Forgiveness Made Easy (3rd)

By (author)Dag heward-mills

9.800 CFA

Forgiveness can be difficult for us, as human beings! In the world, people hardly forgive. It is natural for a person not to forgive, but to seek revenge. However, when you become a new man, God expects you to forgive. Indeed, one cardinal difference between the Christian and the unbeliever is that the Christian has the ability to forgive and release the offender. A new man must be able to forgive! This book will make forgiveness easy for you to do!
Sometimes, in remembering what somebody has done to us, we forget that we have also wronged God and man From God’s point of view, a Christian who cannot forgive is rather strange. God will forgive you if you murder, lie, fornicate, commit adultery, and practise witchcraft. However, God will not forgive you if you bear someone a grudge. That is the point at which God stops forgiving you.
Do you want God to forgive you? Then forgive your brother! Do not allow unforgiveness in your heart to make you a wicked servant in the eyes of God.
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills will show you, through this blessed book, how to know whether you have truly forgiven your offenders and how to be delivered from the snare of unforgiveness.

Title: Forgiveness Made Easy


  1. Christian Forgiveness
  2. The Lord’s Prayer Test
  3. 493 Trillion Versus 28 Thousand
  4. Signs of Lingering Unforgiveness
  5. Absolution Made Easy

In the journey of life, wounds and hurts are inevitable. Yet, amidst these trials, absolution stands as a beacon of hope, guiding us towards healing and liberation. In “absolution Made Easy,” the author reflects on personal experiences, acknowledging the profound impact of forgiveness on spiritual growth.

Personal Reflections on Forgiveness

As a young man, the author shares insights gained from navigating life’s challenges. Despite his youth, he recognizes the transformative power of absolution in his own journey. Through introspection, he unveils the complexities of forgiveness and its indispensable role in spiritual progression.

Embracing the Path of Forgiveness

Absolution isn’t always easy, but it is essential. This book serves as a guide for those seeking to embrace forgiveness as a means of divine alignment. It offers practical wisdom and actionable steps to navigate the journey towards reconciliation and inner peace.

Navigating Life’s Wounds

Life inevitably brings its share of wounds and scars. However, through absolution, these wounds can become sources of strength and resilience. “Absolution Made Easy” illuminates the path towards healing, empowering readers to transcend pain and embrace wholeness.

The Transformative Power of Letting Go

By releasing the burdens of resentment and bitterness, one can experience profound transformation. This book delves into the profound truth that absolution is not just a choice but a transformative act of self-liberation. It encourages readers to let go of past grievances and embrace a future filled with grace and compassion.

A Beacon of Hope

In a world often marred by strife and conflict, absolution shines as a beacon of hope. “Absolution Made Easy” offers solace to those grappling with hurt and betrayal, reminding them that forgiveness is not only possible but also liberating. It instills the belief that through forgiveness, wounds can be turned into wisdom, and pain into peace.

Conclusion: Embracing Forgiveness

In conclusion, “Absolution Made Easy” is a poignant exploration of the profound significance of absolution in the human experience. Through personal anecdotes and insightful reflections, it imparts valuable lessons on the transformative power of letting go. This book is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the capacity for redemption through absolution

Weight 0,300 kg
Dimensions 21,59 × 13,97 × 1 cm
Emmanuel Menie

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