Servant, where are the fruits of your talent?
“Master, I knew that you are a harsh man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.” Matthew 25:24
Dear readers, do you know that the verse above reflects our response to the Lord whenever He commands us something? It’s important to understand that the Lord has equipped each of us with talents, gifts, skills, and abilities so that we can use them to serve His interests, to benefit those around us, and to glorify His name. The subtle thing is that we don’t always realize that we are on a mission of impact and that we must reveal a character of God that is not yet visible.
It’s important to note that the servant who received one talent does not know his master. Why? Because he thinks his master is harsh, when in reality, he may be demanding but not harsh. He goes on to say that he harvests where he has not sown and gathers where he has not scattered seed. This is not true. To prove it, look at the three servants, the talents they multiplied, who gave them to them? It’s sad to see that many people, at the end of their earthly lives, go to the Heavenly Father and all they will say is: “Here, take what is yours. I was afraid because you are harsh!” What a tragedy!
Lord, I pray that you grant the entire world the awareness of our destiny so that we realize what is truly at stake.
There are unimaginable things in each of us that need to be revealed, and if that were not the case, you wouldn’t be here on earth, because God does everything for a purpose. Like the two servants who multiplied their talents, get to work to discover what God has buried in you and work on it. We may not know what activities the two servants who multiplied their talents carried out, but I am sure they benefited many people.
Take the example of the one who received the three talents. Let’s assume he was involved in poultry farming. If that’s the case, he certainly noticed the difficulties people faced in obtaining poultry. To alleviate them, he simply provided what his community needed most. People who had to travel miles to buy chicken no longer had to walk all day to get poultry. By engaging in this activity, he not only relieved his community but also glorified his master by bringing him the profits of the talents entrusted to him.
Let’s remember that God doesn’t necessarily want us to multiply talents for Him, but instead, to benefit our surroundings, our community. That’s why He wants us to preach the good news to the whole earth, so that many may benefit from the grace that is poured out. It’s not for Him, but for our brothers and sisters. Do you understand how He wants you to do the work? He knows you can’t do it alone, which is why He has given us the Holy Spirit.
So don’t be selfish by focusing solely on yourself, on what you don’t have and what you can’t do. Focus on Him and look at the abilities He has given you to do the work. The most important thing is your neighbor, your brother, your sister, your boss, etc. They just need you to start that business that God inspired you, that song, that venture, to write that book, in short, to take on your responsibilities.
What to do to be great in the kingdom of heaven and on earth?
I am 100% sure that you want to be cited at the pinnacle of your life, that you were one of the most remarkable men who walked on earth. That’s the desire each of us secretly nurtures. Aspiring to greatness is very good, but do you really want to apply the principles that make you great? That’s the real question.
“…and whoever wants to be first among you shall be your slave.” Matthew 20:27
“Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:4
The evils that undermine youth today, especially Christian youth, are wanting everything instantly, wanting to be served everything on a silver platter, they just aspire to give orders and to be obeyed at the drop of a hat. Also, when we talk about “service,” we tend to despise this aspect when it’s actually the key to reaching heights.
Take the example of Amazon by Jeff Bezos. What is Amazon seeking here, you might ask? But isn’t he Christian? And yes, that’s where you are heavily mistaken. God’s principles are immutable and whoever applies them will have results. Amazon is currently the leading e-commerce site with integrated delivery and remarkable after-sales service for the entire planet.
Thus, it serves others by constantly thinking about how they can satisfy customers by bringing together the products they need in one market (the Amazon site), then it has set up fast payment methods, and finally, they have done everything to deliver customers with a very short delay. We often see the side of the fact that founders of multinational corporations lead an enviable life without considering the work done every day by their company. But it relieves the global population, hence its great value.
Truth: The subtlety is that many want the privilege without the responsibility. Whereas it’s the service that entitles to the conveniences associated with positions of responsibility.
Do you know that you are a crucial link in God’s plan for the earth?
This text is an extract from the book “Drinking cups to reign on earth and in Eternity” written by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak, and Kenou Landry Hinnouho.
We invite you to read the following article “Be the shadow of who you aspire to become by serving him.“
Your talent. Your talent. Your talent.
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