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    Découvrez le trésor caché de la sagesse biblique avec notre tout nouveau livre captivant : “Apprendre des Géants de la Foi”. Plongez-vous dans une aventure unique, où vous aurez l’opportunité extraordinaire de rencontrer neuf géants de la foi de l’Ancien Testament, directement issus des Écritures.

    Imaginez un instant être transporté à une époque lointaine, aux côtés de ces hommes et femmes exceptionnels. Grâce à notre livre, vous vous retrouverez aux premières loges, écoutant chacun de ces héros partager leurs leçons inestimables sur la vie et le leadership. Vous serez témoin de leurs triomphes épiques, de leurs combats contre l’adversité et de leurs transformations radicales sous la guidance divine.

    Laissez-vous inspirer par leur foi inébranlable, leur courage indomptable et leur détermination sans faille. Ces géants de la foi ont servi des rois, érigé des fondations solides pour leur peuple et laissé un héritage durable qui résonne encore de nos jours.

    En compagnie de ces héros bibliques, vous découvrirez des révélations surprenantes sur vous-même, sur votre potentiel inexploité et sur les voies que Dieu a tracées pour vous. Leurs récits intemporels réveilleront en vous une force intérieure et vous donneront des clés pour affronter les défis de votre propre voyage spirituel.

    Alors, saisissez cette occasion unique de vous plonger dans l’univers fascinant des Géants de la Foi. Ouvrez ce livre et embarquez pour une aventure transformatrice qui laissera une empreinte indélébile sur votre âme.

    “Apprendre des Géants de la Foi” vous révélera que l’extraordinaire est à votre portée lorsque vous marchez aux côtés des héros bibliques qui ont bravé l’impossible pour la gloire de Dieu. N’attendez plus, votre voyage commence maintenant !

    15.500 CFA
  • Becoming A Personn Of Influence

    Looking to make a greater impact in your personal or professional life? Look no further than Maxwell and Dornan’s groundbreaking book, Becoming a Person of Influence. This powerful guidebook will help you unlock your full potential and become a true influencer in any area of your life.

    With practical advice and easy-to-follow tips, Maxwell and Dornan teach readers how to interact more positively with others and achieve unprecedented levels of success. Whether you’re a manager looking to inspire your employees, a parent seeking to connect with your children on a deeper level, a coach hoping to see your players blossom, or a salesperson aiming to break records, this book is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to make a real impact.

    Drawing on decades of experience in both the business and nonprofit worlds, Maxwell and Dornan share their unique insights and wisdom with readers, helping them to become the best possible version of themselves. Their advice is practical, actionable, and easy to apply to everyday life, making it the perfect resource for anyone looking to grow personally and professionally.

    So why wait? Order your copy of Becoming a Person of Influence today and start making a real difference in your life and the lives of those around you!

    21.350 CFA
  • Excellence 101

    Découvrez dès maintenant “100 Questions d’Ados Sans Réponses”, un ouvrage essentiel qui apportera clarté et sagesse à votre vie chrétienne et à celle de vos adolescents. Vous vous êtes sûrement déjà retrouvé dans cette situation délicate où votre fils ou votre fille revient de l’école avec une question troublante, vous laissant perplexe et incertain quant à la meilleure réponse à donner. Ne laissez pas ces questions importantes sans réponse, car cela pourrait impacter leur cheminement spirituel.

    Ce livre est la ressource précieuse dont vous avez besoin pour répondre aux questions de vos adolescents. Présenté sous un format pratique de questions-réponses, il se révèle être un outil facile à consulter pour les parents, les enseignants et tous ceux qui œuvrent auprès de la jeunesse.

    Imaginez avoir à portée de main une mine de réponses éclairées sur des sujets aussi cruciaux que Dieu, le mal, l’évolution, le sexe, la culture, l’école et l’avenir. “100 Questions d’Ados Sans Réponses” traite de questions complexes telles que l’existence de Dieu et l’origine du mal, la fiabilité de la Bible, la confrontation entre la science moderne et le christianisme, la nature de l’homosexualité et la gestion des valeurs et de la violence à l’école.

