“If a man therefore purges himself from these things, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work.” (2 Timothy 2:21)
Some Christians are vessels of honor, while others are vessels for dishonorable use. The quality of the vessel someone represents is not determined by God but by the individual.
It is we who choose what we are in God’s eyes and in His hands. Our actions determine whether we become vessels of honor or vessels of dishonorable use. If you want to become a vessel of honor, God requires you to keep yourself pure. If you do not, you are a dishonorable vessel.
The word “pure” used by the Apostle Paul is profound. Generally, we define purity as something clean. However, purity goes beyond that. Purity is not simply the opposite of filthiness; it means something “without mixture.” For instance, if you squeeze orange juice and then mix it with apple juice, the resulting drink is not dirty, but it is no longer pure orange juice, nor is it pure apple juice.
When something is mixed with another that is not of its nature, the mixture loses the purity of the original elements. I emphasize again that not everything clean is necessarily pure. It is true that impurity can refer to an object containing waste or debris, but this impurity is primarily due to the presence of elements not of its nature.
When God asks us to keep ourselves pure to be vessels of honor in His hands, He means we must be free from all iniquity and without mixture.
We must not mix our divine communion with anything that is not of God’s nature. If you mix the Holy Spirit with a bit of yourself, you are no longer pure in any sense. It is no longer “pure” Holy Spirit; it is a cocktail of ideas, thoughts, human traits, and a bit of the Holy Spirit—a mixture. The purity God calls us to requires deeper transformation, particularly in our character. Being intimate with God demands keeping yourself pure by avoiding all kinds of mixtures in your life.
ACTION FOR THE DAY: I must examine my life to set aside everything that is not of divine nature in me. I reject all forms of mixtures, in Jesus’ name!
To meditate on: Ephesians 5:1-11
This text is an excerpt from the book “Daily Devotions 4: DEVELOPING INTIMACY WITH GOD (1)” written by Mohammed SANOGO.
We invite you to read the following article: “THE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF INTIMACY WITH GOD”.
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