Showing all 16 results

  • Change your words change your life

    In the Bible, it is written that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This powerful statement reminds us of the importance of our words, for they are not just empty utterances, but rather containers of power. The words we speak have the ability to bring life or death, to build up or tear down, to heal or harm.

    As Joyce Meyer teaches, we must be intentional about the kind of power we want our words to carry. We must cultivate a vocabulary of healing words that promote joy and positivity in our lives and the lives of those around us. We must learn to tame our tongues and speak with faith instead of fear.

    The Bible also cautions us about the dangers of complaining and gossiping. Our words can have a corrosive effect on our own attitudes and the attitudes of those around us. We must guard against the temptation to give our opinions unnecessarily, and instead focus on the importance of keeping our word.

    By speaking God’s word and using our words for good, we can have a powerful impact on our future. As Joyce Meyer recommends, we should read scripture aloud and strengthen our vocabulary of healing words. Let us be mindful of the power of our words and use them to create a positive and joyful life for ourselves and those around us.

    9.990 CFA
  • Des pensées puissantes: Comment avoir une attitude positive

    Dans ce livre broché, vous trouverez 101 pensées puissantes de Joyce Meyer  Comme les vitamines font du bien à votre corps, DES PENSÉES PUISSANTES de Joyce Meyer sont comme des vitamines Spirituel qui vont faire du bien à votre âme. Des Pensées Qui vont : – Vous aider dans votre marche dans l’amour – Augmenter votre foi – Vous aider et vous conseiller dans l’atteinte de votre objectif – Vous faire grandir spirituellement, – Vous aider a traverser vos difficultés tout en jouissant de votre vie. Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture.

    5.000 CFA
  • Get your hopes UP!

    In the book of Proverbs, chapter 23 verse 18, it is written: “Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” This verse reminds us that hope is not just a nice-to-have feeling, but it is essential for a fulfilling and successful life. It is impossible to thrive and live to our full potential without hope.

    Joyce Meyer, in her book “Get Your Hopes Up!”, teaches us how to tap into the power of hope by building our faith in God. As it is written in the book of Hebrews, chapter 11 verse 1, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” When we have faith in God, our hope is not based on wishful thinking, but on the firm foundation of God’s promises.

    The world may offer temporary sources of hope, but they are often unreliable and can disappoint us. The book of Psalms, chapter 146 verse 3, warns us, “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.” Joyce Meyer encourages us to ground our hope steadfastly in God, who is the ultimate source of hope. As it is written in the book of Romans, chapter 15 verse 13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

    With the help of Joyce Meyer’s teachings in “Get Your Hopes Up!”, we can learn to avoid misplacing our trust in unreliable things and instead anchor our hope in God. When we have hope in God, we have limitless possibilities for our lives. As Joyce Meyer puts it, “Without hope in God, there isn’t much you can do, but with Hope in God, there isn’t much you can’t do.” So let us get our hopes up and trust in the power of hope that comes from God.

    26.300 CFA
  • In pursuit of peace: 21 ways to conquer anxiety, fear, and discontentment

    Seeking true peace in today’s world can be a daunting task. Personal desires and pursuits often lead to chaos and unrest, leaving us feeling lost and unfulfilled. But fear not, for there is a way to achieve peace and happiness in this life. The Bible teaches us that by surrendering our lives to God, we can find the serenity that we so desperately crave.

    As Joyce Meyer wisely states, keeping peace is a choice. And with her guidance, readers can learn how to be at peace with themselves, find peace with God, and discover the paradox that peace equals power. In fact, peace is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us, and it is the only path to true happiness.

    If you’re searching for a successful journey towards peace and happiness, look no further than Joyce Meyer’s 21 Ways to Find Peace and Happiness. With this guide, you will be equipped with the tools to navigate life’s challenges and to find the peace that surpasses all understanding. Don’t let the chaos of the world weigh you down any longer. Take the first step towards a life filled with peace and happiness today.

    14.300 CFA
  • Le champ de bataille de la pensée: Soyez victorieux dans vos pensées

    Ce livre est une déclaration de victoire ! Joyce Meyer y dévoile les tactiques de l’ennemi et nous propose un plan précis pour triompher dans ce combat de l’esprit. Elle nous enseigne à renouveler nos pensées par la Parole de Dieu et à rester victorieux sur le champ de bataille de nos pensées. La bonne nouvelle, c’est que Dieu combat à nos côtés !