    Abordez ces questions fondamentales et engageantes avec vos adolescents en utilisant les réponses fournies dans le livre pour initier des discussions constructives et enrichissantes. Charles COLSON, l’un des chefs de file des intellectuels chrétiens, a conçu cette ressource inestimable qui vous accompagnera dans votre rôle de parent soucieux d’offrir une guidance spirituelle éclairée à vos enfants.

    Ne laissez pas les questions sans réponse semer le doute et l’incertitude chez vos adolescents. Équipez-vous de “100 Questions d’Ados Sans Réponses” pour naviguer avec confiance dans les profondeurs de la foi et de la connaissance. Ce livre est un trésor d’informations qui vous permettra de guider vos enfants vers une compréhension éclairée de leur spiritualité et de les aider à grandir dans leur relation avec Dieu.

    Alors, que vous soyez parent, enseignant ou intervenant auprès de la jeunesse, ne manquez pas cette opportunité. Obtenez votre exemplaire de “100 Questions d’Ados Sans Réponses” dès aujourd’hui et participez à l’épanouissement spirituel de vos adolescents. Ce livre sera une bénédiction pour vous et pour eux.

    5.400 CFA
  • Good Leaders Ask Great Questions: Your Foundation for Successful Leadership

    A #1 New York Times bestselling author and leadership expert answers questions from his readers about what it takes to be in charge and make a difference.

    John Maxwell, America’s #1 leadership authority, has mastered the art of asking questions, using them to learn and grow, connect with people, challenge himself, improve his team, and develop better ideas. Questions have literally changed Maxwell’s life. In GOOD LEADERS ASK GREAT QUESTIONS, he shows how they can change yours, teaching why questions are so important, what questions you should ask yourself as a leader, and what questions you should be asking your team.

    Maxwell also opened the floodgates and invited people from around the world to ask him any leadership question. He answers seventy of them–the best of the best–including . . .

    What are the top skills required to lead people through difficult times?

    • How do I get started in leadership?
    • How do I motivate an unmotivated person?
    • How can I succeed working under poor leadership?
    • When is the right time for a successful leader to move on to a new position?
    • How do you move people into your inner circle?

    No matter whether you are a seasoned leader at the top of your game or a newcomer wanting to take the first steps into leadership, this book will change the way you look at questions and improve your leadership life.

    19.500 CFA
  • How High Will You Climb : Determine Your Success by Cultivating the Right Attitude

    Looking for a powerful message to motivate you to reach new heights in life, even when the storm clouds gather? Look no further than How High Will You Climb? by renowned author and pastor John C. Maxwell.

    In this inspiring book, Maxwell reminds us that our attitude in the face of adversity is the key to our success. While it may be easy to maintain a positive outlook when things are going well, the true test of character comes when the going gets tough. That’s when we must rely on our faith and trust that God is with us every step of the way.

    With Maxwell’s expert guidance, you’ll learn how to cultivate a resilient attitude that will carry you through even the most difficult times. Whether you’re facing challenges in your family, your work, or your personal life, How High Will You Climb? will help you stay focused, stay positive, and stay on track.

    So if you’re ready to take your life to new heights and soar above the storms, don’t wait another moment. Order your copy of How High Will You Climb? today and discover the power of a positive attitude in the face of adversity.

    14.625 CFA
  • JumpStart Your Thinking : A 90 Day Improvement Plan eBook

    Welcome to the world of successful thinking! If you’re looking to unlock your full potential and achieve your dreams, then you’ve come to the right place. Meet Maxwell, your new companion who will provide you with the wisdom and inspiration you need to become a better thinker.

    With Maxwell’s guidance, you will master the eleven types of successful thinking, including Big Picture Thinking, Focused Thinking, Creative Thinking, Shared Thinking, and Reflective Thinking. By incorporating these types of thinking into your daily life, you’ll discover a world beyond your own needs, make breakthroughs, compound results, and gain a better understanding of the future.

