The extent to which you add value to your work influences your victory over opposition. Excellence elevates you above your competitors.
“For the discernment of the best things, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.” Philippians 1:10
It is goodness, greatness, supremacy, and transcendence. It is taking everything you do beyond the norm. It is raising the bar in every area of your endeavors. Excellence is what gives you an edge over others. It is what gives you strength. It is ultimate accomplishment, fulfillment. It is taking the things you do beyond perfection to a level where they become almost incomparable.
You cannot consistently operate in excellence without being on the path to wealth creation. It is in this spirit that Daniel walked as a former slave in the spheres of Babylon.
“He appointed over them three administrators, including Daniel, to whom these satraps were to report so that the king would not suffer loss.” Daniel 6:2
Excellence is high esteem, broad scope, and wide-ranging impact. It is executing things with a sense of grandeur. It is improving upon what others have done. It is bringing luxury and quality to the point of inspiring prestige, renown, reputation, and superiority. In our world where competition is constant, only those who pursue high quality diligently stay ahead.
Excellence in itself is not a skill acquired but an attitude adopted. It is something you continuously do: a habit.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” – Aristotle, philosopher.
Excellence is not attained through training or habituation. It is not an innate virtue but a habit you commit to, and once acquired, you are on the path to wealth creation.
Someone once said, “Excellence can be achieved if you …care more than human wisdom dictates; …take risks beyond human standards of safety; …dream of more than what is considered practical; …hope for more than what others deem possible.“
Excellence continually challenges you to improve the quality of what you offer. It challenges you to always be the best even when the applause is still audible.
You cannot commit to excellence and not be on the path to wealth creation.
This text is an extract from the book “The 33 Irrevocable Laws of Wealth Creation” written by Matthew Ashimolowo.
We invite you to read the following article “THE LAW OF CONSISTENCY“.
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