encounters with power that will reawaken you to take charge!


    8.000 CFA
  • The Spirit of Faith

    Faith is the spiritual spark plug that ignites the fire of great Kingdom exploits. In this new book, Pst (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo opens you up to a higher dimension of faith she calls, the spirit of faith. Come, explore the mystery of the spirit of faith and enter into a higher and better dimension of exploits.


    4.500 CFA
  • The Unlimited Power of Faith

    Faith is one of the greatest mysteries of life; because as far as destiny is concerned, it is to everyone according to his faith.

    This is why every great story in the Kingdom is by grace through faith.
    Scripturally, faith is fake if it is void of proofs and according to Dr. Daid Oyedepo; ‘faith sees the invisible, dares the impossible and delivers the incredible.’
    Therefore, faith is the master key to a world of unlimited possibilities.

    This is the essence of this book.


    7.500 CFA
  • Understanding the Power of Faith

    Life is not playground but a battlefield. Our battles in life are essentially spiritual, but faith is the victory that makes us overcomers. Whether you are a biliever or not, the hurdles of life are real. Howerner, the testimony for the biliever is that these hurdles are surmountable and faith is the potent weapon that guarantees that victory.

    Faith is a kingdom mystery that confers mastery on believers. It is the live wire of Christianity and as such, Christianity is worthless without it. An understanding of this mystery is the greaest discovery in our adventure as believers.

    The secrets of Faith unveiled in this book will enable you to see obstacles and challenges as opportunities, thereby making you triumph over them into your next levels. Get set for an encounter with the spirit of faith that will continually guarantee you “sweatless” triumphs.


    7.000 CFA
  • Understanding the Power of Praise

    Anything the Good News dictates is foolishness to those who are lost, but to believers, the doing of it releases the power of God. Praise is the cheapest access to the Most High God.
    It is appreciating the acts of God in your life.

    The greatest obstacle facing you in life will never require more than praise to become a miracle.

    In this book, Dr. David Oyedepo unveils the power of praise which has been ignored in the body of Christ. It provides a deeper understanding that:
    – You can praise your way out of penury into plenty, out of sickness into health, and out of smallness into greatness.
    –  Although prayer has its place, it cannot compete with praise in potency.
    –  Praise is much more effectual than the longest fast any man can engage in.
    –  You can pray amiss, but you cannot praise amiss.
    –  When you praise God, the greatness of His power shatters the plan of the enemies.

    This book will introduce you to a new way of living a lifestyle of praise.


    7.500 CFA
  • Unleashing the Power of Faith

    Do you long to transform the seemingly impossible into the inevitable? Look no further! “Unleashing The Power of Faith” is here to guide you on this incredible journey of faith and manifestation.

    Embrace the words of Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” These powerful words hold the key to unlocking unlimited potential. When you boldly declare, “I can do,” the Holy Spirit empowers you with inspiration, revelation, and divine wisdom. With faith as your compass, you will find the way to overcome any obstacle.

    In this remarkable book, Cho reveals:

    1. Six Principles of the Power of Faith: Learn the foundational truths that will amplify your faith and activate its transformative power.
    2. Seven Steps to a Productive Life: Discover the practical steps that will propel you towards a life of purpose, fulfillment, and remarkable productivity.
    3. Governing Your Vocabulary to Shift Your Thoughts: Harness the power of your words to shape your mindset and align it with God’s promises.
    4. Getting Control of Your Mind: Conquer doubt, fear, and negativity by taking control of your thoughts and aligning them with the truth of God’s Word.
    5. Overcoming Doubt: Find the strength to silence the voice of doubt and embrace unwavering faith, knowing that nothing is impossible with God.
    6. Planning for Miracles: Learn the art of expectation and strategic planning, positioning yourself to experience the supernatural intervention of God in every area of your life.
    7. Finding Peace: Discover the peace that surpasses all understanding as you surrender your worries and fears to the One who holds the world in His hands.

    Unlock the potential within you, and witness the extraordinary transformation that occurs when faith takes the lead. Your dreams and aspirations are within reach when you tap into the power of faith and align your life with God’s divine plan.

    Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity! Order your copy of “Unleashing The Power of Faith” today and embark on a remarkable journey of faith, possibility, and fulfillment. Experience the joy of witnessing the “impossible” become the “inevitable” through the power of unwavering faith.

    6.990 CFA