The Word of My Patience

By (author)Dag heward-mills

10.000 CFA

Anything that God says requires patience is a “Word of my patience”. Most of the promises of God are examples of the “Word of my patience”. God promises many things in the Bible, but most of these promises need patience to see them fulfilled.
The “Word of my patience” is a Word that requires you to endure much provocation, annoyance or pain without complaint. The “Word of my patience” is a Word that requires you to endure tests and temptations and misfortune without losing your temper or becoming irritated. The “Word of my patience” requires a steady, quiet perseverance and diligence if you are to ever see the manifestation of the promise of God.
Once again, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, painstakingly outlines in this exposé, the experiences of great men in the Bible who had to endure the “Word of my patience” in order to receive God’s promises.
Dear friend, in fulfilling the will of God and surging forward to experience the “Word of my patience” you must accept that you will go through many things which you must accept with calmness, forbearance and fortitude in order to see His promises come to pass in your life.

Dag heward-mills

Title: The Word of My Patience
  1.  The Word of My Endurance
  2. “The Word of My Endurance” For Abraham: Twenty-Five Years
  3. The “Word of My Endurance” For Jacob
  4. The “Word of My Endurance” For Joseph
  5. The “Word of My Endurance” For Moses: Forty Years
  6. The “Word of My Patience” For Levites: Twenty-five Years
  7. The “Word of My Patience” for Caleb: Forty-Five
  8. The “Word of My Patience” For Joshua: Seventy Years
  9. The “Word of My Patience” For Apostle Paul: Thirty Years
  10. The “Word of My Patience” For Peter: Thirty Years
  11. The Call of God The Word of My Patience
Understanding Divine Timing

The concept of the “Word of My Endurance” encompasses God’s promises that require steadfast endurance and patience for fulfillment. Many of God’s assurances in the Bible fall under this category, necessitating unwavering faith and perseverance.

Enduring Trials and Tribulations

Embracing the “Word of My Endurance” entails enduring trials, temptations, and adversity with resilience and composure. It requires facing challenges without succumbing to frustration or despair, maintaining steadfast perseverance in the face of adversity.

Drawing from Biblical Examples

In this illuminating exposé, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills delves into the experiences of biblical figures who exemplified patience in awaiting the fulfillment of God’s promises. Their stories serve as poignant reminders of the importance of steadfastness in faith.

Embracing Divine Will

To fulfill God’s will and experience the “Word of my patience,” individuals must accept the inevitability of facing trials and hardships. Embracing these challenges with calmness, forbearance, and fortitude is essential to witnessing the manifestation of God’s promises in one’s life.

Navigating Challenges with Steadfastness

This insightful book offers practical guidance on navigating life’s challenges with steadfastness and patience. Through introspection and adherence to biblical principles, readers learn to maintain a steady and unwavering faith in the face of adversity.

Perseverance in Faith

By embracing the “Word of My Endurance,” individuals cultivate a spirit of perseverance and endurance in their faith journey. Despite setbacks and obstacles, they remain steadfast in their trust in God’s promises, knowing that His timing is perfect.

Experiencing Divine Fulfillment

As readers internalize the lessons of patience and endurance, they position themselves to experience the fulfillment of God’s promises in their lives. Through unwavering faith and perseverance, they witness the manifestation of His blessings and provisions.

A Blueprint for Spiritual Growth

“The Word of My Endurance” serves as a blueprint for spiritual growth, offering invaluable insights into the importance of enduring faith and perseverance. Its teachings empower readers to face life’s challenges with resilience and fortitude.


In “The Word of My Patience,” Bishop Dag Heward-Mills delivers a compelling exploration of patience and endurance in the Christian journey. Through biblical examples and practical wisdom, readers learn to embrace challenges with steadfast faith, ultimately experiencing the fulfillment of God’s promises in their lives

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