The Cloak of the Holy Spirit.
Fullness and overflow are like a glass of water filled to the brim, with water spilling over its outer walls.
The rivers or springs of water that will flow from within you (John 4:14; 7:38) correspond to the streams of water flowing from the glass when water continues to flow into it. The rivers of living water correspond to the cloak of the Holy Spirit. It is the life-giving power that emanates from one whose thirst leads them to Jesus.
When you are dissatisfied and come to Jesus, He not only fills you but makes you a source that quenches others, by the power of His Spirit, by the cloak.
The Cloak of Authority
This cloak of the power of the Holy Spirit is similar to that of a police officer. As soon as he is in uniform, his environment changes; he manifests the authority of the state. Vehicles, which would have ignored him if he were in civilian clothes, submit to his authority upon seeing his attire. The uniform gives him the right to visibly carry a weapon and enforce the authority of the state wherever he is.
When God fills you and clothes you with His power, you emanate His authority; a most powerful authority. The one who channels their thirst towards Christ gains great power, great authority in the invisible world.
“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Revelation 19:7-8)
Your level of intimacy (child, son, or wife) corresponds to a spiritual garment. That of the wife is the most radiant, the most beautiful. Remember, when Adam and Eve lost glory in Eden, the invisible garment covering their nakedness disappeared, and they replaced it with fig leaves. There are different cloaks depending on your identity in Christ. The cloak of the wife is the most glorious.
The thirst that leads to the dimension of the Wife leads you to what you have lost, to the cloak of glory, beauty, and power. More than a police uniform that grants authority over men, the one who is clothed with the garment of the Wife receives authority over all of God’s creation. But beware, you will not receive the authority of the king, but the authority of the king’s wife. You receive authority as the wife of Christ.
For there is a difference between the authority of the king’s wife and the authority of the king. It is because Jesus had acquired this cloak mentioned in the Bible in Luke 4:14 that demons and nature submitted to Him, that the sea hardened so that the Son of God could make a road through it. The winds hushed, just by seeing His face. The cloak of the wife gives you authority over the creation of God.
The fish joyfully rushed into the net to which Jesus sent them. Before the cloak, Jesus was a natural man with no power; He only had the identity of the Son of God. But once clothed, nature became subject to Him. Indeed, when Jesus Christ came to earth, He stripped Himself of all His divinity (Philippians 2:6-8). If you channel your thirst towards Christ, He will also clothe you with your bride’s dress and then with that of the wife at the Church’s Rapture. The bride’s dress is already very powerful, revealing that you belong to Him as His future wife.
This text is an excerpt from the book “UNSATISFIED? Enter the dimension of the Bride of Christ” written by Mohammed SANOGO.
We invite you to read the following article “The Holy Spirit: the infinite God’s resource“.
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