Title: Exploring The Riches Of Redemption
Chapter 1: You belong to royalty
Chapter 2: Alive again!
Chapter 3: Redeemed to reign
Chapter 4: You are unique
Chapter 5: A citizen of heaven
Chapter 6: A silver spoon in your mouth
Chapter 7: Master over sickness
Chapter 8: You have surpassing intelligence
Chapter 9: You have dominion
Chapter 10: Satan is under your feet
Chapter 11: What are you givings
Chapter 12: Ride on in Majesty!
Understanding your redemptive rights and privileges is the master key to freedoom and life of fulfillment, says Dr. David Oyedepo.
This book is therefore written to make you see the benefits loaded in your redemption. According to Dr.. David Oyedepo, your salvation is not just an escape route to heaven. On the contrary, an in depth understanding of your new status in Christ is required to reflect the heavenly life here one earth.
In this book, you will discover that:
– You are not born again to suffer again; you are born again to reign again.
– Redemption is comprehensive insurance for a life of dignity.
– Through Christ you can once again live supernaturally on the earth.
The world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God that is, those who through an understanding of their divine heritage in Christ can operate like God on earth. That’s you! So, grab this book and enjoy your riches in redemption! “Exploring The Riches Of Redemption”
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