Showing all 10 results

  • Don’t Stop Here

    Discover the transformative power of spiritual progress as Pastor Chris takes you on an enlightening journey in his compelling book, “Don’t Stop Here!” Based on the timeless wisdom of the Bible, this inspirational and prophetic guide will ignite your spiritual flame and propel you towards greater knowledge and understanding.

    God’s divine concern for your growth resonates within these pages. Through the captivating story of Elijah and Elisha’s expedition from Gilgal to Jordan, you will gain profound insights into your own spiritual journey. With each turn of the page, Pastor Chris unveils the keys to unlock your true potential and accelerate your spiritual ascent.

    This book serves as a beacon, shining light on your current position in your spiritual walk. It directs your gaze towards the path you ought to be treading, guiding you on your personal quest for deeper faith and spiritual fulfillment. “Don’t Stop Here!” equips you with the practical tools and wisdom to overcome obstacles, embrace divine opportunities, and embark on a purposeful voyage towards a closer relationship with God.

    Let the words within these pages open your eyes to the limitless possibilities that await you. Awaken your inner potential, reclaim your spiritual destiny, and journey towards a life filled with divine purpose. The time for stagnation is over; now is the moment to embrace growth and soar to new heights.

    Take the first step towards an extraordinary spiritual expedition today. Order your copy of “Don’t Stop Here!” and unlock the abundant blessings that await you on your path of spiritual advancement.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD

    5.500 CFA
  • How To Receive a Miracle and Retain It

    “Do you need a miracle—that supernatural intervention of God in the natural affairs of men that transcends human reasoning and ability? Learn how to receive one in this captivating book as Pastor Chris shares vital steps you must take to release God’s power on your behalf. Also discover how to ward off the devil’s counter-attack and retain what God has given you!”

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.950 CFA
  • Join this chariot

    Embark on a transformative journey of soul-winning with the timeless wisdom found in “Join This Chariot.” This classic book, rooted in biblical teachings, is a beacon of inspiration for believers seeking to engage in effective evangelism. Through its pages, Pastor Chris guides you with practical steps to reach your world with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

    Unveiling profound insights, Pastor Chris explores the concept of ‘chariots’ as divine tools for soul-winning. Drawing from the divine call of Phillip to “join this chariot” (Acts 8:29), he reveals that this invitation is extended to every believer in every generation. Prepare to be challenged to answer this call and discover how to maximize your chariot for world evangelization.

    “Join This Chariot” has already impacted the lives of thousands, inspiring them to actively participate in global evangelization. Countless individuals have been touched by the awe-inspiring power of God through the principles shared in this unambiguous treatise.

    Within the pages of this revised edition, Pastor Chris delves deeper into the reasons why God trusts you with the gospel. Furthermore, you will gain a profound understanding of the role of a watchman and embrace the Believer’s Statements of Commitment. But that’s not all; “Join This Chariot” has so much more in store for you.

    To enhance your learning experience, each chapter concludes with an activity sheet designed to help you grasp the timeless truths presented in this book. These practical exercises will empower you to apply these insights to your personal life, enabling you to become a more effective soul-winner.

    Are you ready to make an impact? Join the ranks of believers who have discovered the power of their chariots for world evangelization. Get your copy of “Join This Chariot” today and embark on a journey that will change lives, starting with your own.

    Note: This text is based on the provided paragraph and focuses on marketing the book “Join This Chariot” with the theme of soul-winning.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.800 CFA
  • La Puissance de Votre Intelligence

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    9.999 CFA
  • None Of These Diseases

    God wants His people well. He desires that you prosper spirit, soul and body! No matter the situation you are facing, there is a message in this book for you. If you are sick and bed-ridden, if medical science has given up on you, the divine truths contained in this book will cause faith to be stirred up in your spirit and cause you to rise, take up your bed and walk!

