Communication Sex Money : Overcoming the Three Common Challenges in Relationships

By (author)Ed Cole

12.850 CFA

Divine wisdom has revealed that building lasting relationships requires three essential elements: Communication, Sex, and Money. If you’re a man struggling with any of these areas in your relationship with women, then this is the book you’ve been waiting for.

Communication, Sex and Money offers solid solutions to your top three problems in relationships. With relatable everyday examples, this Christian bestseller will teach you how to overcome difficulties and create a satisfying, peaceful, and lasting marriage.

For years, men have referred to this book as the “sex and money” book, while women have bought it for their husbands in hopes of improving communication. The proven patterns and principles contained within have transformed thousands of relationships, leading to happier marriages and more fulfilling lives.

Don’t wait any longer to improve your relationship with your partner. Let Communication, Sex and Money be your guide towards building the lasting and fulfilling relationship you deserve. Order your copy now and discover the secrets to successful relationships.

Title: Communication Sex Money

Three essential elements for building relationships that last. Most men would do almost anything to overcome their top three problems in relationships with women.

With everyday examples, readers will learn how to overcome difficulties and create a satisfying, peaceful and lasting marriage.

For years, men called this Christian bestseller the “sex and money” book, while women bought it for their husbands in hopes of improving communication. Whatever the motivation, thousands of men have transformed their relationships by applying these proven patterns and principles.

“As men, we must understand that God created men and women unique, to be different from all other creatures – and from each other. The differences were meant to bring balance and blessing to human lives , and not to disrupt, disturb, belittle or destroy them.” -Edwin Louis Cole


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