Title: You Shall Not be Barren
- Created to be fruitful
- Your covenant guarantee
- Get right of dose obstacles!
- The knowledge factor
- Your faith access
- The overcomer’s mentality
- Take it by force!
- Proofs of God’s faithfulness!
Since ancient times, biblical teachings have guided and transformed lives. Today, we present a book that explores the power of God’s word in the area of fertility. “You Can’t Be Barren” is an inspired work that draws on the millennia-old wisdom of the Bible to help you overcome all forms of infertility, especially that of the body.
In this book, you’ll discover that every word of God is more than just a statement. It is four-dimensional: Creative, Prophetic, Powerful and Incorruptible. God, who created you, expressed His intention to make you fruitful, to give you the ability to multiply and fill the earth.
Imagine for a moment that no one knows a product better than its manufacturer. In the same way, God personally attested to you in heaven before sending you to this earth. You’re not here by chance, but after being tested positive for your fertility potential. Any other test result contrary to this one is simply a lie from the devil.
Sterility is not in God’s plans, it is not advantageous to Himself. He is not the author of infertility. God cannot destroy what He has carefully built. His purpose remains unchanged. He created each individual with a specific purpose and proclaimed, “Be fruitful!”
“You Can’t Be Barren” is much more than just a book. It’s an invitation to discover your true identity, your potential for fruitfulness, and to embrace the divine promise that lies within you. Let yourself be guided by the powerful biblical teachings and inspiring testimonies that line the pages of this book.
Don’t let the devil’s lies hold you back in a state of barrenness. Open yourself to the liberating truth and let God’s creative power work in you. You are destined for a fruitful and abundant life.
Order your copy of “You Can’t Be Barren” today and discover how God’s word can change your life and lead you to fulfilling fruitfulness. Get ready to receive the blessing of fruitfulness and spread life in every sphere of your life.
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