The 33 Irrevocable Laws of Wealth Creation

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The intention of this book is not to get you excited but show you why believers need to apply the Laws of Wealth Creation.

It is God’s desire to bless people and give them the ability to create wealth so that they can serve His kingdom, enjoy their personal life, help their family and touch their generation.

However today, a religious spirit has perverted the Word of God and made any attempt to create wealth to be seen as covetousness. The devil rejoices because this renders the Church impotent. In a world where money talks, the Church is unable to effectively evangelise.

In this insightful and challenging publication, Matthew Ashimolowo highlights more than 30 laws of wealth creation and discusses the personal steps every believer must take to create wealth and become a blessing to their generation.

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Contents of “The 33 Irrevocable Laws of Wealth Creation”.


  1. The Law of Creative Mentoring
  2. The Law of Longing
  3. The Law of Purpose
  4. The Law of Enrichment
  5. The Law of Entrepreneurship
  6. The law of small beginnings
  7. The law of courage
  8. The law of risk
  9. The law of unusual positivity
  10. The law of persistence
  11. The Law of Divine Assistance
  12. The Law of Time Management
  13. The law of the intellect
  14. The law of creative power
  15. The Law of Divine Endowments
  16. The Law of the Mark
  17. The law of discipline
  18. The law of <<Important Things First>>
  19. The Law of Synergy
  20. The Law of Management
  21. The Law of Communication
  22. The Law of Generosity
  23. The Law of Diversification
  24. The Law of Harnessing
  25. The Law of Excellence
  26. The law of opportunity
  27. The law of maximization
  28. The law of abundance
  29. The law of persistence
  30. The law of values
  31. The law of competitive advantage
  32. The law of income
  33. The law of investment


Extracts of “The 33 Irrevocable Laws of Wealth Creation”.

The universe in which we live is governed by laws. These natural laws allow the universe to work precisely, symmetrically and synchronously.

Our planet, for example, moves at a speed of approximately one thousand six hundred and sixty-seven kilometers per hour, covering forty thousand kilometers every twenty-four hours!

However, despite this incredible speed, we do not feel the movement of our planet. This revolution of the planet means that you will return in twenty-four hours to the place where you are at this precise moment, after having traveled at the speed of one thousand six hundred and sixty-seven km/hour.

God makes this possible by applying natural laws on earth, such as the law of gravity. This same law of gravity allows us to walk firmly on the planet, although it is spherical, without risking falling.

When a person obeys natural laws, the planet reciprocates. If, for example, you go up to the twentieth floor of a building and jump, you are violating the laws of gravity and will answer to concrete justice. To violate these laws or deny them is to obtain the consequence or result. God desires to bless people and, of course, educate them to give them the opportunity to create wealth, so that they can serve in His kingdom, enjoy their personal lives, help their families and impact their generation.

Remember the LORD your God, for it is he who will give you strength to acquire them, to confirm, as he is doing this day, his covenant which he swore to your fathers. » Deuteronomy 8:18

A good man is heir to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is reserved for the righteous. » Proverbs 13:22

Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I, the LORD your God, teach you for your good, and lead you in the way you should go. » Isaiah 48:17

The principles of wealth creation work for anyone who obeys them and in some cases, even for people who observe them without knowing the Lord.

First of all, when a seed is planted in good soil, it multiplies and after its multiplication, covers the entire territory because God has blessed the seed. “Noah built an altar to the LORD: he took of all the clean beasts and…

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