Yet another way of calling on the hosts of heaven on your behalf is through the name of Jesus. When you invoke the name of Jesus, you trigger off the angels.
The Bible says, “Let all the angels worship him.” There-fore, at the mention of His name, they step in on the spot to do His pleasure. Also, as you call upon the name of Jesus in faith, a strong tower of angels is built around you. The Bible says, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Prov. 18:10).
In a situation where you cannot think clearly or remember any scripture, just invoke the name of Jesus.
There is no emergency under the sun that can over. come that name. A Christian was once involved in the world’s most ghastly plane crash. According to his tes-timony, as he called on the name of Jesus, he miraculously came out of the plane to safety through a hole, which was naturally impossible togo through, considering his size. His guardian angel pulled him out to safety when he invoked the mighty name of Jesus.
My wife and I were on a trip, when our car began to swerve off the road. My wife started saying, “In the name of Jesus” repeatedly. I told her that calling it once was enough, as all hell cannot contain the mention of that name. The car was still moving off course, but I declared boldly, “We will not hit the concrete”, and we did not. That is the attitude that gets your angels excited. It is your turn to engage them.
Jesus said that of anyone who is ashamed of Me and My Word, I will also be ashamed of him before My Father and His angels (Mk. 8:38). That means His angels respond to His name and Word. Do everything in the name of Jesus. Before you go to bed, say, “I go to bed now, in the name of Jesus.” Don’t say it quietly; say it loudly and boldly, then your angels will line up for action.
Friends, the angels are there for you to use in battle against the evil forces of wickedness. You have also been given the keys with which to release them. First you acquire knowledge, then you build up your confidence in God, you then pray them in, command them to action, and invoke their arrival by calling upon the name of Jesus. I would like you to believe God that with the angels on your side, the battle is over. When Gideon saw that an angel drew out his sword, he asked him, “Are you for us or against us?”
The angel replied, “I am here to finish the battle.” The angels are there to draw out their swords against all your adversaries. They are ever around you. They are flames of fire, riding upon horses and chariots of fire. Satan knows it, so use it against him.
Is there any area of life where you want to see your angels in action? Now call them on. I don’t want you to put it off till the future. Jesus said, “Don’t you know that if I pray my Father, He will give me presently..?” Do you want to see the visible, tangible angelic hand in your affairs? It is available now, so call them in!
Young men and women looking for their marriage spouses, the angels will bring them to you. They will organize the restoration of every broken home and ensure the re-awakening of every drowning business. The angels will roll away every stone that has, hitherto, locked you inside a cave, and turn every fire burning around you to coolness. They will also shut the mouth of every lion about to swallow you up, in the name of Jesus.
Begin now to prophesy angelic presence, angelic operations and angelic intervention in all your affairs…
This text is an extract from the book “WINNING THE INVISIBLE BATTLES” written by David O. Oyedepo.
We invite you to read the following article “JUST IN THE FORM OF A MAN“.
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