    But that’s not all. Maxwell’s portable volume is filled with inspiring quotes, engaging lessons, and stimulating questions, designed to help you make daily strides towards more effective thinking. With just three short months of commitment, you’ll begin to see a noticeable change in the way you think and approach challenges.

    Whether you’re looking to improve your personal life, career, or relationships, successful thinking is the key to unlocking your full potential. So what are you waiting for? Join the ranks of successful thinkers today and make your dreams a reality with Maxwell’s guidance.

    12.300 CFA
  • Learning From The Giants

    Divine wisdom has shown us that there is much to be gained from the lessons and experiences of those who have come before us. Imagine being able to spend just a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament – Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua, and Daniel. What insights would they share with you about leadership, perseverance, and unwavering faith in God?

    In “Learning From the Giants,” renowned author and speaker John C. Maxwell draws on his extensive knowledge of the Bible to bring you the stories of these extraordinary individuals. Maxwell’s fifty years of studying the Bible have given him a unique perspective on the lessons that can be gleaned from the lives of these faithful men and women.

    Through the stories of these giants of faith, Maxwell explores timeless lessons that are just as relevant today as they were centuries ago. You’ll discover the keys to leadership, learn how to navigate adversity with grace, and deepen your relationship with God. You’ll be inspired and transformed by the epic battles, royal service, and great hardships that these individuals endured for God, emerging on the other side stronger and more faithful than ever before.

    If you’re looking to grow in your faith, deepen your understanding of the Bible, and learn from the giants who have gone before you, “Learning From the Giants” is the book for you. With Maxwell’s expert guidance, you’ll gain new insights and practical wisdom that will help you navigate life’s challenges with grace and faith. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from some of the greatest heroes of faith in history. Order your copy today!

    16.875 CFA
  • Les 21 Lois Irréfutables du LEADERSHIP

    Que se passerait-il si un des meilleurs experts en matière de leadership était disposé à livrer juste pour vous tout ce qu’il a appris sur ce sujet en s’appuyant sur quelques principes qui changent la vie? Votre vie en serait transformée, n’est-ce pas? John Maxwell a fait cela pércisement dans ce livre. Pendant plus de 30 ans d’expérience à titre de leader, il a allié les idées acquises basées sur ses succès et ses erreurs, à des observations tirées du monde des affaires, de la politique, du sport, de la religion et aussi des guerres. Il en résulte une étutde révélatrice, formulée comme seul un communicateur comme Maxwell peut le faire.

    John C. MAXWELL

    15.000 CFA
  • Make Today Count

    Divine wisdom has shown that success is not achieved overnight, but rather through consistent effort and a commitment to daily practices. That’s why we are excited to introduce you to the condensed and revised edition of John C. Maxwell’s bestseller Today Matters.

    This quick-read format is designed to give you maximum impact in minimal time, making it the perfect tool for those who want to improve their lives but have busy schedules. You can read it cover to cover in one sitting or take in brief lessons during a few spare minutes each day.

    Today Matters focuses on 12 daily practices that are essential to success in life, including priorities, health, family, finances, values, and growth. By following these practices, readers will learn how to make decisions on important matters and apply them daily to achieve success, productivity, and fulfillment in their lives.

    Don’t let your busy schedule prevent you from achieving your goals and living the life you desire. Let Today Matters be your guide to a better tomorrow. Get your copy today and start making each day count towards your success!

    15.850 CFA
  • Put Your Dream To The Test : 10 Questions to Healp You See It And Seize It

    Are you tired of dreaming big but never seeing those dreams come to life? It’s time to put your dream to the test and take action towards achieving it. And who better to guide you through the process than best-selling author and leadership expert Dr. John C. Maxwell?

    In his book, “Put Your Dream to the Test,” Dr. Maxwell provides a step-by-step action plan to help you discover and define your dream, create a blueprint for success, and see real-world examples of what success could look like for you. Drawing on his forty years of mentoring experience, Dr. Maxwell expertly guides you through the ten questions required of every successful dreamer.

