The serpentine enemies

1.900 CFA

Serpentine enemies who hide and attack their enemies unawares will prefer to conceal the activities as a way of prolonging the suffering of their victims. But God has said that enough is enough to the devil. That is why He has revealed the age-long secrets of the enemy in this inspired writing on serpentine enemies. Remove the cover of every serpent troubling your destiny. Uncovered enemy will lose the vital element of surprise, so much needed for wickedness.

Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

Title: The Serpentine Enemies

Table of contents

Title page

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  • The Veiled Adversaries
  • Three types of enemy
  • Reason for the attacks
  • How to recognise Veiled Adversaries
  • Steps to be taken
  • Prayer points
Unmasking the Serpentine Foes

Within the shadows lurk serpentine enemies, stealthily concealing their malevolent schemes to strike unsuspecting victims. “The Veiled Adversaries” exposes the veiled activities of these adversaries, unveiling the age-long secrets that have allowed them to perpetrate suffering. God’s declaration resounds: enough is enough, and this inspired writing serves as the divine revelation to shatter the camouflage of serpentine enemies.

Strategic Concealment of Serpentine Tactics

Serpentine enemies thrive on secrecy, strategically hiding and ambushing their targets to prolong their suffering. However, the divine intervention declared in this book disrupts the enemy’s covert operations. It serves as a spiritual compass, guiding readers to remove the cover of every serpent troubling their destinies.

The Unveiling of Secrets

God’s declaration of “enough is enough” resonates as the secrets of serpentine enemies are laid bare. This inspired writing acts as a beacon of light, illuminating the dark corners where these adversaries hide. Readers are equipped with spiritual insights to unmask and dismantle the hidden tactics that serpentine enemies employ.

Divine Intervention against Serpentine Attacks

As the cover is lifted from these serpentine foes, their vital element of surprise is nullified. The divine revelation within these pages empowers readers to counteract and overcome the wickedness of serpentine enemies. God’s intervention is invoked, rendering these adversaries powerless against those armed with spiritual knowledge.

Breaking the Cycle of Spiritual Oppression

The Veiled Adversaries” becomes a guide for breaking free from the cycles of spiritual oppression. Each revelation serves as a weapon, dismantling the strategies that Veiled Adversaries employ to afflict and hinder destinies. Readers are encouraged to engage in spiritual warfare, fortified with the understanding of the enemy’s tactics.

Victory Through Unveiled Knowledge

The book emphasizes that knowledge is power. Unveiling the tactics of serpentine enemies arms readers with the understanding needed to secure victory over spiritual oppression. This knowledge becomes a shield, guarding against the sneak attacks of these adversaries.

Stripping the Enemy of Camouflage

Strategic prayers and spiritual declarations presented in the book become tools for stripping serpentine enemies of their camouflage. Readers actively participate in the spiritual warfare, invoking divine protection and dismantling the hidden strongholds that hinder progress.

Conclusion: Walking in the Light of Divine Revelation

The Veiled Adversaries” is not just a book; it is a divine revelation that illuminates the path to spiritual victory. It serves as a clarion call to remove the cover of darkness that serpentine enemies thrive in. As readers absorb the wisdom within these pages, they find themselves walking in the light of divine revelation, armed with the knowledge needed to conquer serpentine foes and experience the freedom and deliverance promised by God.

Weight 0,150 kg
Dimensions 20,32 × 12,7 × 0,41 cm
Emmanuel Menie

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