The Holy Spirit, God’s infinite resource.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
The only resource, the only means that Jesus gave to His disciples so that they could conquer the world is the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not say, “You will receive a lot of money and you will be my witnesses!” He did not say that you will receive many relationships, means to be my witnesses, but only the Holy Spirit. Jesus Himself was clothed only with the Holy Spirit, and He conquered humanity. When you thirst, God gives you, as the only resource, the Holy Spirit.
Many times, I have let myself be seduced in the evangelistic crusades I organized, chasing after material resources, human relationships, and others to help me succeed in these campaigns. And every time I failed, the Lord reminded me: “I tell you, son, when you thirst for money, qualified men, resource… Seek me first, do not run after men, or after money, but seek me first, and I will give you the Holy Spirit.“
Indeed, every season of my life I am anxious about lacking certain resources to carry out certain projects. And God’s solution to my prayers is to seek even more the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the Holy Spirit is the resource that God grants to the dissatisfied. But His presence alone attracts all other resources. It is the Holy Spirit who will attract or lead you to the right people, it is the Holy Spirit who will attract the right material, spiritual resources. Money can get you a competent accountant, but money will not buy his heart. The Spirit, He, is capable of providing resources with quality at all levels.
The Spirit of God searches everything, knows everything, possesses all things. When you are dissatisfied, seek Christ who will fill you with the Holy Spirit, and clothe you with His robe. If it is money you need to carry out your projects, He will give it to you. If you need a place, He can either provide it through money or through a donation, etc.
My wife and I were dissatisfied with not having our own house, and at the same time there were many financial challenges to overcome at the church, with the most urgent being a large evangelistic campaign in Ivory Coast. As usual, I noticed how inadequate my savings were to meet all these challenges. And as usual, I came to Jesus. He said to me, “You need to enter into a new fullness of the Holy Spirit, because your burdens have increased and the level of anointing operating in you is insufficient to meet all these challenges ?“
So I sought the Holy Spirit, and He filled me with His presence and peace. A few days later, a brother from the church came to offer me a house, which he himself found small and gave me a second one. The Spirit of God had spoken to the heart of this real estate developer, who offered me two neighboring houses. At the same time, the church miraculously received the necessary resources, and even more, to support the crusade. It was one of our first crusades, where we came out significantly surplus.
Your flesh will always tend to offer you human and carnal solutions to quench your thirst; but this is why Jesus cried out, so that His voice would be heard above that of your flesh and human wisdom. When you are dissatisfied, come to Jesus to receive the Holy Spirit who will attract what you truly need.
This text is an excerpt from the book “UNSATISFIED? Enter the dimension of the Bride of Christ” written by Mohammed SANOGO.
We invite you to read the following article “The spiritual volume of the Christian“.
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