    17.500 CFA
  • Living beyond your feelings

    Are you tired of being controlled by your emotions? The Bible teaches us to take control of our thoughts and manage our reactions to the feelings that we experience. In LIVING BEYOND YOUR FEELINGS, Joyce Meyer shares the wisdom of the Bible and the latest psychological research to give you a toolbox for managing your emotions.

    Learn how to identify the 4 personality types and their influence on your outlook, the impact of stress on your physical and emotional health, and the power of memories. Discover how words can influence your emotions and how to deal with anger, resentment, sadness, loss, grief, fear, guilt, and regret.

    By replacing reactive behavior with pro-actions, you can improve your emotional well-being and experience the benefits of happiness. Don’t let your emotions control you any longer. Take charge of your life with LIVING BEYOND YOUR FEELINGS.

    6.200 CFA
  • Look great feel great: 12 keys to enjoying a health life now

    Dear Friends,

    As the Good Book teaches us, our bodies are sacred instruments, given to us by God for experiencing a fulfilling life on earth, doing good works, and developing our spiritual selves. But in today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to let our physical, mental, and spiritual health slip away.

    That’s why we are excited to present to you “LOOK GREAT, FEEL GREAT,” a twelve-key plan to help you address the epidemic of “self-esteem drought” that appears to be a factor in perpetuating habits that create poor health. Our program is inspired by biblical wisdom, and it will help you achieve and maintain the physical, mental, and spiritual health that you need to fulfill your purpose on this earth.

    Our program is designed to help you look and feel your best, by providing you with the tools and resources you need to maintain a sound mind, body, and soul. With helpful resources like the “Ounce of Prevention Checklist,” you can take control of your own self-maintenance and prevent problems before they arise.

    So join us on this journey towards better health, and let us help you unlock the full potential of your body, mind, and soul. With our program, you’ll discover that living a fulfilling life is not only possible, but it’s also your divine birthright.

    May God bless you on your journey to better health and well-being.



    Joyce Meyer

    5.300 CFA
  • Power thoughts

    As it is written in the book of Proverbs 23:7, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” This timeless wisdom reminds us that our thoughts have the power to shape our lives. Joyce Meyer has taken this concept and turned it into a practical program for success in her latest book, Power Thoughts.

    Through her “Joyceisms,” Joyce Meyer has inspired countless individuals to think positively and reach their goals. In Power Thoughts, she provides a roadmap to turn those positive thoughts into habits and those habits into success. By following her flexible program, you too can use your mind as a tool for achievement.

    The Power Thoughts program is divided into sections that cover key topics like the power of a positive attitude, the importance of perspective, and the rules for maintaining a positive outlook. Each chapter includes bulleted keys to successful thinking that will help you develop the habits necessary for success.

    Nobody exemplifies the “can-do” attitude more than Joyce Meyer, and in Power Thoughts, she shares her secrets for achieving success through positive thinking. By adopting the Power Thoughts program, you can join the countless individuals who have transformed their lives through the power of positive thinking.

    As the book of Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Let Joyce Meyer guide you on your journey to success with the transformative power of positive thinking in Power Thoughts.

    7.000 CFA
  • Quiet Times with God Devotional

    Looking to live a fulfilling life on earth? According to the Bible, the bodies that God gives us are our instruments for achieving just that! Our bodies allow us to do good works, grow spiritually, and experience all the joys that life has to offer.

    But in order to do all of that, we need to take care of ourselves. We need to maintain a sound mind, body, and soul. Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to let our self-care slip.

    That’s where Joyce’s twelve-key plan comes in. With LOOK GREAT, FEEL GREAT, you’ll learn how to address the “self-esteem drought” that plagues so many of us. You’ll discover how to create healthy habits that will keep you feeling strong, energized, and fulfilled.

    And it’s not just theory – Joyce provides practical resources to help you maintain your self-care. The “Ounce of Prevention Checklist” is just one of the many helpful tools you’ll find in LOOK GREAT, FEEL GREAT. With Joyce’s guidance, you can take control of your health and your life, and experience all the blessings that God has in store for you.


    Joyce Meyer

    27.300 CFA
  • Soyez guéris au nom de Jésus

    Plongez dans les eaux apaisantes de la guérison divine avec le guide inspirant : “Soyez Guéris au Nom de Jésus”. Dans ce joyau littéraire, vous découvrirez la puissance salvatrice qui émane des pages de la Bible.

