It is worth noting that men tend to forget (with some exceptions) negative or conflicting situations with their wives quite easily.

The Woman’s Perspective

A woman generally remembers everything that is said or done to her. This is one of the frequent points of disagreement in a couple. The husband has forgotten everything, while the wife has not forgotten and feels hurt. Over time, a sense of disgust toward intimacy can develop, as the woman might think, How could he talk to me or act like that, and now he wants affection at night?

The Man’s Perspective

On the other hand, the man has forgotten everything and wonders, “What’s wrong now?”

Solution to Improve the Situation

To avoid such situations, couples should implement a process of forgiveness as soon as possible to prevent going to bed with frustration and anger. It is written:

In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. — Ephesians 4:26-27

By doing so, the couple can heal and continue to thrive together. You see, simple biblical principles, when neglected, have the power to damage a couple’s relationship. This damage doesn’t occur all at once but gradually.

This is why, after several years, some couples separate or find themselves unable to tolerate each other—due to the accumulation of hurtful words and actions that were never resolved because there was no process of forgiveness. The key to forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools for maintaining harmony in a relationship.

Once the forgiveness process is in place, it is essential to strive not to repeat the same mistakes. Otherwise, the person you ask for forgiveness might feel mocked, believing you treat forgiveness as a game. Therefore, make an effort to work on yourself.

If your spouse is not a Christian and does not understand forgiveness, you must educate them by example. Thus, when you, as a Christian, say or do something wrong, muster the courage to ask for forgiveness. Over time, this way of acting will bear fruit.

This text is an excerpt from the book “Practical Guide to Christian Sexuality” written by Maryse-Abygaïl DANIEL.

We invite you to read the next article: Sexuality with Animals.”

A Couple’s Sex Life. A Couple’s Sex Life.

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