Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Hebrews 13:4

When a man and a woman enter into the covenant of marriage, they are legally bound to each other, and the legal seal of this covenant is sexual intercourse. Sex is sacred to God because He is a God of Covenant, and sex is not for boys. Therefore, your marital bed must remain unstained, as sex is the seal of the marriage covenant.

Indeed, any sexual relationship outside of marriage breaks the seal and brings punishment upon the offender. You must therefore avoid involving yourself in any form of illicit sexual acts. But if out of ignorance or carelessness you have committed the forbidden, repent immediately and ask God for forgiveness. Only your wife should satisfy your sexual needs and no one else.

If you respect this firm will of God in marriage and your wife is aware of it, you protect her from doubt and disbelief. Nevertheless, sexually satisfy your wife! Stay away from the paths of marital fraud. Do not deprive your wife or refuse her right to the bed when she needs it.

Sex in marriage is the motor oil that keeps the car of your marriage functional. Some marital beds are outdated and dry. They no longer attract the wife. Seek knowledge with the help of the Holy Spirit and godly counselors in this area to improve your performance in order to satisfy your wife.

Regardless of your level of education, position in society, and degrees, you need specific knowledge to succeed in your marriage because whatever you do not know, you are just ignorant of it. There is a saying: “he who does not know, does not know.” So, gentlemen! Seek the new improved version of marriage based on the Word of God and by interacting with brothers who have preceded you to make your marital bed glorious. In doing so, you will glorify the author and consumer of marriage.

Let your marital bed (I say marital bed because if it is outside of marriage, it will bring a curse upon you) speak regularly (read 1 Cor 7:3-5). There should be no denial or refusal except for a real reason that can be forgiven. Please, do not use sex as a weapon to punish your wife, as she needs it just as you do.

Do not refuse your partner as recommended by the scriptures in 1 Cor 7:5. For your relationship to have value and be protected, do not deny your wife her conjugal right. We cannot bury our heads in the sand and say that the value of conjugation is not necessary in marriage. Sex is a central area through which Satan attacks many marriages that lack prudence and requirements. Therefore, I repeat: your marital bed must be healthy and speak regularly (read Proverbs 5:15-19).

Please, seek and apply new tactics and tricks to improve your sex life, take it out of routine, and make it lively. This is what I call the new improved version. In fact, you can start today, or at any time, as it is never too late to begin. But strive to seek and use new methods. It is essential for the sexual fulfillment of your partner and the stability of the marriage.

Let your wife be your coach. Ask her what you can do to make her feel good and sexually satisfied. Money is not all she needs. In every being, there are desires that must be satisfied, and if they are not satisfied, they will always leave the person empty and unfulfilled …

This text is an excerpt from the book “ HOW TO PROTECT YOUR WIFE? ” written by Victor Charles Okafor.

We invite you to read the following article “FINANCIAL PRESSURES.

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