    La guérison divine est à votre portée ! Combien de fois avez-vous questionné : “Est-ce que Dieu veut me guérir ?” Lorsque le doute s’installe, rappelez-vous que Dieu est bienveillant, votre Père céleste qui souhaite ardemment votre bien-être. Il ne souhaite pas seulement la guérison pour vous, mais aussi pour chaque âme désireuse de se rétablir. Au cœur de cet ouvrage réside une vérité immuable : Dieu veut vous guérir, complètement et définitivement.

    Dans ce fascinant guide rédigé par Joyce Meyer, les enseignements bibliques brillent de mille feux. Les fondements de la doctrine sacrée se dévoilent dans toute leur splendeur : la GUÉRISON est la volonté de Dieu pour vous. Les versets fondamentaux s’entrelacent harmonieusement pour former un édifice de foi, prouvant que la guérison n’est pas seulement une possibilité, mais une réalité offerte avec amour. Les voiles sont levés, dévoilant les secrets pour appliquer ces enseignements à vos besoins spécifiques.

    Avec une éloquence captivante, Joyce Meyer démystifie les idées fausses et les préjugés tenaces concernant la maladie. Les ténèbres de l’incertitude se dissipent devant la lumière éclatante de la vérité divine. À chaque page, vous apprendrez à accueillir tout ce que Dieu vous réserve, à embrasser le miracle de la guérison avec une foi renouvelée.

    Levez-vous, plongez dans l’océan de la foi et laissez “Soyez Guéris au Nom de Jésus” vous guider vers la guérison totale. C’est bien plus qu’un simple livre, c’est un compagnon de voyage spirituel qui vous mènera des eaux tumultueuses du doute vers les rivages paisibles de la guérison. Le nom de Jésus est votre boussole, votre phare dans l’obscurité. Laissez la sagesse biblique et l’inspiration de Joyce Meyer vous conduire vers la vie abondante que Dieu a préparée pour vous.

    5.500 CFA
  • The confident woman

    What’s stopping women from looking their best? Joyce has been helping women better themselves by helping them identify emotional barriers and physical, mental and spiritual obstacles in their lives for years. Now she provides another trust-response.

    Our society is experiencing an epidemic of insecurity, women in particular. Compensating by pretending to be safe – a common response – only leads to feelings of shame. Lack of self-confidence causes great difficulty in relationships of all kinds, and in cases of marriage can even lead to divorce.

    In THE CONFIDENT WOMAN, Joyce explores the seven characteristics of a confident woman, which includes a woman who knows she is loved, refuses to live in fear, and does not live by comparisons. Joyce explains that confidence comes from being positive in your actions and living honestly, but most importantly having faith, in God and in ourselves

    27.400 CFA
  • The power of simple prayer

    Are you ready to experience the transformative power of prayer in your life? The Bible teaches us that prayer is not just a mere ritual, but a powerful tool that can help us overcome life’s challenges and achieve success. In her inspiring book, Joyce Meyer shares her wisdom on prayer, providing practical insights on how to make prayer work for you.

    Through her straightforward and profound style, Joyce Meyer shows how prayer can unlock the doors to a better life. She explains the keys to getting your prayers answered, and also highlights the obstacles that can hinder the effectiveness of your prayers. With the Bible as her guide, Joyce Meyer reveals how to tap into the power of prayer and connect with God on a deeper level.

    Prayer is not just a one-way communication with God; it is a two-way conversation. Through prayer, we can develop a stronger relationship with God, which can help us to be successful in every aspect of our lives. We can find strength in our hearts, sincerity in our relationships, and clarity in our decision-making.

    Join the millions of people worldwide who have been transformed by the power of prayer. Get Joyce Meyer’s book today and learn how to unleash the power of prayer in your life. Simple prayer, powerful results.

    6.980 CFA
  • The secret to true happiness

    Are you struggling to find joy and fulfillment in today’s fast-paced, technologically advanced world? Despite all the conveniences we enjoy, many of us still feel burdened by the weight of daily life. If you can relate to this struggle, then you need to check out Joyce Meyer’s new book, which offers an inspiring message of hope and joy.

    Joyce Meyer knows firsthand what it’s like to face abuse, hardship, and oppression. But she didn’t let those challenges define her. Instead, she turned to God and discovered a whole new way of looking at herself and the world around her. In her new book, she shares the biblical principles and practical advice that have helped her find true happiness and fulfillment.

