Showing all 2 results

  • How to witness

    Are you committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the world? Have you encountered objections and doubts from those who have not yet met Christ? Fear not, for the Scriptures hold the answers to all of their questions and doubts.

    Introducing the “Soul-Winner’s Handbook,” compiled by R. A. Torrey, one of the greatest evangelists of modern times. This easy-to-use handbook is a valuable ministry tool that will teach you how to become a successful soulwinner, use God’s Word to answer difficult questions, show the self-righteous their need of God, and help believers mature in Christ.

    In this handbook, you will find faith-strengthening Scriptures and helpful soul-winning hints that will equip you to share the limitless power of the Word of God with others. As Jesus commanded His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” The harvest field of this world is vast, but with the Word of God as your guide, you can become an effective worker in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to every corner of the earth.

    So, let the Scriptures be your foundation, and let the “Soul-Winner’s Handbook” be your guide as you embark on this important mission. The world needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, and with God’s help, you can be a part of bringing that message to every creature.


    R. A. Torrey

    8.700 CFA
  • The presence and work Holy spirit

    Do you want the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life?
    Within these pages, you will discover the importance of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. R. A. Torrey also reveals the work of the Holy Spirit in helping to bring unbelievers into the kingdom of God and:

    • How to receive God’s favor and blessings
    • The way the Holy Spirit imparts life to the spiritually dead
    • Our need to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance
    • How to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit
    • The biblical promises that relate to the Holy Spirit

    These eternal issues–and many more–are covered in this in-depth examination of who the Holy Spirit is and His work in our lives. Followers of Christ, as well as those searching, will be permanently transformed as God’s divine power flows through their hearts.

    11.600 CFA