While watching “The Lion King,” I was able to observe, and some research confirms, that lionesses must care for lion cubs until the age of three. Once this time has passed, they are called to leave the tribe or find another, but in any case, they must fend for themselves and take on their responsibilities. […]



LET THEM DEVELOP THEIR LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES: In the common mindset, when some people become leaders, others are seen as mere subordinates at their service. Consequently, these individuals are pushed into the background. There are many leaders who hinder others from becoming leaders, and this attitude is both dangerous and indicative of not being a true […]

Understanding the Purpose of Leadership

Understanding the Purpose of Leadership

Consciously or unconsciously, we hold the hope that simply changing our leaders will bring about a change in the conditions of our lives, or that changing our partners will lead to successful relationships. No one can blame you for this aspiration; it resides within each of us. Despite this aspiration, we have forgotten the true […]

Needs of Women in a Relationship/Couple.

Needs of Women in a Relationship/Couple.

Men sometimes think that women are capricious, which can lead them to neglect and not pay attention to this need. Affection is expressed in various ways, and a woman interprets the love you have for her based on the degree of affection you show towards her. Men often don’t understand why women constantly want to […]

The Need of a Man in a Relationship.

The Need of a Man in a Relationship.

The first need of man is certainly his most important need. A woman can give everything to a man, including sending love letters, giving him gifts, and being sexually available 24/7, but if he doesn’t feel respected and admired, it won’t be enough. Respect is reflected in how he is treated, how he is spoken […]

Dangers of Relationships

Dangers of Relationships

UNAVOWED SECRETS I watched a television show with the theme of whether one should confess everything to their partner once a relationship begins. Many people ponder the same question: should we reveal everything in a relationship? What should we say, and what should we hide? These questions cross our minds when we contemplate starting a […]