Ignorance is a disease, and every disease is a discomfort. If you do not know and are unaware that you do not know, it is very dangerous. One can live amidst riches and still be poor. What destroys the poor is their poverty. “The toil of fools wearies them, for they do not know the […]



Africa is a land of opportunities, but many Africans have not seized the various opportunities that are available daily to improve their lives because of their constant excuses. Life is like a flowing stream, and the first to arrive is served. “Life is first come, first served.” May you never be late to your destiny. […]

What is Laziness?

What is Laziness?

Laziness means not wanting to work or use one’s energy. It signifies an unwillingness to work, an idle hand, a person at rest, someone who refuses to do anything. Laziness encompasses unfinished thoughts, incomplete plans and projects, indecision, instability, procrastination, and wickedness (Matthew 25:26). Laziness and wickedness are twins. The Bible does not encourage laziness. […]



One of the most dangerous giants and killer spirits wreaking havoc across the African continent is “Sabotage.” Sabotage is a system of “divide and rule” that dismantles Africa. The root and sustainability of sabotage are caused by grandiosity (pretentiousness), self-love, ego, greed, covetousness, malice, and pride. Those under the influence of this spirit go as […]