    Through Joyce’s teachings, you’ll learn to see yourself through God’s eyes, and to embrace His unconditional love. You’ll discover secrets for living a full and joyful life, no matter what challenges you may face. This book is packed with wisdom and practical tips that will help you to enjoy today and embrace tomorrow.

    If you’re ready to break free from the burdens that are holding you back and start living a more joyful, fulfilling life, then Joyce Meyer’s new book is for you. You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn and grow when you open your heart to God’s wisdom and love. So don’t wait – get your copy today and start living your best life!


    Joyce Meyer

    10.200 CFA
  • Une Vie Sans Conflit

    Les conflits interpersonnels laissent des marques indélébiles dans notre existence, semant dégâts et difficultés sur notre chemin. Ils affaiblissent les liens conjugaux, blessent nos enfants et perturbent l’harmonie de nos églises. Mais que se passerait-il si nous pouvions changer cette réalité? Imaginez chaque aspect de votre vie libéré des querelles et des tensions. Pensez à des relations empreintes d’amour et de joie, à une existence où le calme et la paix règnent en maîtres.

    Ce rêve est à votre portée, et Joyce Meyer est là pour vous montrer le chemin. Dans son livre inspirant, “Une vie sans conflit”, elle puise dans ses expériences personnelles et s’appuie sur des enseignements bibliques solides pour nous enseigner que nous pouvons vivre des relations saines et épanouissantes. Elle ouvre nos yeux sur les effets dévastateurs des querelles, et nous guide vers la voie de la paix, tant pour nous-mêmes que pour nos proches.

    Imaginez un futur où la discorde n’a plus sa place, où chaque journée est emplie de sérénité et d’harmonie. Avec “Une vie sans conflit”, c’est possible ! Découvrez la joie d’une existence paisible et durable. Ouvrez votre cœur et votre esprit à cette nouvelle perspective, et laissez-vous guider par Joyce Meyer vers une vie remplie d’amour et de bonheur.

    Ne laissez pas les querelles et les disputes définir votre existence. Prenez le contrôle de votre vie dès aujourd’hui avec l’aide précieuse de “Une vie sans conflit”. Embarquez pour un voyage de transformation et de croissance personnelle. Vous méritez une vie épanouissante, et ce livre vous montre la voie pour y parvenir.

    Osez embrasser cette nouvelle approche et expérimentez la liberté de vivre sans conflit. “Une vie sans conflit” vous révélera les clés pour forger des relations solides, pleines d’amour et de paix. Rejoignez Joyce Meyer dans cette quête vers une existence épanouissante et sereine. N’attendez plus, commencez votre voyage vers une vie transformée dès maintenant !

    12.100 CFA
  • Votre Enfant Est Un Champion

    L’éducation de nos enfants est indispensable mais elle ne commence ni se termine à l’école. Beaucoup de parents ne se sentent pas légitimes pour aiguiller leurs enfants dans la vie parce qu’ils ne pensent pas en avoir la capacité.

    Nous verrons dans ce livre que chaque parent a tout ce qu’il faut en lui pour discerner les facultés de son enfant et le propulser vers un avenir épanouissant. L’école ne sera jamais plus importante que le regard observateur et bienveillant du parent. Ces 12 clefs accompagnées de travaux pratiques concernant vos propres enfants vous aideront à reconnaître leur potentiel et les pousser dans la bonne voie.

    8.000 CFA
  • Way to finding peace and happiness

    Discover the power of peace in your life with 21 Ways to Find Peace & Happiness. In a world that values personal desires above all else, it can be challenging to find true serenity. However, by submitting your life to God, you can experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. As Joyce Meyer teaches, maintaining peace is a choice, and it is one that leads to genuine happiness.

    With 21 Ways to Find Peace & Happiness, you will learn how to cultivate peace within yourself, how to establish a meaningful relationship with God, and how peace can be a source of true power. The wisdom found in this guidebook is based on biblical teachings that have stood the test of time. By following these principles, you can unlock the full potential of a peaceful and fulfilling life.

    As Joyce Meyer notes, peace is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. It is the key to unlocking a life of true happiness. So, take the first step on your journey to peace and happiness today. Order 21 Ways to Find Peace & Happiness and discover the transformative power of God’s wisdom.

    26.200 CFA