Accepting to Lose in Relationships with Others.

Accepting to Lose in Relationships with Others.

The famous author and speaker Dale Carnegie wrote an excellent book in which he practically explains what we need to do to maintain very good relationships with all the people we interact with. The author believes that to succeed in relationships with others, we must do everything possible to meet their psychological needs. According to […]

An Excellent Way to Resemble Christ.

An Excellent Way to Resemble Christ.

We are predestined to be like Christ. The Holy Scriptures reveal that God predestined all of us before the foundation of the world to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his […]

An Excellent Way to Make a Living.

An Excellent Way to Make a Living.

In trying to gain too much, we end up losing. When I was still a child, I often heard adults say that in trying to gain too much, we lose. They said this about people who wanted to gain much more than what they were entitled to. They also spoke about people who could be […]

An Excellent Way to Help Others.

An Excellent Way to Help Others.

The Good Samaritan. The Bible tells us an extraordinary story about a man who was seriously beaten and left for dead in the street. Two religious men passed by this man without taking the time to help him because they didn’t want to be late for church. They believed it was more important for them […]