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Life is a process, and each stage is expected to last for certain duration of time. When you remain longer than necessary on any spot, it is an indication of stagnancy.
God’s will for you is consistent progress and appreciable advancement in every area of your life.

In this highly motivating book, David Abioye shows you how to enforce progress in the place of stagnation. He emphasizes that power for progress is generated from within.

You will learn from this progress-provoking book:
– The Power of Decision
– The Power of Will
– Escaping the trap of Excuses
– Aggression for Progressions, among others.

Get set to drop your laxity and complacency and be empowered for consistent progress. Make stagnation a thing of the past in your life. Whatever has stood in your way is sure to give way now!

David Olatunji Abioye – SHILOH

Read the free excerpt from the book “OVERCOMING STAGNATION”.

Content of the book “OVERCOMING STAGNATION”.


Chapter 1: Understanding the covenant of progress

Chapter 2: The power of decision

Chapter 3: The power of will

Chapter 4: The danger of excuses

Chapter 5: Vison pacesetter for progress

Chapter 6: Direction: The master key for progress

Chapter 7: Courage: The force for progress

Chapter 8: Aggression for progression

Chapter 9: The prophetic link.


Overview of the book “OVERCOMING STAGNATION”.

Stagnation is a curse! It is a cruel satanic hold, an evil device that is intended to keep people from accessing their glorious destinies in God.

Stagnation is the major cause of frustration and concerns in many lives today. You may see a very hardworking man, labouring 18 hours or more daily for several years, yet he has nothing to show for it. No rewards; no change!

Many people have come to a standstill in several areas of their lives. Others are plagued with ‘slow motion’; syndrome; and promotions and breakthroughs come for them at intervals of several years! But, I am glad to let you know that God’s will for you is progress. He wants you to make continuous and appreciable advancement in every area of your life – spirit, soul and body, till you become the envy of your community and nation just like our covenant father, Isaac.

The Bible says concerning him in Genesis 26:13-14:

..The man waxed great, and went forward, grew until he became very great: …And the Philistines envied him.

We have proofs in scriptures that God’s will for the believer is progress. And one of such scripting is Proverbs 4:18 which says:

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”

Note that it says, “The path of the just…” If you are a born again child of God, you are justified according to Romans 8:30. So, you have no reason to be stagnated. What is the path of the just likened to? It is as a shinning light. That means it is an effective light, the type that absolutely dominates darkness or failure. ‘Shining light’ also means speaking light.

There are some lives that are naturally speaking by reason of their impact, but there are others that you need to make enquiries about before you can get to know them. You are ordained to be a speaking light.

One of the characteristics of a shinning light is that it shines more and more, unto the perfect day. “More and more” implies motion or advancement, ever increasing, ever improving and ever relevant. And “the perfect day” means till Jesus comes. So, there is an assurance that your progress will not end with you, Your children’s children will continue to enjoy the effect of your shining long after you are gone.

God is anti-stagnation. He is against everything that is opposed to His programme for your life. When the children of Israel came out of Egypt after 400 years of bondage, the Egyptians pursued after them and they found themselves hemmed in by the Red Sea in front and the Egyptian army behind. They were stagnated between these two obstacles, so they lifted up their voices and wept. But God said to Moses:

Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.” Exodus 14:15

In the same way, there may be mountains standing in your way right now, resisting your advancement, but the word of God says, “Go forward”! Whether by going over, under, or by the side of the mountain, you must keep moving!

No matter the oppositions and obstacles you are facing right now, you can still go forward! As a matter of fact, those who make progress in the absence of oppositions cannot be compared in terms of results and testimonies, with those who keep advancing in the face of adverse situations and circumstances. So, keep moving!

Life is designed for motion, and when it is void of that, it becomes frustrating, because, you either move or you are removed. Life is a race, if you stop running you will be run over by those coming from behind you.

Some of the frustrations that most people go through today is as a result of being overtaken by those who were once behind them. May you not be overtaken and become frustrated in life!

Knowledge is the key to every benefit in the Kingdom. So, our major objective in this book is to get acquainted with the scriptural principles for initiating and actualizing progress, no matter the circumstance.

In this book you will discover that progress is initiated by generating power from within, it does not begin with taking physical steps as such. The mind is where the foundation for progress is laid.

So many people are moving but not advancing, they are going, but getting no where because this foundation is out of place. And the Bible makes us understand that when the foundation is faulty, no matter what the righteous man does, he will get no results (Psalm 11:3). You may have all the connections, money, qualifications, etc, if you lack a good foundation, you will still suffer stagnation.

The state of your mind is what makes the principles and strategies for progress to produce results. Power must be generated from within, before progress can be enforced in any area of life. And the key that generates such power is knowledge.

So, be assured that the insight you will contact in this book, will give you that push or impetus that you need to break out of stagnation, and enter into a new realm of consistent progress!

If you will let these words find a place in your heart, te you will never know what it means to be stagnated no again in your life!

It’s a new day for you!

Read the free excerpt from the book “OVERCOMING STAGNATION”.



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