The Power of Decisions
Believers are only built through the teaching of the word, the communication of the doctrine of scripture is how believers become matured. And the Bible says for this reason, for this course, He gave on to some, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers for the maturing, perfecting of the saints. So, it is important that every time we are exposed to the word of God, no matter how brief, we must receive it with hearts opened and we must listen for transformation, not just information. The Bible says now that you know these things, happy are you if you do them.
It is the doers of the word that become blessed, not just the hearer. As the Bible says that we do not be hearers alone but doers of the word. Matters of life and destiny.This book is going to challenge our hearts again and bring to our consciousness some of these truths that govern our faith walk to the end that we be established, strong and built. I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified.I’d like to start by just communicating a burden that has been in my heart. It is God’s desire that believers grow and continue to grow. It is not God’s design that a believer get saved and remains at that level. (The Power of Decisions)
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