Understanding Transmission.

Understanding Transmission.

Transmission is both a scriptural concept and a spiritual reality. Inoculation is a divine transfer that imparts a capability you did not previously possess. Through impartation, the Holy Spirit gives or grants you a gift, revelation, or spiritual power you need to fulfill your purpose. I have received numerous transmissions that have changed my life […]

Adopting Seer Activation.

Adopting Seer Activation.

You may already possess spiritual gifts that are dormant due to a lack of awareness of the gift itself or a lack of understanding of how to operate with this gift. In this case, you need an activation. In our context, to activate means “to set up or formally institute (as a military unit) with […]

Activation Starters.

Activation Starters.

Now that you understand the main gateways through which you can enter the seer dimensions, we can move on to the activation starters. I strongly advise you not to proceed to the other activations in this book before practicing these. The first-level activations are intentionally created and ordered to help you avoid the deceptions of […]

See the Parables.

See the Parables.

Jesus said, “I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world” (Matthew 13:35). Jesus used parables to illustrate the dynamics of the Kingdom. The Holy Spirit often uses visual parables to show us truth in the dimensions of the seer. Consider the conversation between Jeremiah and […]