Eliminate the Negative.

Eliminate the Negative.

If you want to eventually accept yourself and improve your self-esteem, decide right now that nothing negative about you will ever come out of your mouth. Acknowledge the good things. “I pray that your participation in the faith may become effective through knowing every good thing that is in us for the glory of Christ.” […]

The Importance of Speaking According to the Word of God.

The Importance of Speaking According to the Word of God.

Dave and I had prayed to have a child. Our son, Daniel, was not an “accident”; we desired him. But after his birth, I let this life change affect me negatively. I wasn’t used to staying home for so long. Furthermore, I had gained a few pounds, and my skin had changed, as often happens […]

The Love of God Drives Out Insecurity.

The Love of God Drives Out Insecurity.

“We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). If we don’t allow God to love us, we will hardly be able to love Him in return. If we don’t make peace with ourselves, we will never be able to love others as the Bible commands us: “…You shall love your neighbor as […]

Satan has a bad attitude, and he wants to transmit it to you.

Satan has a bad attitude, and he wants to transmit it to you.

Satan wants to push us towards egocentrism. Such an attitude is expressed in two forms, both equally problematic. In my opinion, he doesn’t care which one we choose, because both keep us away from God’s will and deprive us of the power that belongs to the child of God. Both are based on determining our […]

Perfection: The Impossible Quest.

Perfection: The Impossible Quest.

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29 Since the age of 9, my son Danny has been playing golf with my husband Dave and me. Although a good player […]

Celebrate the Positive.

Celebrate the Positive.

The second key to overcoming insecurity is linked to the first: meditating on and speaking positive things about yourself. We have learned that thinking and speaking negative words about ourselves is destructive. Now, let’s consider the power in thinking and saying positive things about ourselves, in line with the Word. As we’ve seen, our thoughts […]