Save the Testimony.

Save the Testimony.

Most Christians who experience healing or deliverance often fall back into the world when their act of faith is not followed by an authentic and organized testimony. The trial of testimony prepares us for that of ministerial operation. Otherwise, we end up falling into routine. We become an ordinary Christian, then revert to being a […]

As if God awaited me at a crossroads.

As if God awaited me at a crossroads.

“On that day, the Lord will punish with his sword—his fierce, great and powerful sword—Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the coiling serpent; he will slay the monster of the sea.” (Isaiah 9:1) Last month, driven by my desires, I had fallen, committing an act that, according to Christ, is an abomination. My whole being followed […]

The time of the off-season.

The time of the off-season.

“The Tree that Bears Fruit Out of Season.” On the tenth month of the year 2018, on the eighteenth day, I had a dream. I had spent many years toiling, trying various activities to meet my needs. I was embittered by the defiant behavior of my first community of believers. After this desert time, where […]

The Church is family.

The Church is family.

Every family is a church. No assembly claiming to be a church will endure if it is not upheld by the family, by families. The true family, the one that pleases God, fears Him, and remains faithful in all things. Every rebellious family is the work of Satan, the agent of the little dwarf, and […]