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    Have you ever wondered what Heaven looks like? What is the sky, what atmosphere reigns in the sky, who lives in the sky and finally what are the humans who go to heaven?

    Heaven, contrary to some preconceived ideas, is a very real place, more real even than our earthly home. Paradise does not only exist in the imagination of certain enlightened people, but it is truly an authentic place where life is very present. The author demonstrates, with supporting biblical passages, that Paradise is not a utopia.

    Furthermore, access to paradise will depend on the nature of each person’s life on earth. This is also because of the beings present in paradise. Indeed, the first resident of heaven is God. It is his throne and God is holy.

    The change of the body will be accompanied by an expansion of knowledge. Currently, human knowledge is very limited. In paradise, we will know more, we will have the understanding of certain mysteries. The hidden will be revealed, even if the knowledge will not be exhaustive.

    Discover it in this book as well as the 21 biblical truths it contains, it will delight your soul. From the sparkling purity of the place, and the company of faithful believers, to the presence of God Himself, whom he left for this earth in order to prepare Heaven – the home that will become your final address. Rich in details from the Bible, 21 Amazing Truths about Heaven is an indispensable book that gives us a taste of our future home and plenty of encouragement for today.

    Dave EARLEY

    17.000 CFA

    Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé à quoi ressemblait le Ciel ? Découvrez-le dans cet ouvrage ainsi que les 21 vérités bibliques qu’il contient, cela ravira votre âme. Depuis l’étincelante pureté du lieu, et la compagnie des croyants fidèles, jusqu’à la présence de Dieu Lui-même, qu’il à quittée pour cette terre dans le but de préparer le Ciel – le foyer qui deviendra votre dernière adresse. Riche en détails issus de la Bible, 21 vérités étonnantes sur le Ciel est un livre indispensable qui nous donne un avant-goût de notre future maison – et beaucoup d’encouragements pour aujourd’hui.

    14.500 CFA