The expression little faith.
What can we learn from the times when Jesus rebuked his disciples for their lack of faith, and from the examples of great faith that he also highlighted? “Man of little faith”. These words spoken by our Lord and Savior must have stung his disciples deeply. Hadn’t they given up everything to follow him? They had trusted him enough to abandon their careers and their security. They had seen his miracles and believed his teaching. However, Jesus was right. They still lacked faith; they needed to have more.
“You of little faith, why did you doubt? »
One of the most memorable miracles in the Bible is when Jesus walked on water. It was night, and the disciples were sailing on the Sea of Galilee, tossed by strong waves. Suddenly they saw someone walking on the water. This frightened them and they cried out. Jesus reassured them, saying: “It is I; do not be afraid ! » (Matthew 14:27). That’s when Peter said something I probably never would have thought of: “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the waters” (verse 28). Jesus said: “Come! » and “Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to go to Jesus. But seeing that the wind was strong, he was afraid; and, as he began to sink, he cried out: Lord, save me! Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and took him, and said to him: You of little faith, why did you doubt? » (Verses 29-31).
Let’s recognize that it took a certain amount of faith to get out on the water! Pierre had never been able to walk on water; therefore, he was demonstrating his confidence that Jesus had the power to enable him to do so. He demonstrated his faith… until… it was quickly disrupted by the violence of the wind. But Pierre knew who to contact in such a case. His faith may have been weak, but it was well-directed. “Why are you afraid, you of little faith? » The Sea of Galilee had also been the scene of another incident during which Jesus had reproached his disciples for lacking trust.
On this occasion, Jesus was in a boat. “And behold, there arose on the sea such a great storm that the boat was covered by the waves. And he was sleeping. The disciples came and woke him up, and said: Lord, save us, we are perishing! He said to them: Why are you afraid, you of little faith? Then he arose and rebuked the winds of the sea, and there was a great calm” (Matthew 8:24-26). In Luke 8:25, Luke quotes Jesus saying, “Where is your faith? ”, and in Mark 4:40, Mark quotes Jesus saying: “How do you have no faith? » Jesus knew their faith was growing, but he seemed to expect it to have grown more…
This text is an extract from the book “BE FILLED WITH BLESSINGS” written by Patrick DUCADY.
We invite you to read the following article “Harmonisation between God’s promises and blessings“.
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