As today’s biblical reading tells us, Christ will come with believers who are alive to meet the Lord Jesus Christ and spend eternity with Him. Many people, however, think that the Rapture is not real because they have heard about it for so long and it has not happened yet. Whatever someone thinks about the […]



“So far you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24 Jesus Christ said in the passage above that it is possible for you to be full of joy or to have perfect joy. In other words, He was saying that it […]

ATTRACTING MIRACLES. Tuesday, November 19.

ATTRACTING MIRACLES. Tuesday, November 19.

From time to time, in the Bible, you read stories of people who experienced “unexpected” miracles. For instance, in the Gospels, Jesus would be on His way somewhere, not intending to pray for anyone along the way, but somehow, someone would receive a miracle from Him. One of these individuals is the woman with the […]

WHEN GOD IS ON THE MOVE. Monday, November 18.

WHEN GOD IS ON THE MOVE. Monday, November 18.

When God is on the move, He dispenses miracles along His path. As you read the Bible, you will see many instances where this occurred. For example, in Genesis 18, He was on His way to Sodom, but along the way, He stopped at Abraham’s tent to perform a miracle. Also, in Luke 7:11-15, Jesus […]

FRIENDSHIP WITH GOD. Sunday, November 17.

FRIENDSHIP WITH GOD. Sunday, November 17.

God has many children, but as all parents know, there is always one child who is a favorite. Even if they don’t like to admit it, their relationship with that child goes beyond the usual parent-child dynamic; it often extends to friendship. Similarly, God not only wants you to be His child, but He wants […]

GENDER AND SEXUALITY 3. Saturday, November 16.

GENDER AND SEXUALITY 3. Saturday, November 16.

In conclusion of the teaching that I began on gender and sexuality, I would like to share an experience I had with you. A few years ago, I was in one of the Western countries preaching, and a reporter interviewed me about my views on same-sex marriage. I told the man who interviewed me that […]

GENDER AND SEXUALITY 1. Thursday, November 14 .

GENDER AND SEXUALITY 1. Thursday, November 14 .

We live in a world today where many are confused about their sexuality and gender. Some Christians are also confused about what to believe about this. Over the next few days, I will dig deep into Scripture to explain the truth about sexuality and gender.First of all, I would like to point out that God […]

A LIVING DEAD. Wednesday, November 13.

A LIVING DEAD. Wednesday, November 13.

“But she who lives in pleasure is dead while she lives.” 1 Timothy 5:6 Even though people who live for pleasure may seem to lead a normal life, the reality is that they are dead. This particular kind of people seek only worldly pleasures and have no self-control. In fact, they can be compared to […]

A FIRE KISS. Tuesday, November 12.

A FIRE KISS. Tuesday, November 12.

The lips are a very sensitive part of the human body. In Isaiah 6:6-7, when the angel wanted to help Isaiah, he placed a coal of fire on his lips. Even though it must have been very painful considering the sensitivity of the lips, the experience ensured that Isaiah became a transformed person. Nothing touches […]