The Importance of Speaking According to the Word of God.
Dave and I had prayed to have a child. Our son, Daniel, was not an “accident”; we desired him. But after his birth, I let this life change affect me negatively. I wasn’t used to staying home for so long. Furthermore, I had gained a few pounds, and my skin had changed, as often happens after pregnancy. I saw myself as ugly and huge, and I despaired at the thought of staying that way. I was always in a bad mood. One morning, before leaving for work, Dave tried to cheer me up. He urged me not to react like that since I knew the truth. I made it clear to him that his response was irritating me. He retorted, and I took the opportunity to switch to another subject.
Finally, I had an excuse to do what I wanted to do for days: explode! My past was very negative. My words were negative, and my attitude was very deplorable towards everything and everyone, including myself. When I made a mistake or was wrong, I found it normal to think, “I can never do anything right… I’m really worthless… What I do is never good, never!” Alone at home after Dave left, as I fed Daniel in the kitchen, replaying the heated discussion in my mind, I entertained negative thoughts about myself: “It’s true, Joyce: you’re really worthless. And do you think studying the Word will get you out of this? Nothing can help you! You’ve been a disaster since you’ve been on earth, and you’ll remain so. Forget it… you’ll never solve your problems.”
Suddenly, I felt an evil and suffocating presence moving through the room towards me. It was so strong that it was almost visible. I immediately understood that a demonic spirit was going to attach itself to me because of what I kept telling myself. I thank the Lord for the Word that had been sown in my heart because, without even thinking twice, I started to speak it out loud, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. His blood covers me.” The evil presence retreated as it had come, and the atmosphere in the room lightened.
Needless to say, this experience instilled in me a holy fear; I grasped the importance of speaking words that align with the Word, especially about oneself! Every human being is naturally inclined to think negatively: “…the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth…” (Genesis 8:21). This natural tendency strengthens until we reverse this process. Since I started studying the Word, God has been working in me. He is teaching me not to think or speak negatively about myself; He is transforming my attitudes and ways of thinking. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7).
I urge you never to think or say anything negative about yourself. The answers to your prayers, what you receive from God, and the extent to which He can use you depend on the opinion you have of yourself. God wants to use you, but you must let Him. Let Him do it and believe that He has made you worthy to receive the good things He has reserved for you. Let Him do it and believe that you are capable of doing what He asks of you because He has made you capable. Speak only phrases that align with the Word of God.
This text is an excerpt from the book “How to Regain Confidence in Myself?” written by Joyce Meyer.
We invite you to read the following article “God’s Love Drives Out Insecurity.“
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