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    8.700 CFA
  • Now That You Are Born Again

    ““Now that you’re born again, WHAT NEXT?” That’s the big question, and this book gives clear and simple answers. In it, best-selling author and teacher, Chris Oyakhilome, reveals vital truths fundamental to the Christian faith, truths upon which you can build a strong and vibrant life in Christ. “Now That You Are Born Again” unveils insightful revelations that will point the new Christian in the right direction and nurture him in his new life in Christ.”

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    1.500 CFA
  • Prophétie: Comprendre La Puissance Qui Contrôle Votre Avenir

    ” Voici ce qui arrivera, dit Dieu, dans les jours de la fin des temps: Je rependrai de mon esprit sur tous les hommes. Vos fils, vos filles  prophétiseront …” Il (Actes 2: 17). Le peuple de Dieu est un peuple de prophétie. Nous  sommes les produits des paroles prophétiques et nous ne pouvons qu’être établis et progresser dans
    nos vies de la même manière. Dans ces temps classiques, Pasteur Chris Oyakhilome nous révèle comment prendre avantage du cadeau puissant de la prophétie pour discipliner votre vie, et créer le futur que vous devriez avoir.

    Soyez prêt Il découvrir:

    • Ce qu’est la prophétie réellement
    • La double application de la prophétie
    • La différence entre le ministère prophétique et le don de prophétie
    • Le lien entre prophétie et la langue
    • Comment changer les circonstances à travers les Prophéties et tellement d’autres !

    Apprenez désormais à parler le Rhema la Parole de Dieu pour vous, dans des moments spécifiques, dans des propos  spécifiques- et contrôlez votre destiné par la puissance de Dieu,  cette puissance vous estf accessible à travers la prophétie!

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    5.000 CFA
  • Recreating Your World

    Are you ready to transform your life? Look no further. “Recreating Your World” is a captivating book that draws wisdom from the biblical teachings. It empowers you to take charge of your destiny and accomplish your goals. Say goodbye to aimless wandering and relying on others for guidance. Within these pages, you’ll discover profound principles that will enable you to reshape your circumstances according to your desires. With diligent study and dedicated practice, the power to recreate your world lies within your grasp. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your true potential and create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Get your copy of “Recreating Your World” today and embark on a transformative journey!

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    3.500 CFA
  • The Power of Your Mind

    God’s dream is for you to come into full possession of His manifold blessings, and your mind is the vital instrument He’s given you to appropriate this provision. This timely classic opens to you that realm of endless possibilities and helps you explore the unlimited potential of your mind. So get ready to make the right changes in the structure of your thinking and be that excellent personality.
    Put your mind-power to work and be all God wants you to be!
    There are no limits to what you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself, when you put your mind-power to work.
    In “The Power of Your Mind,” Pastor Chris reveals that the mind is a spiritual entity, and its greatest potentials can only be reached through the education of the human spirit with God’s Word, which ultimately influences the mind. As you read, you’ll discover essential truths on:
    • Renewing Your Mind: The Concept of Mind-Management
    • The Power of Thoughts
    • Pulling Down Strongholds
    • Dealing With Negative Thoughts And Emotions
    • Attitude—Your Mental Disposition
    • Meditation—Your Moment of Creation…and so much more.


    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    9.999 CFA
  • Vos droits en Christ

    Par la vertu de l’œuvre rédemptrice de Christ, vous avez été déclaré libres et en liberté de choisir la façon de vivre. Cette liberté en Christ s’accompagne de droits légaux qui vous donne la puissance de dicter le cours de votre vie. Joignez-vous au Pasteur Chris dans “Vos Droits en Christ” alors qu’il vous montre quels sont vos droits, leur signification, leurs avantages, et comment vous en approprier. 

    Cette édition révisée a été faite pour rendre ses vérités vitales plus pratiques dans votre marche chrétienne. Alors soyez prêt à recevoir de nouvelle pensée libératrices qui vous guideront dans la réalité du plan de Dieu pour l’excellence dans votre vie.

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

    4.000 CFA