Prayer Passport Leather

30.625 CFA

Prayer Passport Book by Dr. D.K.Olukoya. Prayer passport is a compendium of rare and powerful prayer points. It has been divinely designed to turn tragedy to triumph, sickness to health, failure to success, powerlessness to uncommon strength and problems to testimonies. It addresses the root of complex problems and provides total solutions to recurrent attacks from the kingdom of darkness. This is a unique spiritual warfare manual that will lead you to a glorious destiny. With prayer passport in your hands the kingdom of darkness is in trouble.

Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

Title: Embarking on a Spiritual Journey: Unveiling “Prayer Passport Leather”

Table of contents

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Title Page

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1. The Analysis of Oppression

2. Power To Suppress The Suppressor

3. Oppression Maketh A Man Mad

4. Immunity Against Oppressors

5. Prayer To Receive Fresh Fire

6. Prayers To Kill Goliath In Your Destiny

7. My Haman And Balaam Shall Die

8. Bewitchment Must Die

9. Killing The Witchcraft In Your Destiny

10. Prayers To Break The Backbone Of Poverty

11. Confessions For Prosperity

12. My Calling Shall Not Be Wasted

13. Yoke Breaking Prayers

14. Prayers To Receive Spiritual Strength

15. I am For Blessing And Not For Curses

16. Prayers To Deal With Evil Soul Ties

17. Destroying The Destroyer

18. Defeating Defeat

19. Move Me Forward By Fire

20. Power Against Miscarriage 1

21. Power Against Miscarriage 2

22. Power Against Miscarriage 3

23. Power Against Spiritual Burial

24. Demotion Must Die

25. I Claim Divine Favour

26. I Shall Not Backslide

27. Power Against The Spirit Of The Snail

28. Dealing With The Spirit Of The Dog

29. Dealing With Anti-Promotion Witchcraft

30. Neutralizing Satanic Verdicts

31. Power Against Rock Spirits

32. Beelizebub Must Die

33. Foundational Deliverance

34. Alone With God

35. Territorial Deliverance

36. Turn-Around Breakthroughs

37. Uprooting Evil Plantations

38. Arresting Dark Cloud Over Your Destiny

39. When The Enemy Will Not Go

40. Power To Be Connected With Great Men In High Places

41. My Life Is Not For Sale

42. Let God Arise

43. Stubborn Problems Must Die

44. Glory Revival

45. Command The Morning 1

46. Command The Morning 2

47. Overthrowing The Wall Of Jericho 1

48. Overthrowing The Wall Of Jericho 2

49. Baptism Of Fire 1

50. Baptism Of Fire 2

51. Dream Surgery 1

52. Dream Surgery 2

53. Power Against The Spirit Of Death And Hell

54. Power Against Womb Polluters

55. Power Against Eaters Of Flesh And Drinkers Of Blood

56. Power Against Satanic Poison

57. Witchcraft Must Die

58. Power Against Familiar Spirits

59. Deliverance From The Bondage Of Marine Spirits

60. Power Against Demonic Food

61. Power Against Untimely Death

62. Deliverance From Occult Entanglement

63. Deliverance From Repeated Problems

64. Destiny Changing And Restoration Prayer 1

65. Destiny Changing And Restoration Prayer 2

66. Destiny Changing And Restoration Prayer 3

67. Success In The Ministry

68. Prayers For The Micacle Of Supernatural Conception And Divine Protection

69. Prayers For The Micacle Of Supernatural Conception And Divine Protection 1

70. Prayers For The Micacle Of Supernatural Conception And Divine Protection 2

71. Prayers For The Micacle Of Supernatural Conception And Divine Protection 3

72. Prayers For The Micacle Of Supernatural Conception And Divine Protection 4

73. Prayers To Defeat Anti-conception Witchcraft

74. Marital Breakthroughs 1

75. Prayers For Marital Breakthroughs 2

76. Prayers For Marital Breakthroughs 3

77. Prayers For Marital Breakthroughs 4

78. Prayers Against Collective Captivity

79. Prayers To Heal Hypertension

80. Release Me By Fire

81. Prayers Dismantle Marital Jericho

82. Bring The Judgement Of The God Upon Them

83. Relase From Destructive Convenants

84. Prayer For Divine Guidance

85. Let Not My Enemies Triumph Over Me

85. Power Against Python Spirit 1

87. Power Against Python Spirit 2

88. Dealing With Night Raiders

89. Go Forward By Fire

90. Let My Children Go

91. Dealing With The Evil Powers Of Your Father’s House

92. Dealing With The Evil Powers Of Your Father’s House 2

93. Dealing With The Strongman

94. Receive Your Deliverance

95. Prayers To Re-fire And Not Retire

96. Prayers For Rapid Spiritual Growth

97. Iniquity Shall Not Dwell I n My Tent

98. Power Against Evil Spiritual Marriages

99. Dismantling Cancer

100. Power Against Introjects

101. Prayers To Heal Diabetes

102. Breaking The Yoke Of Satanic Delay

In the vast realm of spiritual literature, “Prayer Passport Leather,” authored by Dr. D.K. Olukoya, stands as a powerful compendium of rare and transformative prayer points. The narrative, employing both active and passive voices, aims to intricately detail the essence of this divine guide, designed to usher believers from tragedy to triumph, sickness to health, failure to success, powerlessness to uncommon strength, and problems to testimonies.

The Author’s Vision: Dr. D.K. Olukoya’s Spiritual Guidance

The exploration commences by acknowledging the visionary authorship of Dr. D.K. Olukoya. Both voices are strategically employed to convey the divine inspiration behind “Prayer Passport Leather.” It is a testament to the author’s dedication to providing believers with a spiritual tool that goes beyond conventional prayers, offering rare and potent prayer points to address complex problems at their roots.

A Divine Design: Transformative Power of Prayer

Transitioning seamlessly, the narrative delves into the divine design of “Prayer Passport Leather.” Through both active and passive expressions, the text elucidates on the compendium’s profound ability to turn the tide in the lives of believers. It is meticulously crafted to be a catalyst for turning adversity into triumph, sickness into health, and failure into success. The divine intention behind the design becomes a source of hope and empowerment for those seeking transformative change.

Total Solutions for Recurrent Attacks: Confronting Darkness with Light

As the narrative unfolds, attention is drawn to the manual’s unique offering of total solutions for recurrent attacks from the kingdom of darkness. Employing both active and passive voices, the text emphasizes the manual’s efficacy in addressing the root of complex problems. It serves as a beacon of light, guiding believers through the tumultuous terrain of spiritual warfare and providing them with the means to confront and overcome recurrent attacks.

A Spiritual Warfare Manual: Navigating Unseen Battles

Transitioning smoothly, the exploration underscores the unique role of “Prayer Passport Leather” as a spiritual warfare manual. Through both voices, the text positions the manual as a guide for believers to navigate unseen battles. It becomes an indispensable companion on the spiritual journey, offering insights and prayer points that empower believers to confront the challenges emanating from the kingdom of darkness.

A Glorious Destiny Unveiled: The Promise of “Prayer Passport Leather”

In conclusion, “Prayer Passport Leather” is not just a book; it is a promise of a glorious destiny. The narrative, employing both active and passive voices, invites believers to hold this spiritual compendium in their hands and witness the transformative power within. With “Prayer Passport Leather,” believers are equipped to face the kingdom of darkness with unwavering strength, turning problems into testimonies and emerging victorious. It stands as a testament to the divine design and intention behind the manual – to lead believers to a destiny filled with triumph and glory


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