Artificial intelligence towards human charismas.

Artificial intelligence towards human charismas.

“There is room for everyone on Earth: the entire human family must find the necessary resources to live properly thanks to nature itself, God’s gift to its children, and through the effort of its work and his creativity” (Benedict XVI, Caritas in veritate, 50). Another phenomenon, more profound than freelancing, has today come to strongly […]

The explosion of independent work.

The explosion of independent work.

The working man desires not only to receive the remuneration due to him for his work, but also to take into consideration, in the very process of production, the possibility for him to be aware that, even if he works in a collective property, he works at the same time “on his own account” (John […]

The question is more important than the answer.

The question is more important than the answer.

In any discussion around an initiative, a series of questions should arise in order to discern whether or not it will offer true integral development: for what? By what? Or? When? In what way? For who? What are the risks? At what cost? Who will pay the costs and how will they do it (Francis, […]

The humanity of design thinking.

The humanity of design thinking.

Taking this risk of innovation through individual and above all collective activity, even if it means overhauling a historic business model, is a bit like the ambition of design thinking. Design thinking is an approach to innovation based on co-creativity, which has become quite naturally essential in the development of the products and services of […]

Silicon Valley invented nothing, but illustrated everything.

Silicon Valley invented nothing, but illustrated everything.

“We can by ourselves constitute the community of men, but it can never be, by its own strength, a fully fraternal community nor exceed its own limits, that is to say become a truly universal community “(Benoît XVI, Caritas in veritate, 34). Behind the success of Silicon Valley lies an alchemy that many regions have […]

Develop Cooperation and Meetings.

Develop Cooperation and Meetings.

“Because love is rich in truth, man can understand it in the richness of its values, share it and communicate it. Truth is, in fact, lógos which creates a diá-logos and therefore a communication and a communion. By helping men to go beyond their opinions and their subjective sensations, the truth allows them to overcome […]

The company becomes the arbiter of public morality.

The company becomes the arbiter of public morality.

Indeed, in recent years, companies have taken up cultural and moral issues, and more and more often expressed a quasi-spiritual vision of what is good or bad on societal issues such as gender, diversity, change. climate change, immigration or women’s rights, to name just a few, promoting this morality in their internal manifestos, their advertising […]