    Don’t let your dream slip away. With Dr. Maxwell’s guidance and the actionable steps outlined in “Put Your Dream to the Test,” you can start taking control of your life and achieving the success you’ve always dreamed of. This book is a must-have for anyone who wants to turn their dreams into reality. So why leave your dream to chance? Order your copy today and start making your dreams come true!

    18.850 CFA
  • Sometimes You Win-Sometimes You Learn: Life’s Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses

    Welcome to a new breakthrough in your personal and professional life! John Maxwell, a world-renowned leadership expert, has a message for you: setbacks can be turned into opportunities if you have the right tools.

    Dr. Maxwell has dedicated nearly fifty years of his life to studying successful learners and leaders. He has discovered that there are eleven elements that make up the DNA of these individuals. In his latest book, he shares his findings and provides a roadmap to winning.

    If you have ever experienced a setback, whether it be in your career or personal life, you know how hard it can be to recover. But with the right tools and mindset, you can turn your loss into a gain. This book will teach you how to become a successful learner and leader, even in the face of problems, failures, and losses.

    Learning during slow times is not easy, but it is essential. With discipline and the right mindset, you can do the right thing when something goes wrong. John Maxwell reminds us that experience is not the best teacher, but assessed experience is. In other words, it’s not enough to simply go through challenges and setbacks. You need to assess and learn from them to become a better version of yourself.

    If you’re ready to turn your setbacks into breakthroughs, this book is for you. Order now and start your journey to success today!

    29.850 CFA
  • The 5 Levels Of Leadership : Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential

    Looking to take your leadership skills to the next level? Look no further than this powerful book, designed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in any leadership role.

    Through a comprehensive approach that covers the five levels of effective leadership, this book will teach you how to inspire and invest in your team, achieve measurable results, and create a culture of growth and development.

    With practical tips and real-world examples, you’ll learn how to cultivate the skills and traits that make for a truly visionary leader. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or just starting out in your career, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to achieve greater success and make a lasting impact on the world around them.

    So why wait? Invest in yourself and your team today by picking up a copy of this essential guide to leadership success. Your future as a visionary leader starts now!

    18.350 CFA

    Dans notre monde interconnecté, la communication est essentielle. Mais saviez-vous que la simple communication ne suffit pas pour réussir ? Selon John Maxwell, il est crucial d’apprendre à véritablement connecter avec les autres pour atteindre le succès que vous méritez.

    Certains semblent être naturellement doués dans ce domaine, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, tout le monde peut transformer chaque interaction en une occasion de connexion formidable. Dans son livre captivant, “Tout le monde communique, peu connectent”, John Maxwell partage avec vous cinq principes inestimables qui vous aideront à dépasser la simple communication et à créer des liens profonds avec les autres.

    L’auteur, fort de son expertise internationale, vous guide pas à pas pour devenir un maître de la connexion. À travers des exemples concrets, des histoires inspirantes et des stratégies efficaces, il vous apprend à transcender les barrières de la communication superficielle pour établir des relations authentiques et durables.

    Que vous soyez un entrepreneur cherchant à bâtir des partenariats solides, un leader désireux d’inspirer et de motiver votre équipe, ou simplement une personne qui souhaite améliorer ses relations personnelles, ce livre est fait pour vous. “Tout le monde communique, peu connectent” vous incitera à développer les compétences nécessaires pour devenir une personne capable de connecter véritablement avec les autres.

    Ne laissez pas la communication vous limiter dans votre quête de succès et d’épanouissement. Faites le choix de devenir un communicateur exceptionnel et préparez-vous à transformer votre vie. Plongez dans les pages de ce livre captivant et laissez John Maxwell vous guider vers une communication authentique et une connexion profonde avec ceux qui vous entourent.

    Le moment est venu de faire de chaque interaction une occasion de connexion formidable. Commandez votre exemplaire de “Tout le monde communique, peu connectent” dès maintenant et découvrez les clés pour réussir à communiquer et à connecter avec les autres de manière exceptionnelle.

    John C. MAXWELL

    13.000 CFA